Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 31, 2007, Page 12, Image 12

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Pori land OL s e r v e r Auto R e v i e w
lanuary 31, 2007
News and reviews on new motor vehicles
passenger co m p artm en t, w ith a
“seam less p ro file” . T h e A spen
proudly sports C h ry sler’s signa­
ture chrom ed grille - the face o f
C h r y s le r . T h e w in g s flo w
seam lessly into the grille header
and contain the gold seal o f the
brand. C hrom e accents graciously
provide lots o f bling-bling, with
individual chrom ed “C H R Y SL E R ”
lettering adorning the body-sides
o f each o f the front doors and 20-
inch chrom e w heels. T his striking
design style is easily recognized as
“an innovative butelegant premium
SUV, and unm istakably Chrysler.”
T he all-n ew A sp e n ’s braw n
com es fro m a S J -lite rH e m i V 8en-
2007 Chrysler Aspen Limited 4WD
with Five Star Safety Rating
bv K athleen C ark
featu res and b est-in -c lass h o rse ­
D a im le rC h ry sle r in tro d u ced pow er, torque, and in te rio r room .
the first e v e r C h ry sle r-b ra n d C h ry sle r’s in sp iratio n to p ro v id e
SU V , the 2007 A spen. T he all- buyers w ith the “g u ilt-free in d u l­
new C h ry sle r A spen is an 8- g en c e" o f an u p sc ale-lu x u ry ride
p assen g e r, tru c k -b a s e d SIJV . - co u p led w ith the braw n o f a
T he A spen is loaded w ith m any “ m u d - l o v i n g - s a n d - d o g g i n g ”
o f the a m en ities u p p er-m id d le 4 W D S U V -v e ry nicely fills a void
class fam ilies d esire , and p ric ­ in the C h ry sle r lineup.
ing to fit m ost m odest budgets.
W ith a unique and distinctive 5 .7-liter HEMI V-8 MDS engine (Multi-Displacement System)
T he A sp e n ’s sta n d ard -p re m iu m design, the C hrysler Aspen brings 335-hp, 370-lb. Torque.; 5-Speed Automatic transmission; Tow/
f e a t u r e s in c lu d e s tu n n i n g a new hxtk to the SUV segm ent. Haul Mode 2-Speed Transfer Case; Rated Best-In-Class Horse­
C h ry s le r d e s ig n , fu e l-s a v in g The dram atic exterior design for the power and Towing Capacity: 8,950-lb.; 14-city/19-highway MPG;
M D S te ch n o lo g y , 5 -star safety A spen disguises the bigness o f its $ 4 4 ,00 0.00 MSRP.
Guilt-Free Indulgence: Beauty and Braun
gine with a M ulti-displacem ent
System ( M D S). The on-board com ­
puter in the engine seam lessly al­
ternates betw een a four-cylinder
m ode to conserve fuel, and the full
V8 mode w hen m ore pow er is d e­
C h ry sle r’s atten tio n to the d e ­
ta ils o f p ro v id in g an eleg a n t,
ta ste fu lly u n d ersta te d lu x u rio u s
SU V d efin itely hit the m ark. T he
A spen cru ise s g en tly as a lullaby
on the streets and eats up the
m o u n ta in sid e w ith th e sw ee t
ab andon o f a w ild beast. A b a n ­
d o n y o u r ca re s an d ex p e rien c e
the “g u ilt-free in d u lg en ce” o f the
all-n ew 2007 C h ry sle r A spen.
Super Bowl XLI
Bears vs. Colts
Kickoff at 3 p.m. Sunday
on KOIN-Channel 6
Colts quarterback Payton Manning is a two-time most
valuable player.
Super Bowl XLI will have a
fresh look with two teams that
haven't seen the NFL's title
game in a long time.
The Chicago Bears are back
in the Super Bowl for first time
since winning Super Bowl XX
in January 1986, while the In­
dianapolis Colts make a Super
Bowl appearance for the first
time since the franchise was in
Baltimore and beat Dallas in
Super Bowl V.
Both teams started the sea­
son fast with the Bears win­
ning their first seven games on
their way to the NFC North
title and the Colts starting 9-0
on their way to the AFC South
crow n.
The championship game will
feature strength against strength
with the Colts offense, ranked
third in the regular season, going
against a Bears defense that
finished the season ranked fifth
Both teams have plenty of
talent, with Chicago sending
seven players to the Pro Bowl,
six from the defense or special
teams, and the Colts boasting
five Pro Bowl players, all from
the offense.
Bears coach Lovie Smith and
Colts coach Tony Dungy are
close friends, dating back to
Smith'stime workingon Dungy's
staff with the Tampa Bay Bucs,
and the two are the first Afri­
can-American head coaches to Bears linebacker Brian Urlacher is a six time NFL pro
reach the Super Bowl.
bowl selection.
Colts Coach
Tony Dungy
Prince to
Perform at
Portland Prem ine
Tony and Libby Kelly
MBA. M.Ed.. Brokers, CRS, ABR. SRES
W SellingPortlandRealEstate .mm
Prince is set to perform
Sunday, Feb. 4 in the Pepsi
Super Bowl XLI Halftime
Show on CBS (KOIN
Channel 6). One o f the
greatest living performers o f
our time, he has sold nearly
1 00 million albums and is a
member o f The Rock & Roll
Hall o f Fame.
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Chicago Bears Coach Lovie Smith
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Skin Color
Makes a
(A P) — L ight-skinned im m i­
grants in the United States make
more money on average than those
with darker com plexions, and the
ch ief reason appears to be discrim i­
nation, a researcher says.
Joni Hersch, a law and econom ­
ics professor at Vanderbilt U niver­
sity. hxtked at a governm ent sur­
vey o f 2,084 legal im m igrants to the
United States from around the world
and found that those with the light­
est skin earned an average o f 8
percent to 15 percent more than
similar immigrants with much darker
“On average, being one shade
lighter has about the same effect as
having an additional year o f educa­
tion," Hersch said.
The study also found that taller
im m igrants earn more than shorter
ones, with an extra inch o f height
associated with a 1 percent increase
in income.