Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 07, 2007, Page 13, Image 13

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    W a rn e r P a c ific C o lle g e , a
Christian Liberal Arts college, is
seeking an Admin Assistant to the
VP for Advancement, a Student
Services A ssistant, a C lerical
Assistant, and a Help Desk Manager
Excellent benefits and working
Family Interventionist
community. Interested individuals
Fam ily In te rve n tio n is t (Social
sh o u ld send a re su m e to:
S e rv ic e s S p e c ia lis t 1). The
kaguilar@ w arnerpacific.edu or
University of O regon’s Child &
visit: w w w .w a rn e rp a cific .e d u .
Family Center Portland office is
Follow the links to Faculty/Staff:
recruiting a Family Interventionist
Human Resources.
as part of an exciting new research
project funded by the National S ocial S ervices
Institutes of Health. This position
Parent Child Spec II: FT w/ben;
will serve as a family therapist, $ 13 .7 5 -$ 1 5 .3 7 /h r. BA/BS or
service provider, and as liaison
equiv in Soc. Work, ECE or related
between fam ilies and schools.
field; 2 yr exp in human serv and
R e q u ire s a d e g re e in so c ia l
1 yr exp in early child Ed w/parents
s e rv ic e s / h u m a n s e rv ic e s or
& c h ild (n ) b irth to 5 yrs.
e q u iv a le n t e d u c a tio n and
Facilitation of par/child groups,
e xp e rie n c e ;
e xp e rie n c e
home visits. Work as a team & w/
c o n d u c tin g
p a re n tin g
d iv e rs e c u ltu re s . B ilin g u a l
in te rv e n tio n s w ith fa m ilie s ,
p re fe rre d (S p a n is h ).
in c lu d in g p a re n tin g g ro u p s;
re su m e and o n lin e app.
experience working in schools or (www.portlandimpact.org) to “hr-
w o rk in g c o lla b o ra tiv e ly w ith jobs@ portlandim pact.org” EOE.
school personnel; experience with
No phone calls please.
child and fa m ily asse ssm e n t
te c h n iq u e s .
M u ltic u ltu ra l D isability Coordinator, Part-tim e
competence and ability to work ($ 1 5 .0 0 - $ 1 8 .5 0 per hour)
effectively in diverse communities Young adult vocational training
and direct experience working in school is seekin g a Part-tim e
the African-American community Licensed Practical Nurse with
is a m ust. See p o s tin g fo r e xp e rie n c e
in d e v e lo p in g
com plete list of requirem ents. individual accommodation plans
$ 1 6 .8 3 - 24.52 per hour, for clients with mental health,
depending on experience and physical and learning disability
e d u c a tio n .
A p p lic a tio n issues. Candidate must have a
information available at Human va lid lic e n se to p ra c tic e
Resources, 5210 University of professional nursing in the state
Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-5210; o f O re go n and one ye a r
(541) 346-3159, TTY (541) 346- e xp e rie n c e ,
be c o m p u te r
0852; online Gobs.uoregon.edu). proficient, and must posses and
Application deadline 2/9/07. AA/ m a in ta in CPR and fir s t aid
EO/ADA institution committed to certification.
cultural diversity.
Please mail resume and cover
letter of interest to:
& b i t u a r i e f
C lassified
Materials Testing Technician II
The Materials Testing Technician
II, w o rk in g u n d e r g e n e ra l
supervision in an A2LA certified
laboratory environment, performs
sp e c ia lize d m a te ria ls te s tin g
a s s ig n m e n ts ;
o p e ra te s ,
calibrates, and maintains testing
e q u ip m e n t and to o ls and
p e rfo rm s re la te d d u tie s as
assigned. A M aterials Testing
Technician II inspects and tests
construction materials in the field
and la b o ratory; in sp ects and
measures cast iron and welded
steel products; stores and logs
samples; maintains equipment;
trains lower tier technicians in
work processes and procedures
s u p p lie s
te c h n ic a l
information to the City's design
and construction staff. Current
vacancies exist in the Bureau of
Environmental Services.
