Page A4 II'' ^Jortlanb (tf)bseruer Black History Month lanuary 31, 2007 Opinion articles do not necessarily reflect or represent the views o f The Portland Observer O pinion Smith, Dungy and Obama: 'r,|e JJn rtlau b Iglhwccwv E stablished 1 9 7 0 USPS 959-680 ___________________________________ 4 7 4 7 NE Martin Luther King. Jr. Blvd.. Portland. OR 97211 EDiTon-iN-CHitr, P ublisher : Charles H. Washington E'niroR.Michael L eig h to n P u b lic R e la tio n s : M ark W ashington C reative D ir e c to r : P aul N e u fe ld t O ff ic e M anager : K athy L in d e r R eporter : Sarah Blount Breaking barriers at the top of their fields by M arc H . M orial For the firs t tim e in history, not one but tw o blacks - the Chicago Bears’ Lovie Smith and the India­ napolis C olts’ T ony Dungy - are leading their teams to football's pre­ m ier contest - the Super Bowl. And another black man - Illin o is Sen. Barack Obama - took the first step toward throw ing his hat in the ring in the ultimate political contest - the battle fo r the nation's highest office. What a delightful coincidence that these historic developments w ould occur in the month that celebrates the birthday o f Dr. M artin Luther K ing Jr. Obama’ s hardly the first A fr i­ can American to vie forthe presi­ dency: He stands upon the broad shoulders o f the Rev. Jesse Jack- son, Shirley Chisholm , the Rev. A l Sharpton, Carol Moseley Braun and others. N ot since Jackson in 1988 has a black been considered a serious contender fo r the Oval O ffice . But, unlike his predecessors, Obama probably stands the best chance o f becoming the firs t A frica n A m e ri­ can to w in his party's presidential nomination in 2008 or beyond. In a recent Z ogby p o ll, the I l l i ­ nois Democrat led the fie ld in New H a m p s h ire , a h is to ric te s tin g ground fo r presidential candidates, w ith 23 percent o f voters favoring The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and w ill be returned it accompanied by a self addressed envelope A ll created design display ads become the sole property o f the newspaper and cannot be used in other publications o r personal usage without the wntten consent of the general manager, unless the client has purchased (he composition o f such ad. O 1906 THE P O R TLA N D O BSERVER A L L RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRO DUCTIO N IN W H O LE OR IN PART W IT H O U T PER M ISS IO N IS P R O H IB ITE D The Portland Observer Oregon s Oldest M u lticu ltural P ublication-is a member o f the National Newspaper Association--Pounded in 1885. and The National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers. Inc, New York. N Y , and The West Coast Black Publishers Association P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer, P0 Bos 3 1 3 7 , Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 8 C A LL 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 F A X 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 1 5 newv@piirtlandobserver.cum ads@por ARE YOU EASILY DISTRACTED, IMPULSIVE, OR FIDGETY? Would you also like to quit smoking? We are leaking tor smokers, 18-55 years old, who: 1) have symptoms like being easily distracted, impulsive, or fidgety, 2) OR have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), AND would like to quit smoking. This research will study the medication Concerta’ to see if it helps people stop smoking by reducing symptoms of ADHD. There are no costs to participate in the study and you will be reimbursed for your time if you qualify and participate. For more information or to join this research study, call the Center for Health Research at: him compared to 19 percent for Sen. H illa ry Rodham C lin to n and John Edwards. Up until 1992, the candi­ date w ho won the prim ary usually made his way to the W hite House. B ill C linton and George W. Bush have defied that trend in recent elections. That Smith beat out his mentor Dungy by a few hours to be the first black coach to guide his team into N a tio n al Footbal League's populating the coaching ranks. In 1989, A rt Shell became the first A frican-A m erican head coach in the N F L 's modern era. In his ow n way. Dungy, a form er Pittsburgh Steeler w ho got his coaching start in 1981, played his own role in d ive rsifyin g the profes­ sion by recruiting Smith to be line­ backer coach fo r the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 1996. The institution o f the so-called They give our children hope that the American Dream is possible for