Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 21, 2007, Page 12, Image 12

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Februaiy 21, 2007
Public Notice
Worksystems, Inc. ( WSI), on behalf of the N/NE Portland Enterprise
Zone Workforce Development Contributions Committee, is soliciting
applications for projects that provide quality workforce training
opportunities for Enterprise Zone residents. Approxim ately
$197,000 is available. The funds can be used for employment
preparation, pre-employment training, employer new hire support
s e rv ic e s , cu s to m ize d w o rk fo rc e tra in in g , and jo b s k ills
enhancement. WSI and the committee seek community-based
organizations, educational institutions, and/or businesses
interested in providing services that will develop a better-prepared
workforce that is more responsive to employer needs.
The Request for Proposal (RFP) will be available on the WSI website
at www.worksvstems.org . A Bidders conference will be held at
3:00 p.m. on March 7.2007 at the Metro Auditorium, PCCat 5600
NE. 42,|,J Street.
Deadline to apply: 5:00 PM, April 16, 2007.
For additional information please contact Karen Shawcross at WSI
at 503.478.7357, kshawcross @worksystems.org.
Worksystems, Inc. Is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids
and services are available upon request to Individuals with disabilities.
Portland Community College
Portland Community College is currently accepting applications for the following full-time faculty
positions tor academic year 2007/2008
To obtain complete posilion details and to apply online tor these and all PCC jobs, visit our website
http://jobs.pcc.edu or contact PCC Staff Employment: (503) 978-5857;TTY: (503) 978-5878. As an
Affirmative Action, Equal Employment Opportunity institution. PCC actively seeks qualified minori­
ties. women, and individuals with disabilities to enhance its work force and to reflect the diversity
ol its student body.
Request for Proposals #06-26
RiverPlace Parcel 8 and Parcel 3
February 1 9 ,2 0 0 7
The Portland Development Commission (PDC) invites proposals
from Development Teams interested in purchasing RiverPlace
Parcel 8 and executing a development that addresses the criteria
described in the RFP. The selected Development Team will have
the opportunity for a First Right of Offer on RiverPlace Parcel 3.
Parcels 8 and 3 are the last remaining vacant parcels within the
a w a rd -w in n in g 73 acre R ive rP la ce w a te rfro n t planned
development in downtown Portland, Oregon.
The full RFP may be obtained by telephone or FAX request to:
Charlie Baad
Portland Development Commission
222 NW Rfth Avenue
Portland OR 97209-3859
Phone: 5 0 3 -8 2 3 -2 5 9 5
Fax: 50 3-823-3368
Or downloaded from the PDC web site at
Proposals must be submitted no later than 4:00 PM, April 6,2007
Contractors who are certified as Minority, Women or Emerging Small
Business are strongly encouraged to apply. Contractors are also
recommended to utilize Minority, Women, and Emerging Small
Business Enterprises for their subcontracting needs. Portland
Development Commission greatly values diversity in contracting and
in the workforce, and encourages its contractors to do the same.
The Tacoma Housing Authority (THA) is soliciting Proposals (Quotes)
from qualified testing services contractors to assist THA with
construction testing and monitoring on an on-call basis, during our
next two phases of construction at our Salishan development.
Selected Contractor(s) will be on-call for specific projects / tasks
as they arise. The testing and construction monitoring services, in
general terms, may include, but will not be limited to the following:
• Geotechnical and Other Professional Engineering
• Engineering Technical Support/ General Special Inspection
• Soils Testing/Compaction Testing
• Construction QAQC
• Report Writing
The Testing Services Contractor selected for this role will contract
with Tacoma Housing Authority and inspect the infrastructure, civil
and structural work of all contractors working directly or indirectly
for THA in the Salishan development.
Copies of the RFQ may be obtained at the THA Administration Office
located at 902 South L Street. Tacoma, WA 98405. To request a
copy of the Proposal Package, please contact Karen Kelley at (253)
207-4409 OR kkelley@tacomahousing.org.
THA is an Equal Opportunity Employer. It does not discriminate and
does not do business with others who discriminate on the basis of
race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, familial status,
disability, marital status, ancestry, sexual orientation or gender
identity in the employment or provision of services. THA is a Public
Housing Agency and does not operate under the guidelines
stipulated for Indian Housing Authorities. Approved for publication
by Michael Mirra, Executive Director.
C lassified / B id
Portland State
Development Opportunities
at Portland State University
Located in downtown Portland,
PSU is Oregon's largest and most
diverse university and is nationally
recognized for innovative and
“e n g a g e d ’’ a p p ro a ch e s to
teaching, research, and outreach.
