Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 31, 2007, Page 9, Image 9

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    January 31, 2 00 7
Il!,ÌJnrtkutò (Obseder Black History Month
Page B3
B lack H istory M onth
Leaders to Share Wisdom at Lewis & Clark
Black History
Lewis & Clark College is
hosting four nationally renowned
leaders in their respective fields
for Black History Month.
Rebecca Walker, Robin D.G.
K elley, Kw am e A nthony
Appiah, and Jamie Washington
are African Americans who
have earned respect for their
leadership, activism, and their
thought-provoking writing and
T im e m a g a z in e nam ed
Rebecca W alker one o f the 50
most influential future leaders
o f Am erica when she was only
25. Her published m em oir,
"Black, W hite, and Jewish:
Autobiography of a Shifting
Kwame Anthony Appiah
Jamie Washington
Rebecca Walker
Robin D.G. Kelley
Self" was an international
bestseller. She also wrote "To
Be Real: Telling theT ruth and
Changing the Face of Femi­
W alker will speak at the
c o lle g e 's A gnes F lanagan
Chapel on Thursday, Feb. 8 at 7
Robin D.G. Kelley has been
lauded by Cornel West as "the
preeminent historian of black
popularculture writing today."
Kelley will give a speech titled
"A Joyful Noise: Radical Spiri­
tuality and Modern Jazz" on
Tuesday, Feb. 13 at 7 p.m. in
th e C o u n c il C h a m b e r in
Templeton Student Center.
A professor at the Univer­
sity of Southern California, he
has authored numerous books
including "Race Rebels: Cul­
ture, Politics, and the Black
Working Class" and "Freedom
Dreams: The Black Radical
Kwame Anthony Appiah has
published widely in the area of
African and African American
literary and cultural studies. He
is the author of books including.
Film Documents Famed Fighting Unit
Members o f
the African
World War II
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“Men of Bronze" uses photo­
graphs, interviews with veterans
and film from the French and
American National Archives to
recount this inspiring tribute to
America’s unsung heroes.
The community is invited to
experience this unforgettable
story in a free screening on
City Hall Celebrates
Black History Month
Visual arts and perform ances for
the whole family will highlight a free
Black History Month celebration
on T hursday, Feb. 1 from 5 p.m. to
7 p.m. at City Hall. 1221 S. W. Fourth
T his event is open to the public
and is in partnership with United
W ay Art o f C hange G allery, the
W orld Arts Foundation Inc., the
Zim babw e A rtists Project and local
showing at
Jefferson High
The Jefferson High School
Multicultural Film Festival pre­
sents “Men of Bronze,” the story
of the U.S. A rm y's African
American 369th Combat Regi­
ment, known as the “Harlem
Hellfighters” and New York’s
15th Infantry, - all brave men
who served with the French
army in World War I.
Although relegated to non­
combat duty by the U.S. Com­
mand, the 369th was sent to
France and spent more time in
front-line trenches than any other
American infantry unit. Fight­
alo n g sid e
Morroccan, and Senegalese sol­
diers. these men distinguished
themselves in some of the fierc­
est battles of the war.
"In My Father's House: Africa
in the Philosophy of Culture,"
and the critically acclaimed,
"Cosmopolitanism: Ethics in a
World of Strangers."
On Monday, Feb. 26 at 7
p.m., Appiah will give a talk
titled "Cosmopolitanism " in
Agnes Flanagan Chapel.
Jamie Washington is a na­
tionally known speaker, consult­
ant. and a diversity leadership
trainer. He will lead a workshop
titled "We're all in This Together:
Coalition Building across Dif­
ference" on Wednesday. Feb.
28 at 6 p.m. in Smith Hall in
Albany Quadrangle.
All events are free and open
to the public. There is a small
fee for parking on campus.
Lewis & Clark College is lo­
cated at()615S.W. Palatine Hill
Rd. For more information, call
Ken Berry from the W orld Arts
Foundation Inc. will serve as em ­
cee. Featured artists include Henry
Prison. Alice Bruce, Bobby Fouther.
Renee Quarterman, Sunshine Dixon.
M aka F o ste r. R ich a rd B row n
W anda W right and the Zim babw e
Art Project.
T he celebratio n will include
youth art made under the guidance
o f Barbara M cKee and a singing
celebrationby the No Kidding Choir.
Monday, Feb. 5 in Room C39
from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
G uest speaker G regory
Benton will give witness to the
regiment’s story that spawned
the words of Melville T. Miller,
“We were the first troops to
march into enemy territory -
and as we marched into this
particulartown. the people were
cheering. And that day the sun
was shining, and we were
marching, and the band was
playing, everybody's heads high,
and we were all proud to be
Americans, proud to be black,
and proud of being the New
York 15th Infantry."
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History Films
at Mt. Hood
Each Wednesday throughout
February. Mt. Hood Commu­
nity College will feature the his­
tory of African Americans in a
free public film series sponsored
by the college’s geography and
criminal justice departments.
On W ednesday, Feb. 7,
"Amistad" will kick off the se­
ries. On Feb. 14, "Separate but
Equal" will be shown. The fea­
ture film "Malcolm X" is pre­
sented on Feb. 21 and on Feb.
28, "The Rosa Parks Story" will
be shown.
Each of these films begins at
6:30 p.m. in Rtxtm AC 1600 on
the MHCC Gresham Campus,
26(XX) S.E. Stark.
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