lanuary 31, 2 00 7 page C3 'ri'1 ^ .Ìn r tla n ò (© b s e ru e r IMIIIUMtIM KM HD presents Devin Phillips A Friday, Feb. 2 showing of The Oscar award-winning film “Tsotsi" at McMenamins Kennedy School, opens the 17th Annual Cascade Festival of African Films. “Tsotsi, ’ the first South African film to win an Oscar for Best Foreign Film, is a story of hope and the triumph of love over rage and violence. An African mother and daughter are caught in crises that force them to face their lot as women in a rural village in “Delwende," one of the feature attractions during Portland Community College's 17th annual Cascade Festival of African Films. Hilton Hotel Pavillion 921 SW 6th Ave/Portland, O R Sun, February 18, 2007, 6:00 pm Tickets $25— available at Tickets West VAM YAM’S SOUTHERN COOKING BBQ jtfjt 7339 M LK BLVD Cascade Festival of African Films A litany of hope, clashes and love Five wee ksoffilm sat Portland Community College's 17th A nnual C ascade Festival o f A frican Films will honor both Black History and W om en’s History m onths from Friday, Feb. 2 through M arch 3. "T his y e a r's fi Ims cover a wide range o f them es and topics, including the quest for freedom and justice, theclash between tradition and modernity, love across class lines, the im portance o f preserving A frica’s artistic and cultural heritage, the exploration o f iden­ tity, culture, and sexuality, and w om en's ongoing, inspiring struggle for equality and independence,” said M ary H olm strom , film festival co-director. T he film festival held mostly on PCC Cascade C am pus in north Portland attracts more than 4,(XX) attendees annually, offering film s from the African continent and the African Diaspora. Since its inception in 1991, the festival has been organized and run by volunteers, and offered to the public free o f charge. T he festival will open with the aw ard-w inning South African film, “T sotsi,"directed by G avin Hood, on Friday, Feb. 2 at M cM enam ins K ennedy School, 5736 N.E. 33rd Ave. There will be tw o screenings at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. “T sotsi,” the first South African film to win an O scar for Best Foreign Fi Im, is a story o f hope and the trium ph o f love over rage and violence. A special festival highlight will be the celebration o f G hana’s 50th anniversary o f its independence with the renow ned G hanaian film director Kwaw P. Ansah on Saturday, Feb. 3. Ansah will show several o f his recent films as well as tw o o f his classics, “Love Brew ed in the African Pot,” one o f A frica's best loved com edies, and his highly praised docum entary. “C rossroads o f People, C rossroads o f Trade.” The spotlight will also be on the A frican-A m erican director T hom as Allen Harris and his film, “Tw elve D isciples o f Nelson M andela: A S o n 's Tribute to U nsung H eroes," on T hursday, Feb. 15. “Tw elve D isciples" honors H arris' stepfather, Benjamin “Lee" Pule L einaeng, and 11 o f L ee’s boyhood friends who w ere am ong the first w ave o f anti-A partheid exiles from South A frica in the 1960s. H arris's earlier film. "T h at’s M y Face/E M inhaC ara,” set in Brazil, will be shown at Portland State Uni versity on Friday, Feb. 16. Kirikou, A frica’s bravest and littlest hero, returns continued on page C4 J PORTLAND, OREGON 97212 I PHONE: 503-978-9229 ( FAX 503-978-9228 U V PROUDLY PRESENTS EVERYDAY LUNCH SPECIAL.' MONDAY Thru FRIDAY 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. % (4 e # 1 - 2 PCS. CATFISH-1 W ING w / FF & TOAST...................... $ 5 .5 0 # 2 - 2 W IN G S -1 PCS CATFISH w/ FF & TOAST.................... $ 5.00 # 3 - 2 W IN G S-w / W HITTING w/ FF & TOAST........................$4.50 # 4 - 2 BBQ PORK RIBS 2-W INGS w/ F F & T O A S T ............... $6.50 # 5 - I H O T LINK, 2 BBQ PORK RIBS w /F F & T O A S T ........ $5.50 # 6 - 2 PCS W HITTING, I PCS SNAPPER w/ FF & T O A S T . $ 5.50 # 7 -1 BBQ PORK RIB. I PCSCATFISH, I PCS SNAPPER. 1 W IN G w /FF ..................................................................................... $ 6.50 # 8 - 2 PCS CATFISH. 3 SH R IM P w/ FF & TO AST.................. $6.50 # 9 - 3 PCS W H ITTIN G FISH w / FF & TOAST.........................$4.50 All side dishes $2.50 with any above listed combination.