______ ^'Pnrtianb (lìbscrt.er Black History Month February 21. 2007 Page B3 Mayor Potter & the Portland City Council Host a Forum B lack H istory M onth You arc invited to an interactive Citywide Budget Forum! Please come share your feedback about current budget requests! (Try Council will participate in the round robin discussions and want to hear from you! The forum will also feature a Community Fair! "FREEDOM i R ID E j Thursday, February 22 6 :0 0 -6 :3 0 PM C o m m u n ity F a ir 6 :3 0 -8 3 0 PM B u d g e t F o ru m C le v e la n d H ig h S ch o o l 3400 SE 26 lh A ven ue CORE Next Citywide Community Budget Forum Thursday, February 22, 6:30-8:30 PM Cleveland High School www.portlandonline.com/communitybudqet Pins °‘,he Civil Rights Movement All locations are ADA accessible For more info & childcare/interpretation inquiries, call 823-5288 Special needs: call 823-4519 in advance. TDD: 823-6868 Easily-made, low-cost pins were the badges and insignia o f the Southern Freedom Movement. Though they were cheap to make, the price o f wearing one could be high. In many places throughout the South, wearing a Movement pin in public irrevocably marked you fo r good or ill. It was an act o f courage and be undone. ------------------ ----------------------------------------- INVESTING IN YOU HAKIM JONES FINANCIAL ADVISOR FINANCIAL PLANNING ASSOCIATE Investing has as much to do with the quality of the rela­ tionship with your advisor as it does with the quality of your portfolio. As a Financial Advisor for Smith Barney. I take great care in working closely with you, learning your objectives and helping you achieve your goals. 1 RM R WHITE AGITATOR Call me to learn more about stocks, bonds, lending and a host of financial planning services. 805 SW Broadway Portland, OR 97205 (503) 221-7600 or (800) 547-1526 www.fa.smithbarney.com/hakimjones citigroupj S mith B arney © 2006 Citigroup Global Markets Inc. Member SIPC. Smith Barney is a division and service mark of Citigroup Global Markets Inc. and its a ffili­ ates and is used and registered throughout the world. CITIGROUP and the Umbrella Device are trademarks and service marks of Citigroup Inc. or its affiliates and are used and registered throughout the world. Compassion. Community. Commitment For every Portland police officer, there is a story... "I can't imagine not being able to go into a restaurant or use a public bathroom or water fountain or even being able to sit in the front of a bus. I never had to go through that, but my family often talked about times when that was going on. I know that Willie Halliburton would have been a difficult situation D e te c tiv e for me to handle if I had to do things "To make com m unity policing work, it's im portant that we m irror our com m unity. Therefore, we have to be aggressive in recruiting m inorities and women so that we reflect the com m unities we serve." like give up my seat because of the color of my skin." TRAIL BLAZERS COACH nate M c M illan A DURING THE GARFIELD DE BAROELABEN. Ph. D. MR. REN BERRY First African American licensed to practice psychology in Oregon. Arts advocate responsible lor “ Keep Living the Dream" annual trib u te to Dr Martin Luther King, It. Join us and write the next chapter. ATTORNEY GREGORY GRUDER . 30 years Human and Civil Rights experience as civil rights attorney and mentor. REVEREND ALCENA BOOZER MR. ANTONIO HARVEY Educator tor 26 years in Portland and community advocate tor more than 40 years A champion in advocating for underserved youth and his work m Mississippi post-Katrina HONORABLE ANCER HAGGERTY First African American to hold the post of Chief Judge ot the U S District Court tor OR For ticket info and to find out how the Trail Blazers are celebrating Black History Five reasons to join us: • Excellent pay and benefits. • Lots of assignments and promotional opportunities. • Excellent training programs. • Rewarding career. • A reliable retirement plan. Contact: Officer Larry Anderson 1111 SW 2nd Ave., Ste. 1542 Portland, OR 97204 503-823-0473 landersonv” portlandpolice.org Application deadline for the next entry and lateral police officer test is June 25,2007 visit trailblazers com or call 503 797 9600 Apply online: www.joinportlandpolice.com