Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 31, 2007, Page 14, Image 14

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    page C2
lanuary 31. 2007
Black Student Empowerment
A day o f em p o w erm en t for A f­
rican A m erican stud en ts at high
sc h o o ls in the B eaverton S chool
D istric t ta k e s p la ce T h u rsd a y ,
Feb. 1 from 8 a.m . to 2:30 p.m . at
W estview High S c h o o l,4 2 0 0 NW
185th Ave.
R eaching and E m pow ering All
P eople hosts “C h a lle n g e 2007:
S tu d en t L ead ersh ip C o n fe re n c e ”
to target the needs o f A frican
A m e ric a n s tu d e n ts in m o stly
w h ite suburban scho o ls. M ark
Jack so n o f R E A P , Inc. has o rg a ­
n ized w o rk sh o p s, a guest lecture
an d panel d isc u ssio n to break
dow n b arriers these teens face in Ted K ulongoski
the classro o m .
and entertainm ent.
T he conference is free and open
G ov. Ted K ulongoski jo in s A fri­
to students, parents and invited can A m erican business profession­
guests. There will also be free lunch als, and Dr. Darrell M illn ero f Port-
Keys, Common
in ‘Sm okin’ A ces”
Alicia K eys
a n d hip-hop
C om m on
m a k e th eir
film d e b u ts
in 'S m o kin '
A c e s.'
D arrellM illner
land State U niversity’s Black Stud­
ies D epartm ent serves as keynote
speaker.Em ail reapinc@ m sn.com
or cal I Jackson at 503-341-6161.
Diversity Expert at PCC Cascade
A d y n am ic and ch a rism a tic
speaker w ho helped IBM set the
standard in diversity em ploym ent
practices is com ing to the Portland
C om m unity Col lege Cascade C am ­
pus in north Portland.
T ed Childs will speak to visitors
and students at 6 p.m. on W ednes­
day, Feb. 7 in the auditorium o f the
M o riarty A rts an d H u m an ities
Building. There will he light refresh­
m ents served at 5:30 p.m. A recep­
tion will also immediately follow his
C hilds has been featured in D i­
versity Inc. M agazine, w hich wrote
that he was perhaps the m ost ef­
fective diversity executive on the
planet. He has been honored na­
tionally as a trailblazer in diversity
To RSVP, contact Sylvia Welch
at sw elch@ pcc.edu, or call 503-
G ram m y-w inning singer Alicia
Keys and hip-hop artist C om m on
make their m otion picture debuts in
the new hit film "S m o k in ’ A ces.”
T he dark action-com edy also
stars Ben A ffleck, A ndy G arcia,
Ray Liotta, Jerem y Piven, Ryan
R e y n o ld s , P e te r B e rg , T a ra ji
H e n s o n , C h r is P in e , M a rtin
H enderson and Jason Batem an.
“S m okin’ A ces” is a w ild story o f
the FBI protecting a sleazy V egas
m agician w ho has agreed to turn
sta te 's evidence to save his own
skin from a m ob boss w ho is said to
have perform ed o ver 130 contract
Keys plays a bad girl/street as­
sassin. Com m on w on the role o f a
b o d y g u ard w ho has som e hard
choices to m ake w hile it all starts
going dow n for his boss.
Live Music Every Night
• Kick o ff your w eek with live jazz every Sunday a t9 p.m. at The Blue
M onk (3341 S.E. Belmont).
• Participate in a m ixed-m edia open m ic night each M onday at the
B ack-to-B ackC afe (614 E. Burnside).
• The T hom City I mprov, featuring m em bers o f Oldom inion, Qui vah.
T he Chosen and T he Black N otes, perform at C o n a n 's (3862 S.E.
H aw thorne) every T uesday at 10 p.m.
• C elebrate H um p Day at The Red Sea (381 S.W . 3rd A ve)after work
on W ednesdays, from 5 to 9 p.m.
• Inch tow ard the w eekend at the Candlelight Room (2032 S.W. Fifth
A ve) with the Black N otes, perform ing each T hursday.
• C elebrate Friday with Mel Brow n, w ho plays
jazz at S alty ’s on the C olum bia every Friday and
Saturday, and Jim m y M ak’s on T uesdays and
T h u rsd ay s.
M el Brown
• Round o ff your w eek with live Reggae on Fri­
days and Saturdays at M ontego Bay, (1239 S.W .