Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 07, 2007, Page 14, Image 14

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<ri'1- |Jnrtkuih (Observer
Black History Month
JPorflanJ OIL s e r v e i ’ Tkuf© R e v ie w
2007 BMW X3 3.0si
m K athleen C arr
BMW brought serious sporti­
ness into the sport utility vehicle
field when it rolled out the midsize
X5, and challenged the crossover
market w hen launching the sm aller
5-passenger X3, referring to it as a
Sport A ctivity Vehicle with an e m ­
phasis on perform ance.
For 2007. a revised 3.0si version
o f the X3 is available. T he 3.0si
features new exterior design ele­
ments such as black bum pers, a
large kidney grille, clear front c o r­
ner lights, retractable headlight
washers, chrom e exhaust tips. LED
taillights and shiny new 17-inch
However, the m ost significant
change is under the hood. T he alu­
minum and m agnesium 3.0-liter
inline-six-cylinder engine delivers
260 horsepower a t6600 rpm and 225
lb.-ft. o f torque at 2500 rpm. This
translates to a more relaxed and
pow erful low end com bined with
brighter, more energetic high-rpm
c h a ra c te ristic s. T h e en g in e re ­
sponds w ith g racefu l ease and
T he 3.0si is loaded with sassy-
drivability. T he new 6-speed auto­
matic with Steptronic is respon­
sible for much ofthe X 3’sdrivability.
Perform ance and efficiency o f the
new automatic are also immediately
evident. BM W claim s the new
transm ission accounts for a 6-per-
cent gain in fuel econom y over the
2006 model. Shifting is agile and
responsive: 0-60 mph in 7.1 sec­
onds. B M W 's xD rive all-w heel-
The Ultimate Sassy Driving Experience:
3 .0 -liter 2 6 0 -h p inline-6 en g in e; s ix -s p e e d a u to m a tic S te p to n ic
tr a n s m is s io n w /O D a n d a u to -m a n u a l; 0 -6 0 m p h . -in 7 .1 s e c o n d s ;
City- 1 9 m p g . / Highway- 2 6 m p g .; $ 3 8 , 6 0 0 .0 0 M SRP.
drive system is now integrated as a
standard feature into the X 3 ’s Dy-
nam ic Stability C ontrol System
(D SC), as well as ABS functions
and Dynamic fraction Control Sys-
tern (DTC). It also includes Brake
February 7, 2007
News and reviews on new motor vehicles
Drying, Brake Standby for em er­
gency applications. S tart-off A s­
sist and Brake Fade C om pensation
( BFC). From our spirited highway
drive to a decent am ount o f off-
roading, the results were pretty
obvious. T he 3.0si is gam e for any­
Several interior changes render
the BMW X3 3.0si more luxurious
and refin ed than the p rev io u s
model. N icer dashboard material
with w ood inserts, m ore door panel
upholstery with special stitching in
the optional leather seating, solid
door pockets, a new three-spoke
multi-functional steering wheel and
optional 16-way front seats all en ­
hance the cabin’s environm ent.
BM W also upgraded the pre­
mium package to inc I ude a rearv ie w
m irror-m ounted com pass, univer­
sal garage door opener and pow er­
folding exterior m irrors with auto­
matic dim m ing. H eated rear seats
are added to the Cold W eather
P ack a g e, w h ich a lso in c lu d es
heated front seats, headlight w ash­
ers and a ski bag.
The 2007 X3 3.0si shows BM W ’s
com m itm ent to building engaging,
car-inspired crossovers. B M W ’s
sensitivity to the shifting dem ands
o f buyers for more space, perfor­
m ance, fuel efficiency and luxury
have been resoundingly answered.
BM W succeeded in their quest to
com bine luxury, performance, prac­
ticality and style into an irresistible
sassy all-activity vehicle the 2007
Because o f its reputation for
engineering high perform ance se­
dans and coupes, BM W rem ains a
favorite with carenthusiasts w orld­
wide. The 2007 X3 3.0si is sure to
win the hearts o f the next genera­
tion o f satisfied BM W enthusiasts.