PSU is se e kin g de velop m e n t
professionals for three full-time
°<FCO ^
$2,943 - $3,578/ month
Closes March 5, 2007
$2,816 - $3,428 per month
Closes March 5, 2007
Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503)
846-4898 for information or see
o ur w e b site : www.co.washing
ton.or.us County application and
supplemental application forms
required. Women, minorities, and
pe op le w ith d is a b ilitie s are
encouraged to apply.
Washington County Human
Resources Division
155 N. First Avenue, Suite 270
Hillsboro, OR 97124
Economic Opportunity
Program Coordinator
The E co n o m ic O p p o rtu n ity
Program C o o rd in a to r in the
Bureau of Housing & Community
D e ve lo p m e n t is re s p o n sib le
working on behalf of Portland's
very low-income households to
broaden access to family wage
jobs, small business development
a s s is ta n c e and th e su p p o rt
services necessary to address any
b a rrie rs to su c c e s s. D uties
in clu d e c o n d u c tin g program
trackin g, an alysis and report
preparation; planning, organizing,
managing, economic opportunity
initiatives and ensuring program
results are communicated back
to community stakeholders and
other reporting entities. Additional
duties in developing strategic
partnerships, managing initiative
c o n tra c ts ; e s ta b lis h in g and
m a in ta in in g s tro n g w o rk in g
relationships with and providing
te c h n ic a l
a s sis ta n c e
contractors, service providers;
s ta ff and c o n tra c to rs ; and
coordinating events, m eetings
and activities. Experience in
poverty re duction , w ork force
development, micro enterprise
d e ve lo p m e n t, and a so cia l
ve n tu re b u sin e ss m odel is
strongly preferred. This is a part-
time (32 hour) position.
A p p ro xim a te M o n th ly S a la ry
Range: $4,534 - $6,047
Application deadline is 4:30 PM,
Monday, February 26, 2007
Director of Major .Gifts, Office of
University Development
Fur contracting opportunities with the City o f Portland and
for valuable information on how to do business w uh the
City, please log on to the Bureau o f Purchases Web Page:
w w w.portlandonlinc.com,'«mPpurchasing
C ity o f P o r tla n d
B u re a u o f P u rc h a s e s
I5 2 II S W F ifth A v e , R o om 7 50. Portland O R 9 7 2 (H
5 0 3 -8 2 3 -6 X 5 5
The Director of M ajor Gifts is
re s p o n sib le
fo r
se c u rin g
donations to PSU with a focus on
gifts of at least $25,000. The
position is externally focused
toward identifying, cultivating,
soliciting, and stewarding donors
and potential donors to PSU.
Director of External Relations,
Maseeh College of Engineering
and Computer Science
M aseeh
C o lle g e
E n g in e e rin g and C o m p u te r
S cien ce D ire cto r o f E xtern al
Relations is responsible for a
c o m p re h e n sive program of
philanthropic support including
annual, major, corporate and
planned giving programs.
Associate Athletic D irector of
D evelopm ent, D epartm ent of
The Associate Athletic Director of
Development is responsible for
raising funds through major and
planned gifts, annual giving, and
corporate and foundation gifts
and grants, along with developing
and m a n a g in g th e a th le tic
department's external relations
The Next Stage
because talented people
a lw a y s le a d th e p a c k .
For more than 150 years, Wells Fargo has understood the importance of hiring
and retaining a diverse workforce. Today, we have 151,000 diverse team members
working across a variety of business lines and geographies. And our diverse future
is bright. Why? Because we’re focusing on recruiting, training, and retaining the
best and brightest people - our most important asset - todav. If you’re looking for
a career at one of the nation’s most admired and respecteu financial institutions,
look no further.
Call Center Supervisor
Are you passionate about coaching and mentoring your team to success? If you
are a proven leader, committed to developing the skills and abilities o f each team
member, this could lie the opportunity you have been looking for. In this position
you w ill he responsible for the day-to-day supervision of a ream o f Collections
Representatives. The successful candidate w ill have 1-2 years o f experience
supervising a team of 10 or more staff members and the ability to manage multiple
projects in a fast paced environment.
We otter Excellent Pay and Benefits including:
• Competitive salary & incentive plan
• 10% pay premium for evening &, weekend shifts
• 4 weeks of paid time off
• Medical, Dental & Vision (.overage
• 401 (k) Plan & Pension Plan
• Tuition Reimbursement
For more information about this exciting opportunity, please call Debbie at
503-614-5702 or ai
‘ on line today at: www.vvcllsfargo.com/careers, searching
“ 3115287.
by requisition #311
Run w ith a leader. Run w ith us.
For a p p lic a tio n in fo rm a tio n ,
including required qualifications,
please visit w w w .hrc.pdx.edu
under "faculty and administrative
PSU is an Affirmative Action, EEO
institution, and in keeping with
th e
P re s id e n t's
d iv e rs ity
initiatives, welcomes applications
from diverse candidates and from
candidates who support diversity.
