4 PaSeB2 (Dbaerucr Black History Month____________________ Fcbruaiy 21, 2007 B lack H istory M onth Community Educators Honored at Budge Builders Celebration Black History Month isaspe- cial time set aside to reflect on and revel in the many awesome contributions African Ameri­ cans have made in this country. In that vain the Bridge Builders organization is hosting an excit­ ing celebration in honor of our youth and the educators who help propel them to excellence. The event will be on Friday, Feb. 23 at the University of Portland's Buckley Auditorium, 500« N. Willamette Blvd. A stirring one hour program will begin at 7 p.m. The event is free and open to the public. Nine local African Americans who are retired from or working in several aspects of the educa­ tion field will be recognized dur­ ing the celebration. They are Renee Anderson, mathematics instructor. Grant High School; Moses Davis, electronics/com- puter instructor, Benson High School; Pam Gaines, retired el­ em entary school instructor, Irvington School; Dr. Charles Hopson, principal, Franklin High Fred M eyer School; Toni Hunter, principal. Grant High School; Carolyn M. Leonard, educational adminis­ trator, Portland Public Schools; Fred Jackson, retired adminis­ trator, Portland Public Schools; Regina Davis, student resource specialist for the Gateway to College Program at Portland Community College; and Jesse Welch, director. College Pro­ grams for the College Success Foundation. The Bridge Builders is a non­ profit African-based rites of pas­ sage program for young men and women in the Portland metro area. It focuses youth on spiri­ tual, cultural and intellectual development, as well as suc- cess in college, the military or technical school. More than 97 percent o f the hundreds o f Bridge Builderalumni have gone on to colleges locally, regionally and across the nation. For more information, cal I the organization's information line at 5 0 3 -3 0 6 -2 9 6 0 or v isit thebridgebuilders.org. B lack H istory M onth R eading List Too Heavy A Load: Black Women In Defense of Themselves - Deborah Gray White The River Between - Ngugi wa Thiong'o A Grain Of Wheat - Ngugi wa Thiong’o D iversity is valued a t F red M eyer because o f the perspectives, ideas, beliefs, a n d cultures Forbidden Fruit: Love Stories From The Underground Railroad - Betty DeRanius th a t combine to create an organisation greater than the sum o f its p arts. P rotidw g a workplace th a t encourages a ll associates to develop their abilities a n d reach their f u l l Seize The Time - Bobby Seale (co-founder of the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense) p o ten tia l is our never-ending goal. O u r inclusive work, culture is one th a t welcomes and includes the strengths o f associates' differences a n d supports involiem ent, giving everyone equal access to opportunities a n d information. Too Black Too Strong - Benjamin Zephaniah The (Mis)Education of The Negro - Carter G. Woodson (founder of Black History Week and Month) We are also seeking candidates for our Summer Internship Program at our Main Headquarters in Portland, OR! Interns will experience how a major retailer operates from all angles by gaining a clear understanding of business & merchandise management, customer service, & associate team building! Qualifications Include: Junior year standing with a 3.0 GPA or higher, graduating by December 2007 or summer 2008, a Business, Liberal Arts, or related field of study, and be eligible to work in the U.S. now and on a permanent basis after graduation. Compensation/Schedule: $12.00/hour, 40 hour work week, 11 week program (June-August/September). For more information or to apply for an internship contact: Tiffany M. Brandreth Diversity Initiatives Coordinator Black Bolshevik: Autobiography of an Afro-American Communist - Harry Haywood Assata — Assata Shakur Black Looks: Race and Representation - Bell Hooks BLACK LOOKS race and representation If They Come In The Morning -A n g ela Davis Revolutionary Integration: A Marxist Analysis of African American Liberation - Richard S. Fraser and Tom Boot But Some of us are Brave: All the Women are White, all the Blacks are Men: Black Women’s Studies - Gloria Hull, Barbara Smith and Patricia Bell Scott 3800 SE 22nd Ave Mailstop 35H Portland, OR 97202 (503) 797-7663 tiffany.brandreth@fredmeyer.com Coming of Age in Mississippi -A n n e Moody Memory of Kin: Stories About Family by Black Writers - Edited by Mary Helen Washington bell hooks When and Where I Enter: The Impact of Black Women on Race and Sex in America - Paula Giddings From Black Power to Hip Hop: Racism, Nationalism and Feminism - Patricia Hill Collins Revolutionary Integration: A Marxist Analysis of African American Liberation - Richard Fraser and Tom Boot Women - Race and Class - Angela Davis How to Rent a Negro - Damali Ayo Black Like Us: A Century of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual African American Fiction - Edited by Devon Carbado, Dwight McBride, and Donald Weise K li JIIL SHE Create great memories by starting a career Oregon D ep artm en t o f Transportation at C-TRAN. Please call (360)906-7491 or visit us at www.c-tran.com. ODOT IS KEEPING OREGON ON THE MOVE C-TRAN is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diverse workforce and guided Interstate 5 Is under construction! by an Affirmative Action Program. Be safe, be prepared and be patient as the Oregon Departm ent of Transportation repairs and modernizes our highways and bridges. T W E N T YPO W 0 Y E A R S Drivers will pass through more than 20 active construction zones on I-5 between Portland and Medford in 2007. In the SLOW DOWN! BETTER ROADS AHEAD I Portland metro area, crews are currently replacing two highway bridges outside Wilsonville and will begin a project between Capital Highway and the Tualatin River this spring. How can you prepare? Stay informed with up-to-the-minute information about traffic and construction by visiting TripCheck.com or calling 5-1-1. 1