Februaiy 7, 2 0 0 7 M u seu m A fter H o u rs -- Every 11,1|J i’ vtktnò © bacrüer si W ednesday in February, at 5:30 p.m ., ‘M useum A fter H ours' host local m usicians, in the Kridel G rand Ballroom. W ednesday, Feb. 14, lo­ cal b lues diva D uffy B is h o p p r e s e n ts ‘A Blues V alentine’ andon W ednesday, Feb. 21, the Strangetones will take the stage. Call 503-226- 2811 forticketing infor­ mation. with a final perform ance at 7 p.m ., Saturday, Feb. 17. Tickets are $2()general and $28.50preferred .and are available at M il­ lennium Music or any T icketsW est outlet. T h e Black United F und B an q u et - Wednesday, Feb. 21, at the G overnor Hotel. The Black United Fund o f Oregon will host its annual banquet hon­ oring arts and culture within the com m unity. Tickets are $75. Cal1503- 2 8 2 -7 9 7 3 o r e m a il ufor@ bufor.org. ' H u r r i c a n e o n th e B a y o u ’ — OM SI takes the audience deep into the soul-stirring heart o f Louisiana with "H urri­ cane on the Bayou,” now playing at the m useum 's O M N IM A X Dome T he­ ater. A pow erfully m ov­ ing giant screen film un­ like any other. “H urricane on the Bayou" carries audiences behind to d a y 's new s headlines on a jo u r­ ney before, during and after the unprecedented devastation o f H ur­ ricane Katrina. page C3 IM IIH M IM H ip -h op D an ce C lasses eluding C aroline O akley calling the square dance, w ine and chocolate tasting, music and more. T h e G o ld en F ish — The Brooklyn Bay, 1825 S.E. Franklin, Bay K„ presents the tale o f the poor Rus- — V a n c o u v e r -C la r k Parks and Recreation is hosting fam ily friendly hip-hop dance classes fo ra g e s5 to 18. Various lessons teach rhythm , technique, coordination, agility, com binations and team w ork through urban dance moves. For more inform ation, call 360-696-8236. Live Music Every Night • Kick off your week with livejazzevery Sunday at 9 p.m. at The Blue Monk (3341 S.E. Belmont). • Participate in a m ixed-m edia open mie night each M onday at the Back-to-Back Café (614 E. Burnside). • The Thom City Improv, featuring members o f Oldominion, Qui vah, The Chosen and The Black Notes, perform at C o n an ’s (3862 S.E. H aw thorne) every T uesday at 10 p.m. • Celebrate Hump Day at The Red Sea (381 S.W . 3rd Ave) after work on W ednesdays, from 5 to 9 p.m. • Inch toward the weekend at the Candlelight Rixim ( 2032 S.W. Fifth Ave) with the Black Notes, perform ing each Thursday. • C elebrate Friday with Mel Brow n, who plays jazz at S alty ’s on the C olum bia every Friday and Saturday, and Jim m y M ak 's on Tuesdays and T hursdays. • Round o ff your week with live Reggae on Fri­ days and Saturdays at M ontego Bay, ( 1239 S.W. Jefferson). T r ip p in ’ th ro u g h T o w n -T a k e a trip th ro u g h tim e to find the h o t­ test p o etry , h ip -h o p and soul in ­ flu en cin g P o rtlan d on W ed n es­ d ay s at the O hm . $7 co v er. 31 N .W . First A ve. Belly D ance C lasses - Caravan S tu d io s o ffers classe s in belly dance, African dance and more. V isit w w w .gypsycaravan.us. F ort V a n co u v er L an tern T o u r s - Fort V ancouver National Historical Site, 1001 E. 5 St., will host lantern tours from 7 p.m. to9 p.m. on: Friday Feb. 2 and Saturday. Feb. 17. Reser­ vations are required. Call 360-816- 6230. The Yellow Boat T h e Yellow B oat — A true story o f a young m an 's life with AIDS is fe a tu re d in T he Y ellow B oat, through Sunday. Feb. 11 at Echo T heatre. 1515 S.E. 37,h St. Show tim es are Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. T ic k e ts are $15 V is it insightouttheatre.org o r call 503- 493-8070. V a le n tin e 's Day P arty - W ednes­ day, Feb. 14, from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m., I'lie P eople's Food Co-op, 3()29 S . E. 2 Is' Ave., celebrates V alentine's Day with free party activities in- sian fisherm an w ho catches a m agi­ cal golden fish w illing to grant one wish. Perform ances scheduled ev ­ ery Saturday throughout the month o fF e b ru a ry .at 10 a.m. For reserva­ tions, call 503-772-4005 o r email m elanya@ brooklynbay.org YOUR ONE-HOUR VACATION Indulge your senses, soothe your body and revitalize your spirit C a n d lelig h t V a len tin e -- An inti­ m ate evening with M ichael Allen H arrison, perform ing his rom antic piano expressions by candlelight, in the H istoric O ld Church. 1422 S.W . 11 Ave. Perform ances are at 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. on V alentines Day, Feb. 14 ,on Friday, Feb. 16 ,at 8 p.m.. Portland Tub and Tan offers luxury and serenity - all in the calm surroundings of our indoor or outdoor suites. Michael Allen Harrison H ot T ubbing by the H our