Well« l ^rgu it. M« A fltm w jiY f Action and lu ju .il O ppnrtuHity Eroployti M i
Ws/ < ÿ M h ÿ ÿ
City of Albany
Community Development
$3,212-$5,642/ mo depending
on # of OR certifications
If you are interested in joining an
o utstan din g departm ent with
To learn more about this position,
exceptional personnel in a fast
or to apply online, visit our website
paced, exciting environment, visit
at www.ci.portland.or.us/jobs/ or
www.cityofalbany.net for more
pickup an application at 1120 SW
details about this position, the
5th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204
City, & e m ploye e b e n e fits .
A p p lic a n ts m ust have the
I’ rov idem e Health System
necessary experience and/or
education to obtain m ultiple
We're seeking exceptional individuals Oregon inspection certifications,
for exciting career opportunities!
good general knowledge of the
Whether your professional skills operations of city government as
are in fin a n c ia l s e rvic e s or it relates to property inspection
nursing; medical records or facility services, and knowledge of codes
m ain te nan ce; a d m in istra tive and re g u la tio n s g o ve rn in g
s u p p o rt
h e a lth c a re development, new construction,
management, consider a career zo n in g ,
p ro p e rty
w ith P ro vid e n ce ! V is it our maintenance. To apply: visit or
Employment Center at 1235 NE call the Albany State Employment
47th Avenue, or view current Office at 139 4th Ave. SE, Albany,
opportunities and apply online OR 97321, (541) 967-2171 Ext.
to d a y! w w w .p ro vid e n c e .o rg / 301. A p p ly by: 5 :00 p.m .,
Monday, March 19,2007. AA/EEO
These are just a few of the current job openings available with the State of Oregon.
A more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional job
information are available at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or b) the
Oregon jobs page at: www.oregonjobs.org. The State of Oregon offers employees
competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits that includes
employer paid health insurance; paid holidays, vacation, sick and
n- o
personal leave; membership in the Oregon Public Service Retirement
Plan (OPSRP): and opportunities to participate in the Oregon
Savings Growth Plans. The State of Oregon and all its divisions are
proud to be equal opportunity employers.
'• * *
ODOT People drive Oregon's Department of Transportation If great benefits, a professional
work environment job innovation, and career growth opportunity dnve you, then come to ODOT
• Asst Audit Manager
Salary: $4,265 - $6,598/month
Announcement ffOCDT7O47 Salem
• Senior External Auditor
Salary: $3,520 - $5,180/month
Announcement 40CDT7050 Salem
• Contract Coordinator
Salary: $3,672 - $5,365/month
Announcement ffOCDT7OO6 Salem
• Drafter
Salary: $2.980 - $4,470/montb
Announcement 40CDT6209 Portland
• Traffic Signal Control Specialist
Salary: $3,287 - $4,932/month
Announcement #0C0T7110 Salem
• Region 3 Traffic Manager
Find c u rre n t jo b openings and apply o n lin e at:
Salary: $4,265 - $6,598/month
Announcement »OCDT718O White City
• Project Delivery Manager
Salary: $5,441 $8.415/month
Announcement 40CDT6694 Portland
SAIF Corporation, O regon's leading w o rk e rs '
co m pen sation in sura nce pro vid e r, has been
h e lp in g w o rk e rs and businesses in Oregon
fo r m o re than 90 years.
We are co m m itte d to h irin g and re ta in in g
em ployees w ho re p re se n t O regon's ethnic,
c u ltu ra l, and g e o graphic diversity.
• Operations & Policy Analyst 3
Salary: $3,848 - $5,63tymonth
Announcement »OCDT7OO5 Salem
• Space Planner
Salary: $3,044 - $4,437/month
Announcement #0C0T7122 Salem
• Freight Mobility Specialist
Salary: $3.809 $5,713/month
Announcement AOCDT7164 Salem
• Design Build Program Manager
Salary: $4,061 - $5,996/month
Announcement #OCDT7109 Salem
• Operations & Policy Analyst:
Driver Programs
Salary: $3,847 $5,630/month
Announcement 40C0T7154 Salem
Building Careen, Bridging the Future.
Detailed job announcements include qualifications, requirements, and instructions on how to
apply for these jobs. Go to www odotjobs.com for a complete copy or call 503-9864030 (TTY
503 9863854) to request by mail ODOT is proud to operate as an equal opportunity, affirmative
action empkher Announcements will be made available in alternate format upon request: 1503)
3786202, TTY 1-8069938898.
An E qual O p p o rtu n ity E m p lo y e r