A p p ro xim a te M o n th ly S a la ry
Range: $3,808 at entry - $4,858
Application deadline is 4:30 PM,
Monday, February 12, 2007
To learn more about this position,
or to apply online, visit our website
at www.ci.portland.or.us/jobs/ or
pickup an application at 1120 SW
5th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204
Portland Development
The Urban Renewal Agency for the
City of Portland, Oregon
P o rtla n d is in te rn a tio n a lly
recognized for its quality of life,
distinctive neighborhoods, and
robust transit system. Playing a
key role in keepin g Portland,
Oregon, one of Am erica’s most
liva b le c itie s is th e P ortlan d
D e v e lo p m e n t C o m m is s io n ’s
mission. PDC is the City's urban
renewal agency, charged with
bringing together resources to
achieve Portland's vision. We're
cu rre n tly looking for qualified
individuals to com plem ent our
w o rk fo rc e fo r th e fo llo w in g
Page B5
®1’'^Jortlanb OObseruer B la c k H ÎStO fy M o n th
Februaiy 7, 2007
Operations Manager -
Economic Development
W e o ffe r a ge n e ro u s host of
benefits as part of our efforts to
keep PDC a positive, healthy and
productive place to work. PDC
values diversity in its work force
and is c o m m itte d to Equal
E m ploym en t O p p o rtu n ity and
Affirmative Action.
Apply online at www.pdc.us/jobs
Portland Development
Commission, 222 NW 5th Ave.,
Portland, OR 97209
Jobline: 503.823.3463
Structural Engineer
S tru c tu ra l
E n g in e e rs
re s p o n s ib le fo r p e rfo rm in g
s p e c ia liz e d
c o m p le x
e n g in e e rin g
a s s ig n m e n ts
requiring the use of judgment and
initiative. Structural Engineers
perform specialized structural
plan reviews for building permit
applications that include a full
ra n ge o f d ra w in g s , p la n s,
calculations and specifications
for the construction or alteration
of commercial and/or residential
structures to ensure compliance
w ith a p p lic a b le co d e s and
re g u la tio n s ; se rve as liaison
between the City, contractors,
consultants and representatives
of utilities or other agencies, and
work to develop plans in line with
City goals. The Structural Engineer
is expected to deliver a high level
of customer service to the public
and to carry out their individual
responsibilities with initiative,
in d e p e n d e n c e and c re a tiv ity
w h ile
e x e rc is in g
soun d
p ro fe ss io n a l p ro b le m -s o lv in g
skills. A valid state driver's license
m ay be re q u ire d fo r c e rta in
A p p ro xim a te M o n th ly S a la ry
Range: $5,909 at entry - $6,510
Application deadline is 4:30 PM,
Friday, March 05, 2007
To learn more about this position,
or to apply online, visit our website
at www.ci.portland.or.us/jobs/ or
pickup an application at 1120 SW
5th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204
C la rk C o lle g e , in V a n co u ve r,
W a s h in g to n , is a c c e p tin g
applications for The Dean of
E n ro llm e n t S e rv ic e s . Th is
position reports to the VP of
Student Affairs and is responsible
for providing overall leadership
and coordination for services and
p ro g ra m s in S tu d e n t A ffa irs
including: adm issions, student
re c ru itm e n t, fin a n c ia l aid ,
international programs, scholar­
sh ip s , re g is tra tio n , re c o rd s,
sponsored programs, veterans
affairs, credential evaluations,
a s se ssm e n t/te stin g, and o ff-
campus site enrollment services.
Human Resources
Springdale Job Corps Center
31224 E. Historic
Columbia River Hwy
Troutdale, OR 97060
As an affirmative action employer,
we are seekingqualified minority,
fem ale, veteran and disabled
applicants; however, all qualified
applicants will be considered.
