Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 31, 2007, Page 16, Image 16

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Cascade Festival of African Films
director, said the m ajority o f films
du rin g the en tire festival show
to Family Film Day in the delightful us pictures o f A frica through the
ani mated 111 m. ‘*K i ri kou and the W i Id ey es o f A frican s, rath er than a
Beasts," a sequel to the highly popu­ vision o f A frica that is pack ag ed
lar “ Kirikou and the Sorceress," on prim arily fo r w estern view ers.
Saturday, Feb. 17 at M cM enam ins T he film s rep resen t A frican c o n ­
K ennedy School Theatre. Local cerns that are p o litical, h isto ri­
M alian artist and storyteller Baba cal, and so c ial.”
W ague D iakite will host the event.
For com plete intormation about
W om en Film m akers W eek will the festival and descriptions o f the
be celebrated from March 1 through films, visit the festival W eb site
March 3 with four outstanding films africanfihnfestival.org. or phone
by African women.
503-244-6111,extension 3630, fora
M ichael D em brow , festival c o ­ brochure.
from C3
* B B Q on Broadway-«-
Odessa’s Cafe
Authentic Southern BBQ
Slow Cooked Homemade Sauce
Traditional Southern Sides
Now Serving Beer & Wine
F acets o f A frica — Thursday,
Feb. I through Thursday, March
15. T he Interstate Firehouse C u l­
tural Center, 5340 N. Interstate Ave.,
presents a host o f celebrations for
‘Black H istory’ month including:
vibrant storytelling o f African cu l­
ture, the stunning im ag eso f ‘Tribal
W om en’ and colorful paintings of
M aasai warriors.
M u seu m A fter H o u rs — W ednes­
day, Feb. 7, The Portland Art M u­
seum host the M useum A fter
Hours A ll-Stars’ concert featuring
Linda H om buckle, in the Kridel
G rand Ballroom . On W ednesday,
Feb. 14, local blues diva, Duffy
Bishop presents ‘A Blues V alen­
tin e’. Every W ednesday in Febru­
ary, at 5:30 p.m., ‘M useum A fter
H ours’ host local musicians.
Breakfast with Birds - Experi­
enced naturalists and hawk experts
will host activities at four locations
around Sauvie Island as part o f the
annual Raptor Road Trip, Saturday,
Feb. 3 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more
information, call 503-797-1834orvisit
m etro-region.org/parks.
‘Hurricaneon the Bayou’ --OMSI
3445 NE Broadway - 503-2SS-3369
11 am-Spm Mon-Thurs & 11 am-gpm Fri & Sat
Dine-Tn or Take Out
The African American Men's Club Inc.
"In the community—fo r the community"
takes the audience deep into the
soul-stirring heart o f Louisiana with
“H urricane on the Bayou,” now
p la y in g
at th e
m u s e u m ’s
DM NI M AX Dome Theater. A pow-
erfully moving giant screen film
unlike any other, “H urricane on the
Bayou" carries audiences behind
to d ay 's news headlines on a jo u r­
ney before, during and after the
unprecedented devastation o f H ur­
ricane Katrina.
Saturday, February 17,2(X)7
8:00p.m.- 1:00a.m.
$20.00 per Person
Dance.. .M usic...Fun.. .Raffle...Food...No Host Bar
Tickets available at:
V AAMC Club Members *
One Stop Music, Inc. 503.284-8103 »
* Hair Creations 503.281 -1185 V
V Cannon’s Rib Express 503.288-3836 V
V Exodus Spa (formerly EZNails) 503.288-3110 V
James & Johnnie Mae Mayfield (Vancouver) 360.576-8519
(anuary 31. 2007
IlK ¡ P o r t i a n i » ( D b a e r o e r
T h e Yellow B oat - A true story o f
a young m an ’s life with AIDS, is
fe a tu re d in T h e Y ello w B oat,
through Sunday, Feb. 11 at Echo
Theatre, 1515 S.E. 37th St. Show
tim es are Friday and Saturday at 8
p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.
T ic k e ts
a re
V isit
S il
insightouttheatre.org or call 503-
V a le n tin e ’s D ay P a rty — W ednes­
day, Feb. 14, from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m .,
The People’s Food Co-op, 3029 S.E.
21 st Ave., celebrate Valentine’s Day
with free party activitiesincluding
Caroline O akley calling the square
dance, w ine and chocolate tasting,
music and more.
T h e N o rm an Sylvester B and —The
Norm an Sylvester
Band is scheduled
to ap p ear Friday,
Feb. 2, at 8:30 p.m.
at C ly d e’s in Port­
land and Saturday.
Feb. 3 at 9:30p.m . at
Portsm outh Club in
Portland. Tuesday,
Feb. 6, at 8 p.m., the band will be
performing at Ti 11 icum
in Beaverton.
o f the poor Russian fisherm an
w hocatches a m agical golden fish
w illing to grant one wish. Perfor­
m ances scheduled every Saturday
at 10 a.m., throughout February.
Forreservations, call 503-772-4005
oremailmelanya@ bnx5klynbay.org
Candlelight Valentine - An inti­
mate evening with M ichael Allen
Harrison, perform ing his rom antic
piano expressions by candlelight.
in the Historic Old C hurch, 1422
S.W . 11 Ave. Perform ances are at 6
p.m. and 8 p.m. on V alentines Day.
Feb. 14, on Friday, Feb. 16, at 8 p.m.,
with a final perfor­
m ance at 7 p.m.. Sat­
urday, Feb. 17. T ick ­
ets are $20 general
and $28.50 preferred
and are available at
M illennium M usicor
an y T ic k e ts W e s t
The Black United Fund Banquet --
W ednesday, Feb. 21, at the G over­
nor Hotel. The Black United Fund
o f Oregon will host its annual ban­
quet honoring com m unity arts and
culture. T ickets are $75. Call 503-
282-7973 orem ail ufor@ bufor.org.
Com edy o f M anners -
- The Lakew ood T h e­
atre C o m p an y p re ­
s e n ts th e T o n y -
A w a rd
m u sic a l H ip -h op D ance C la sse s --
“ W here’s C harley,” a V ancouver-C lark Parks and R ecre­
finely crafted com edy ation is hosting fam ily friendly hip-
o f m anners offering a hop dance classes for ages 5 to 18.
deft send-up o f eti­ Various lessons teach rhythm , tech­
quette and propriety. nique, cœ rd in a tio n , agility, com bi­
S h o w s T h u rs d a y s nations and team w ork through ur­
through Saturdays until Feb. 18 at ban dance m oves. For more infor­
368 S. State St. in Lake Oswego. Call mation, call 360-696-8236.
5O3-635-39OI or visit lakew ood-
Trippin’ through Town - T a k e a
trip through tim e to find the hottest
T he ( >olden Fish - Saturday. Feb. 3, poetry, hip-hop and soul influenc­
T he B rooklyn B ay, 1825 S.E. ing Portland on W ednesdays at the
Franklin, Bay K „ presents the tale Ohm. $7 cover. 3 1 N. W. First Ave.