all members of society to attain. crow n-jewel game makes up fo r the fact that his Bears handily defeated my beloved New Orleans Saints to get there. I'll forgive L o vie this year because it is tru ly a great day in history when tw o black coaches meet at the pinnacle event o f pro­ fessional football. I cannot make promises fo r next year, though. I f Lovie robs my Saints o f their Super B ow l dreams next year, I'll have to take it personally. R oughly 66 percent o f National Football League players are A fr i­ can Americans but blacks have long faced form idable obstacles to their "Rooney Rule'' broke down barri­ ers in the N F L ’s 'old-boy' network by requiring teams to consider at least one m in o rity candidate in their h irin g processes. By the start o f this year's season, there was a record seven black head coaches. "F or years and years, the coach­ ing decisions and many other deci­ sions in professional football really fo llo w e d the old way o f doing things," D arrell M illn e r, professor o f black studies at Portland State U n iv e rs ity , to ld the O regonian newspaper recently. "These tw o black coaches today are reflection that that is changing. T h e ir suc­ cess gives an additional impetus o f the continuation o f that kind o f change." In a recent television interview . Bears fan Obama made a great point about these tw o men that speaks less to the color o f their skin and more to the content o f their charac­ ter, to invoke Dr. King. "What makes it even better is that they're both men o f h u m ility. They're both men o f God. They never trash talk. They're not yellers o r screamers on the sidelines. They're a couple o f class individuals," he said. In a Letter to the Editor to his local paper, Hal Nelson, execu­ tive director o f secondary educa­ tion fo r the Sarasota C ounty School District, wondered i f d i­ vine intervention played some role in bringing tw o black coaches together in the Super Bowl to "illu m i­ nate the potential o f the American experience" and underscore the im ­ portance o f three keyqualitiesexhib- ited by Dungy and Smith - compe­ tence, character and tenacity. Sm ith, Dungy and Obama are positive role models fo r future gen­ erations to aspire to. They give our children hope that the American Dream is possible for all members o f society to attain. Marc H. Morial is president and chief executive officer o f the Na­ tional Urban League. Demand More Education Spending 1 -866-450-4940 toii-fne 503-335-6613 locally Reform starts with financial commitment by J udge Contain the Rain w w w .C le a n R iv e rR e w a rd ^ ro m For storm water discount registration, inform ation and class schedules or call the Clean River Rewards hotline 502-823-1371 nvii E nvironm ental S ervices j r ? ' C ity of P ortland w o r k in g fo r c n r iv e r s ’ Wp I • • Sam Adams, Commissioner Dean Marriott, Director Call 503-823-7740 with disability accommodation requests. G reg M atiiis 5 years ago, President Bush signed into law the NoC'hild Left Behind law. This piece o f legislation was intended to im prove the public school system by increasing the penal­ ties fo r schools that d id n 't meet academic standards. I f a student was struggling, he/ she could receive free tutoring and, i f the school continued to fa ll short o f expectations, students are a l­ lowed to transfer schools. Schools that repeatedly fail were subject to harsh penalties, including closing. Though controversial, the law was an attempt to provide Am erica’ s publ ie school children w ith a qual ity education. There was one huge flaw with the bill, however. Expectations fo r schools went up, but federal spending on public education didn’ t increase sufficiently. W ith o u t adequate fu n d in g , schools c o u ld n 't im plem ent the strategies need to im prove their schools. They were doomed to fail and, in turn, so are our c h il­ dren. The No C h ild Left Behind A c t is up fo r re­ newal. W ith the Democrats e xertingtheirrecently won power in the Congress, now is the tim e fo r progressive thinkers to fig h t fo r an in ­ crease in education spending. School systems have, fo r years, routinely used standardized tests to gauge student progress. But, w ith the passage o f No C h ild Left Behind, these tests went from be- i ng an assessment to, in many cases, being the deciding factor in whether or not a student w ill move on to the next level. For students in under-funded, i.e. poor, school districts, passing these tests is next to impossible. The odds are stacked against them. M any o f those affected by this biased system are black. Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., has proposed a plan that calls fo r states to w ork to develop consistent aca­ demic requirements for students: this w ould ensure students, regardless o f where they live, would leave school equally prepared fo r college or the workforce. Kennedy has also called for an expansion o f social programs fo r poor children; social workers w ill be in every school that has a large population o f students liv in g below the poverty line. When stu­ dents liv in g in urban areas are able toe m o tio n a lly and psychologically ‘deal w ith ’ the violence and pov­ erty that may surround them, they leant better. I f federal and local governments w e re to a d e q u a te ly fu n d the nation's publ ic schools, the schools co u ld im plem ent the program s needed to ensure student success. Instead, the country has poured its money into the crim inal injustice system and defense spending, leav­ ing our children, our future, vulner­ able and unprepared fo r an increas­ ing com petitive society. The public education system needs to be re­ formed. Real reform starts w ith a financial comm itment from the fed­ eral government. Judge Greg Mathis is national vice president o f Rainbow PUSH and a national board member o f the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. State of the Union Brush Off ézetter * lhí(3üdU(?r by R alph B. E verett Me, are a regular pharmacy Ì V \Ne fill p r e s c rip tio n s — in c lu d in g a n tib io tic s , h ig h b lo o d p re s s u re m e d ic a tio n s , a n ti-d e p re s s a n ts , b irth c o n tro l, a n d m o re . | r W e h a v e k n o w le d g e a b le , frie n d ly p h a r m a c is ts w h o h a v e th e tim e to s h a re in fo rm a tio n . O u r p ric e s a re c o m p e titiv e . W e a c c e p t m o s t in s u ra n c e p la n s a n d a re a d d in g o th e r s as re q u e s te d . I t W e s p e c ia liz e in c u s t o m c o m p o u n d in g . M e e t y o u r P h a rm a c is t. M o lln d a B u tle r Y O U R L O C A L L Y O W N E D , N E IG H B O R H O O D P H A R M A C Y A T A R B O R L O D G E N IN T E R S T A T E A V E N U E & P O R T L A N D B L V D • 5 0 3 .4 6 7 4 8 4 8 w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t . c o m • M O N -F R I 9 a m - 7 p m • S A T 9 a m - 6 p m • S U N 1 0 a m - 4 p m clear that the Congress w ill have to demonstrate both leadership and in ­ novation to ensure that issues o f economic security, hope, and oppor­ tunity are addressed in a substantive way. I was dismayed that the President made no mention o f New Orleans or the broader issue o f poverty in the United States. We recall his pledge, made in Jackson Square a few days after Hurricane Katrina came ashore, to "do what it takes" to help citizens rebuild their comm unities and their lives. The President's State o f the Union address was an opportunity to get a glimpse o f his domestic priorities fo r his final tw o years in office. I applaud his call fo r a bipartisan approach to issues o f pressing im ­ portance to people o f color, particu­ la rly health care, education, and re­ tirem ent security. But I ’ m concerned that the war in Iraq has di minished his adm inistration's a b ility to address these issues. W erem em berhisprom iseof "bold For so many Americans, particu­ a ctio n " to address the persistent la rly people o f color, security is about poverty that exists in the region and having a jo b to support your fam ily, has its roots in racial discrim ination. liv in g in a safe com m unity, having Given the absence o f this subject in access to q u a lity education and health the State o f the Union address, A fr i­ care, looking forward to a decent life can Americans and other G u lf Coast in retirement, and being able to cast residents who have suffered so much one's vote w ithout intim idation and can be excused fo r w ondering i f their have it count. federal governm ent has forgotten To be sure, the war in Iraq is a about them. Ralph B. Everett is president and matter o f deep concern fo r us all, and we must do everything we can to chief executive officer o f the Joint support our troops and ensure that Center fo r Political and Economic they come home safely. But the o b v i­ Studies, a group dedicated to improv­ ous constraint o f the domestic agenda ing the socioeconomic status of black that the President put forth makes it Americans and other minorities.