Page A6 ilK |J n rtk iu b (Ohacruvr F ood Black History Month February 7, 2007 To honor Black History M onth and the heritage o f our community, the Portland Observer respectfully requests fam ily recipes that have been passed down through generations. The Black History' Month ~ Community Recipe Collection ’ will be published throughout the month o f February. Email SharonS@portlandobserver.eom (with Subject: Recipes ~ Black History Month). Cornmeal Fried Catfish & Creole Remoulade Ingredients ingredients, use a whisk and mix thoroughly. • • • • • • • • • 2. Heat oil in a 12-inch cast iron skillet to a 35OF degrees. Line a plate with several layers o f paper towels; set aside. */2-cup yellow cornm eal V^-cup all-purpose flour 2-tsp. ground cayenne pepper 1-tsp. paprika I-Tbs. salt 1-tsp. pepper 6-cups vegetable oil, for frying 2-lbs. cattish fillets, cut into strips Lem on wedge 3. Use a paper towel to blot the fish pieces dry. Season on all sides with salt and pepper and then dredge them in the cornm eal m ixture, m aking sure to cover all sides. T ap fish pieces against your palm to shake o ff the excess. Instructions 1. In a shallow bowl, com bine first six "This is a favorite at fam ily celebrations. I remember as a small child asking what’s fo r supper and Momma would wink and say 'just a little sweetie-pie ” Ingredients for life.. 4. Fry fish in batches, turning once, until deep golden brown and crisp on the outside with a flaky inside, about six m inutes total. Rem ove the fish from pan with a slotted spatula to the paper-tow el-lined plate to drain. W hile it’s still hot season well w ith salt. Serve with lemon w edges and rem oulade. SAFEWAY © R A N C H E R 'S --Subm itted by Cynthia W illiam son, Portland m ' ' m Sweet Onion Potato Pie, aka “Sweetie-Pie” Ingredients • • • • • • • • 8 cups shredded hash browns, thaw ed if using frozen 6 Tbs. butter, divided 34 tsp. salt, divided I cup sweet onion, diced *4 cup sweet red peppers, chopped 1 cup cheddar cheese, shredded 3 eggs, lightly beaten l/3-cupm ilk Rancher's Reserve Angus Beef Loin New York Strip Steak Lean Ground Beef EX1 REME VA Bone-in. SAVE up to $4.00 lb. L 1UE J 80% Lean. 20% Fat. SAVE up to $1.50 lb V Directions 1. G ently squeeze potatoes to re­ move excess water. Melt 5 Tbs. butter; add to potatoes along with */2 tsp. salt. Press in bottom and up sides o f a greased 9-inch pie plate to form a crust. Bake at 425F de­ grees for 25 to 30 minutes or until edges are browned. Cool to room temperature. 2. Inasaucep an o v erm ed iu m h eat saute the onion and red pepper in rem aining butter until tender, about 6-8 m inutes. Spoon into crust; sprinkle with cheese. Com bine the eggs, milk and rem aining salt, pour over onion mixture. 3. Bake at 35( )F degrees for 2() to 25 m inutes or until a knife inserted near the center com es out clean. Let stand five m inutes before serving. R an ch er's R eserve Angus B eef Round Tip Roast BUY ONE, GET 0 * 1 Lobster T ail 5-02 Frozen SAVE up to $ 1 3 9 9 on 2 Boneless. Cap off SAVE up lo $ 2 .2 0 lb. Aunt Betty's Banana Pudding "My great aunt Betty created this rich banana pudding recipe. It is one o f my favorites be­ cause it taste really delicious. Try it, you w ill think so, too! ” Pre-Ripened D'Anjou Rears TnS>inir Fresh Blueberries or r K r r Blackberries CLUB PR IC E SAVE up to 60C lb 4.4 to 5.6-oz. containers. Imported Irom Chile SAVE up Io $3 99 on 2 ,HOW , Premium Blooms' Freshly Cur Give 14 Roses on Valentine s Day - February I4th —Submitted by Genia Vincent, Portland Ingredients • • • • • • • 2-(3.4 ounce) packages instant vanilla pudding mix 1-cupmilk 1 - ( 14 ounce) can sw eetened condensed milk 1 -(8 ounce) container sour cream l-(8ounce) container frozen w hipped topping, thawed 6-bananas, sliced */2 - ( 12 ou n ces) package vanilla w afers Dannon or Tillamook Yogurt Mission Tortilla Chips or Snyder's Pretzels Safeway Cranberry Cocktail Drink 6-oz. Selected varieties Mix or Match. Club Price: -50e ea SAVE up lo $3 00 on 10 Mission 16-oz Snyder s 10-oz Selected varieties Club Price $1 50 ea SAVE up to $2 38 on 2 64-02 Selected varieties Club Price: $1 66 ea SAVE up lo $3 09 on 3 Directions 1. In a medium bowl, com binepud­ ding mix and milk; stir until mix is dissolved. Refrigerate 15 minutes, until partially set. 2. Stir condensed milk into pud­ ding mixture until smooth. Fold in sour cream and w hipped topping. Fold in bananas. 3. In a 9"x 13” dish place a single layer o f vanilla w afers lining the bottom. Spread pudding mixture evenly over the wafers. Crush a handful o f wafers and sprinkle over the top. Refrigerate until serving. .IV-INS**’ tOAV Betty Crocker Cake M il Frosting or Family Size Brownie Mil The mission of the ‘ Food Section' is to provide our readers with great tasting healthy recipes and useful household information. The Portland Observer re­ spectfully requests all comments, and/or family reci­ pes that you would like to share with us are addressed in email to: w w w.foods@portland Premium Long Stem Roses 17 5 to 20 5-0? Selected varieties. SAVE up lo $1 81 M arie Callender's Meals 12 to 21-oz. Selected varieties. Club Price: $2.00 ea. SAVE up to $11.25 on 5 BV Coastal. Robed Mondavi Private Selection or Ravenswood 750-m l, bottle. Selected varietals. SAVE up to $ 4.23 < \ n h c r r ih p i 5O3-288-OO33J J U U d tllU C ; F ill O u t & S e n d T o : | Cl?e}lartla«b (Observer j C ottonelle Bath Tissue or Viva P aper T o w els Attn: Subscriptions, PO Box 3137. Portland OR 97208 | s u b s c r ip tio n s a re ju s t $60 p e r ye a r • MY Folgers Coffee 26 to 39-02 Selected varieties. SAVE up to $2 30 Mix and Match! 6 or 12 Roll package SAVE up to $ 2 .5 0 CHOICE (please include check w ith this subscription fo rm ) ■ _________________ j N ame : T elephone : ________ A ddress : ________ ■ A ll I IMI TS ARE PER HOUSEHOLD. PER VISIT. PER DAY I or email subscriptions@ k — — — — -------------------------------------------_ _ _ I J Items* pmcs in this ad jrr jvjiljbk <1 your loul Safeway More, No sales in dealers, restaurants or institutions Sales in retail quantities only Quantities of some Hem« may be limited and subtect to availability Not responsible tor typograph teal or pictorial emus We reserve the right to correct all printed errors.On Buv One. Gel One Free ("BOGO") ntfen, customer mu« purchase the tint item to receive the second item free. BOGO ntfers are not 1/2 price tales. If only a tingle item purchased, the regular pnee appliet.Manufacturert’ coupons may be usect on purchased items only - not on free items. I 2007 Safeway Stores, Inc. I