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C olts q u a rte rb a ck P eyto n M anning (right) h u g s c o a c h to n y D ungy
a fte r th e C olts b e a t th e B ea rs, 2 9 - 1 7 in th e S u p e r B ow l S u n d a y.
M anning w a s MVP.
You may have more options
then you think.
In d ia n a p o lis C o lts co a c h Tony D ungy rid e s a lo ft h is p la y ers '
s h o u ld e r s a fte r w inning S u p e r Bowl XLI o n S u n d a y.
Dungy Beats Protege Smith in Super Bowl
For biggest win
of his career
(A P) — M erely by stepping on
the field Sunday. Tony Dungy made
cultural history.
A few hours later, he won the
Super Bowl. too.
Not bad for a d ay ’s w ork.
Long saddled with a reputation
as a coach w ho co u ld n 't win the big
one. Dungy shook that label when
his Indianapolis C olts beat the
C hicago Bears 2 9 -17.
T he biggest win o f D ungy’s c a ­
reer cam e against his close friend
and protege, Bears coach Lovie
Smith. They were the first black
head coaches in the 4 1 -year history
o fth e Super Bowl.
W hen the gam e ended, the 51-
year-old Dungy was hoisted onto
the shoulders o f his team.
"It means probably m ore to him
than it does to any o f us," defen­
sive end Dw ight Freeney said. "H e
has w aited a long tim e. He has d e­
served this."
As his team celebrated. Dungy
sw itched his blue Colts cap for a
w hite one that read "N FL cham pi­
ons" and w alked to m idfield, where
he and Smith exchanged w ords and
a hug.
D ungy held on for an extra sec­
“ I just told Lovie how proud I
w as o f this w hole m om ent," Dungy
said. "I really appreciate w hat he
has done in C hicago — the w ay he
does it. the type o f person he is.
T h ey 're going to get their cham pi­
onship soon.”
T heir relationship dates to 1996,
when Dungy hired Sm ith to coach
linebackers for theT am pa Bay Buc­
caneers. They w ere a page-one
story throughout Super Bowl week,
discussing daily the laid-back per­
sonalities and Christian faith they
B e a rs C oach Lovie S m ith
s h a re ,
w ell
th e ir
groundbreaking success.
" I ’m proud to be the first A fri­
can-A m erican co ach to'w in th is,"
D ungy said d u rin g the tro p h y
cerem o n y . "B u t ag ain , m ore than
an y th in g , L ovie S m ith and I are
not o nly A frican -A m erican but
also C h ristian co ach es, show ing
you can do it the L o rd 's w ay.
W e 're m ore proud o f th a t."
Dungy won because he had the
better quarterback. Like his coach,
Peyton M anning filled a void in his
im pressive resum e by w inning a
ring. Steady rain made fo ra sloppy
gam e that included eight turnovers,
but M anning threw for 247 yards,
including a 53-yard touchdow n
“ W e’re proud to have won this
for our leader. C oach D ungy,”
M anning said.
S m ith ’s e rratic yo u n g q u arter-
hack. Rex G ro ssm an , m ade the
sam e kind o f m istak es that had
B e a rs fa n s lo b b y in g fo r h is
b en ch in g all season. He threw
tw o in tercep tio n s, w ith one re ­
turned for a to u ch d o w n , and he
fum bled tw ice, losing one.
T he und erd o g B ears lost tw o
o th e r tu rn o v ers, g iving them five
to tal.
“O bviously w e're very disap­
pointed," Smith said. "Turnovers
really did us in."
In the early going, it appeared
Sm ith m ight pull o ff an upset
against his former mentor. Devin
H ester returned the opening kick­
o ff 92 yards for a score, and Smith
follow ed the rookie down the side­
line and signaled touchdown.
But the Colts rallied and claim ed
their first Super Bowl cham pion­
ship since the 1970 season, when
they played in Baltimore.
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