De Paul Treatment Centers serves
the greater Portland community by
p ro v id in g d ru g and a lco h o l
addiction treatment services. We
currently have full-time openings
for Prim ary Counselors in our
Closing date is March 8,2007. For
A d u lt R e s id e n tia l Fa cility.
complete position descriptions,
C o u n s e lo r p o sitio n p ro vid e s
re q u ire m e n ts , and to apply,
p ro fe s s io n a l tre a tm e n t for
a c c e ss
w e b s ite
s u b s ta n c e a b u se and c o ­
www .clark.edu/iobs or contact
o c c u rrin g
m en tal
Clark College Human Resources,
disorders. Candidates must be
1800 E. M c L o u g h lin B lvd .,
fa m ilia r w ith stre n g th based
Vancouver, WA 98663 (360) 992-
counseling and have knowledge
2105 [JOBLINE (360) 992-2836.
of dual diagnosis, SOC and Ml. BA
H earing im paired (360) 992-
or CADC required. MA preferred.
2317], AA/EEO employer.
B ic u ltu ra l
a p p lic a n ts
encouraged to apply.
C la rk C o lle g e , in V a n co u ve r,
W a s h in g to n , is a c c e p tin g
a p p lic a tio n s for tw o En glish
Instructors (one tenure-track
and one non-tenure track. One
additional tenure-track position
m ay be fille d from th is
re c ru itm e n t c o n tin g e n t on
funding.) Teaching duties include
two sections of composition (5
c re d its ) and one s e c tio n of
literature (3 credits) per quarter.
There are some opportunities for
variations on this schedule for
those with professional-technical
w ritin g e xp e rie n ce . R e qu ires
M a s te r's d e g re e in E n g lis h ,
Rhetoric and Com position, or
Professional-Technical Writing and
te a c h in g
e xp e rie n c e
composition at a post-secondary
level (could include pre-college
com po sitio n). O ther m a ster's
d e g re e s (M FA, M .E d., o th e r
majors) will be considered if the
applicant has 1 year of full-time
e q u iv a le n t, p o s t-s e c o n d a ry
English com position teaching
experience (could include pre­
college composition).
Closing date is February 28,2007.
c o m p le te
p o sitio n
descriptions, requirements, and
to apply, access our website at
www.clark.edu/jobs or contact
Clark College Human Resources,
1800 E. M c Lo u gh lin B lvd .,
V ancouver, WA 9 8 6 63 (3 6 0 )
992-2105 [JOBLINE (360) 992-
2836. Hearing impaired (360)
992-2317], AA/EEO employer.
Xtlverlise with diversity in
j.lo r tla n h (O b serv er
All positions at De Paul require
2+ years' continuous sobriety, if
Please submit your cover letter
and resume to:
De Paul Treatment Centers, Inc.
Attn: Human Resources
1312 SW Washington St.
PO Box 3007
Portland, OR 97208-3007
Fax: (503) 535-1190.
Building Department
City of Albany
Community Development
If you are interested in joining an
o u ts ta n d in g ,
p ro g re s s iv e
d e p a rtm e n t w ith e xce p tio n a l
p e rs o n n e l in an e x c itin g
environ m en t, visit w w w .citvof
albanv.net for more details about
this position, the City, & employee
benefits. We are looking for a self­
starter with a broad range of
administrative skills who takes
initiative, works well with others,
& contributes to the team in a
professional office environment.
P re fe re n c e m ay be give n to
a p p lic a n ts w ho have s tro n g
computer, financial, accounting, &
interpersonal skills. Management
is supportive of self-improvement
& opportunities for growth exist.
To apply: visit or call the Albany
State Employment Office at 139
4th Ave. SE, Albany, OR 97321,
(541) 967-2171 Ext. 301. Apply
by: 5:00 p.m., Monday, February
19, 2007. AA/EEO
In Loving Memory
Alice Faye Tillman
Funeral services were held Jan. 19, 2007, in Rose
City Funeral Home for Alice Faye Tillman, who died
Jan. 13 at age 57.
