Page A7 February 7, 2007 Black, Latino Youth Look to Future Finds optimism despite discrimination (A P ) — D ecad es a fte r the civil rights m o v e m e n t's g reatest victo ries, black and L atin o youth often see a w o rld rife w ith d iscrim in atio n , a new survey says. A nd y et they rem ain o p tim istic about th eirch an ces for affecting social change. R esearch ers at the U n iv ersity o f C h i­ cago, w ho w ere releasin g the study say their fin d in g s also show that these youth are co m p lex w hen it co m es to such issues as sex e d u catio n and h ip -h o p m usic. It found, for instance, that w h ile 58 percen t o f black y o u th say they listen to rap m usic ev ery day . the m ajority o f them also think its videos are too violent an d often portray black w om en in an o ffensive w ay. T he survey, w hich researchers call the Black Y outh Project, d etails the resp onses o f nearly 1,600 black. L atino an d w hite participants, ages 15 to 25, from several M idw estern cities. T h e ir resp o n ses d o n ’t alw ays paint a rosy picture about m in o ritie s' view o f the country. M ore than h a lf o f A frican-A m erican an d L atino resp ondents said they b e­ lieve go v ern m en t o fficials care very little about them , w hile 44 percent o f w hite youth said the sam e. Just over h a lf o f black youth also w ere the m ost likely to feel th eir edu catio n w as, on average, poorer than that o f w hite youth. A bout a third o f w hites agreed w ith that statem ent. A nd 61 percent o f A frican- A m erican s w ho w ere su rv ey ed said they feel held back by discrim ination. W hile they see m any social problem s in the w orld, the survey indicated teens and young adults are optim istic about their chances o f chan g in g things for the b etter. A large m ajority o f youth in the su r­ vey believe, for instance, that they can m ake a d ifference by participating in politics — w ith 79 percent black and w hite youth and 77 percent o f L atino youth saying they feel that w ay. T h e y 're also using th eir spending po w er through “bu y co tts” — buying products because they like a c o m p a n y ’s social o r political values. A q u a rte r o f black youth said th e y ’d p articipated in a buycott in the last 12 m onths, w hile 23 percent o f w hite youth and 20 percent o f H ispanic youth said the sam e. A bout a third o f black and H ispanic youth th ought drugs, v iolence, gangs and crim e w ere problem s in their n eig h ­ b orhoods, co m p ared w ith 10 percent o f w hite youth; 59 percent o f w hite yo u th report re­ ceiving care from a private doctor, w hile 4 0 p ercent o f A frican -A m erican youth and 39 percent o f H ispanic youth say the sam e; 81 percent o f w hite youth, 79 percent o f H ispanic youth and 76 percent o f black youth disag ree w ith the g o v e rn ­ m ent funding ab stinence-only ed u ca­ tion; 76 p e rc e n t o f A fric a n -A m e ric a n youth, 74 percent o f H ispanics and 68 percent o f w hites think co n d o m s should be provided at high schools. her own childhood overw helm her. She struggles to reconcile being forced as a young girl to leave Cuba at the dawn o f Fidel Castro's rule with her own respon­ sibilities as a m other facing the uncertain future for her own children. Poignant and thought-provoking, this m oving ac­ count o f tw o intertw ined family dram as exam ines the lengths parents must go in order to keep their children safe. T ickets are $17 to $20 and can be purchased online at m or by calling 503-236-7253. Young Sonia is distressed to learn from her parents that she is about to be sent from Cuba to the United States as part o f Operation Pedro Pan. Pictured (clockwise from top) Robert Projansky, Courtney Davis and Kimberly Howard. Portland State U niversity and the G uatem alan C onsu­ late will host a free lecture and com m unity forum on im m i­ gration issues on M onday, Feb. 12 at 6 p.m. at the Native Am erican Student and C om ­ munity Center, 71 OS. W. Jack- son. The forum and lecture is an opportunity for PSU and the com m unity to meet G uatem a­ lan leaders and learn about the im m igrant experience from their perspective. The event is part o f a three day visit by the G uatemalan Consulate. ARE YOU EASILY DISTRACTED, IMPULSIVE, OR FIDGETY? Cultural, Politic Forces Collide in ‘Sonia Flew’ The local Hispanic M iracle Theatre G roup presents the play “Sonia Flew’’ through Feb. 27 at M ilagro Theatre, 525 S.E. Stark St., with projected subtitles in Spanish during Sunday m atinees on Feb. 11 and Feb. 18. Set betw een post-revolutionary Cuba and p o st-9 /11 A m erica, "Sonia Flew" telescopes the large cultural and political forces o f an historical m om ent to show their im pact on the intim ate lives of ordinary men and women. Sonia is a C uban-A m erican woman sm uggled as a child out of Cuba and into the U nited States as part o f Operation Pedro Pan. Now a successful public defender, she lives w ith her Jew ish husband and their tw o children in M in­ neapolis. W hen Sonia learns o f her son’s deci­ sion to leave college, enlist in the military and fight against terror in A fghanistan in the w eeks follow ing 9/11. m em ories of Immigrant Issues Addressed Would you also like to quit smoking? We are looking for smokers, 18-55 years old, who: 1) have symptoms like being easily distracted, impulsive, or fidgety, 2) OR have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), AND would like to quit smoking. This research will study the medication Concerta-” to see if it helps people stop smoking by reducing symptoms of ADHD. There are no costs to participate in the study and you will be reimbursed for your time if you qualify and participate. For more information or to join this research study, call the Center for Health Research at: 1 -866-450-4940 toll-free 503-335-6613 locally Price Increases for Basic Foodstuffs (AP) -- Some 75,000 unionists, farmers and leftists marched in Mexico City to protest price in­ creases in basic foodstuffs like tor­ tillas, adirect challenge totheirnew president's market-oriented eco­ nomic policies blamed by some for w idening the gulf between rich and poor. Since taking office Dec. 1 after a disputed election. President Felipe Calderon has drawn his greatest criticism for failing to control the largest price spike in tortillas in decades. Tortillas are a staple of poor M exicans’ diet. The national uproar has put him in an uncomfortable position be­ A man holds ears o f corn during a demonstration in Mexico City tw een th e p o o r and som e against the rising price of corn, the staple food o f low income agribusiness industries hoping to Mexicans. profit from the surge in interna­ ethanol industry. return to direct price controls en­ tional com prices, driven mostly by A free-market advocate. Calder­ forced by many former Mexican the sudden explosion of the U.S. on has said he does not want to presidents. The G ram m y nom inated Latin rock and dance band Los A m igos Invisibles will perform in Portland at the Aladdin Theater, 3017 S.E. M ilw aukie Ave. on Sunday, Feb. 11. D oors open at 7 p.m. and the concert begins at 8 p.m. Los A m igos Invisibles has becom e proud music am bassadors for their native Venezuela. The group is hailed as one o f the most exciting live bands in the Latin Members of the Latin rock and dance band alternative genre. 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Available at your local bookstore or from Dianetics Foundation, 709 SW Salmon St. Portland, OR. 97205 Phone 503.228.0116 • Free shipping • All orders shipped within 24 hours © 2004 BPi AH Rights Reserved D IA N I TKS I» a trademark and sendee mark owned by Religious technology Center and is used with its permission. This research is being conducted by the Oregon ( ’enter for Applied Science. Inc. with funding from the National Institutes o f Health. There are no sales or marketing lists involved.