Miss Tillman was born April 4,1949. in Chicago and
moved to Portland in 1958. She graduated from Jefferson
High School and was an aide for the Life Center.
Survivors include her mother, Georgia; sisters. Wilma
P. Graham and Ruth Tillman: and many nieces, neph­
ews and cousins.
The family wishes to thank the Fernhill Care Center
for helping in Miss Tillman's hospice care. Remem­
brances to the American Lung Association.
In Memory o f
J. D. Brant Sr.
Les W h itw o rth L.I’.A.
Funeral services were held Feb.
;, 2007, in Fellowship Baptist
Church For J.D. Brant Sr., who
died Jan. 29 at age 94.
Mr. Brant was born Aug. 25,
1912, in Montgomery, Ala. He
moved to Portland in 1941. At
Zidell. he was a welder and a
burner. In the 1930s he married
Effie B.;shedied in 1976. In 1978,
he married Johnnie Mae.
Survivors include his wife:
sons, John D. Jr.. Anthony, Larry,
Paul Atkison and Cotis Franks;
daughters Betty Jay W atson,
Mary Alice Turner, Debra R.
Howard, Shirley Atkison. and Billy
Rose Atkison; brothers, Claude
and Monroe; 22 grandchildren;
31 great-grandchildren; and two
great-great grandchildren.
Remembrances to the church.
Arrangements by Ross Holly­
wood Chapel.
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Free parking
from Metro
to the world for a broad mi x of film,
arts, multicultural, family and edu­
cation audiences sharing a love of
film and an interest in our global
In addition to highlighting new
international feature films, this
year's festival will present screen
classics, visiting artists, shorts,
documentaries, family films and a
featured showcase of new His­
panic language cinema.
The showcase will be accom­
panied by “Cine-Lit,” an interna­
tional conference on Hispanic film
and literature co-produced by the
Foreign Language Departments
at Portland State University and
Oregon State U niversity. T o­
gether, the festival and confer­
ence will bring directors, writers
and scholars from throughout the
United States and Spanish-speak­
ing countries.
Admission is $9 General, $8 for
Portland Art Museum Members,
students and seniors and $6 lor
NW Film Center Members. Open­
ing Night admission is $30 and
various festival passes are avail­
able at the festival box office at the
Mark Building. Portland Art Mu­
seum, 1119 S.W. Park Ave., open
daily from 1 p.m. to7 p.m. Advance
tickets can be ordered by phone at
503-228-PIFF. For more informa­
tion and a full schedule, visit
li Il II. /<•»Il II il II i l l liti ¡HI. i o n i
Film Festival
s e r v ic e s
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Eenturwl \grnt» on IIG T V ’» “Houw Hunter»“
Let me help you purchase
your next vehicle {new or used).
Laterals Accepted
City of Albany
City-paid PERS; & medical, dental,
vision, & life insurances
(Visit, www.cityofalbany.net, for
full explanation of City benefits)
Filling a Police Communication
Specialist (dispatch) position with
the A lb a n y P olice D ept. &
establishing a hiring list for future
openings. Performs as primary
information resource to persons
contacting Police Dept. for both
em ergency & non-em ergency
services. Must be available to
w ork all sh ifts , w e e k e n d s ,
e ve n in g s , & h o lid a ys as
scheduled; & be able to type 40
wpm. To apply: Go to www.cityof
albany.net to print out application
& self-screening questionnaire, or
visit or call the Alba ny State
Employment Office at 139 4th
Ave. SE, Albany, OR; (541) 967-
2171 Ext. 301. Apply by: Monday,
March 5, 2007. AA/EEO_______
F ree C onsultation
Tim Wilson
Independent Broker
Website: www.wilsonsdeal.eom
Emai I : Tim@ wi 1 sofisticai .com
(503) 550-3841