Page B2 íl?f|J n rtla n b © bseruer January 24, 2 0 0 7 Focus Jazz Festival at Clark College Live Music Every Night • Kick off yourw eek with livejazz every Sunday at9 p .m . at The Blue M onk(3341 S.E. Belmont). • Participate in a m ixed-m edia open mic night each M onday at the Back-to-Back C afé (614 E. Burnside). • The T hom City Improv, featuring m em bersofO ldom inion.Q uivah, T he Chosen and T he Black N otes, perform at C onan’s (3862 S.E. H aw thorne) every Tuesday at 10 p.m. • Celebrate H um p Day at The Red Sea (381 S.W. 3rd Ave) after work on W ednesdays, from 5 to 9 p.m. • Inch toward the weekend at the Candlelight Room (2032 S.W. Fifth A ve) with the Black N otes, perform ing each Thursday. • Celebra!** Friday w ith Mel Brown, w ho plays jazz at S alty’s on the C olum bia every Friday and Saturday, and Jim m y Mak s on Tuesdays and T hursdays. Clarence Acox Garfield returns for performance • Round off your w eek with live Reggae on Fri­ days and Saturdays at M ontego Bay, (1239 S.W. Jefferson). Mel Brown «IATI 1*1* State Farm* Providing Insurance and Financial Services The Contours will bring their Motown magic to Portland in three performances with the Oregon Symphony. Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Motown Magic Michael E Harper Agent 9045 SW Barbur Blvd. Suite 109 Portland. OR 97219 503 221 3050 Fax 503 227 8757 michael harper with the Contours 'Ll-J-icions SMOKEHOUSE AnUr « 5pcci/ílizin¿ in 5 i„o lic i ¿Wcdf$ U 5cnfooi Beef* Pork • Lamb • Poultry • Seafood lunch $5.95 nnl up. ‘Dinner $9.95 ani> up Widely remembered for their 1962 hit, “Do You Love M e?” the C on­ tours helped put M otown on the map. U nderthe baton o fg u est con­ ductor Jeff Tyzik, the O regon Sym ­ phony will perform “Motown Magic with The C ontours" on Saturday, Jan. 27 at 7:30 p.m., Sunday, Jan. 28 at 3 p.m . and M onday, Jan. 29 at 7:30 p.m. The program will include m ed­ leys from T he T em ptations, The Four Tops, Sm okey Robinson & The M iracles and Stevie W onder. The C ontours have been known a s “ M otow n’s # l Party G roup” for more than 4 0 years. Tyzik isconsid- ered one o f A m erica’s m ost inno- vative pops conductors, collabo­ rating w ith artists such as Art G arfunkel, Tony Bennett and Lou Rawls. Tickets are $29 to $80 and may be p urchased at the O regon S y m ­ phony Ticket O ffice at 923 S.W. W ashington, by phone at 503 228- 1353 o r from T icketm aster outlets. Clark Col lege in Vancouverwill celebrate the best young m usical talent in the region - and honor an A m erican art form - when it hosts its 45th A nnual Jazz F estival Thursday through Saturday, Jan. 25 to 27. Vocal ja zz ensem bles and jazz bands from high schools in O r­ egon will com pete in group and solo perform ances at G aiser Hall, located on Fort V ancouver W ay between M cLoughlin and Fourth Plain Boulevards. A dm ission is $5 per day; ch il­ dren under 12 accom panied by an adult are adm itted free o f charge. For ad d itio n al in fo rm atio n , contact the C lark College M usic Department at 360-992-2188o r360- 992-2662. Pork Rib, Brisket, Turkey, Chicken, Sandwiches & More Open 11:30 AM - 9:00 PM Monday thru Saturday Jazz & Blues E m erg in g A rtists S h o w ca se - The Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N. Interstate Ave., hosts a University o f Portland exhibit featuring eight em erging artists. Gal lery hours: Tuesday -F rid ay 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, noon - 4 p.m. A dm ission is free. 4057 N. Interstate Ave. 503-493-9414 B araain 3511 NE MLK Jr Blvd Portland. OR 97212 503-292-6061 On the comer of MLK & f reemont T h e Yellow B oat -- A true story o f a young m an’s life with AIDS, is featured in The Yellow Boat, through Feb. 11 at Echo Theatre, 1515 S.E. 37th St. Show tim es are Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Tickets are $15 Visit or call 503- 493-8070 Visit Us Today And Get A Free Cell Phone! T •' M o llili'- T he H o nest Deals In Tow n 1111 B a ra a in The N orm an S ylvester Band - 3511 NE MLK Jr Blvd Portland OR 97212 503-292-6061 On the comer of MLK & Freemont The N o rm an Sylvester Band is scheduled to ap ­ pear Friday, Feb. 2, at 8:30 p.m. at C ly d e's in P ort­ land and S atur­ day, Feb. 3 a, 9:30 p.m. at Portsm outh Club in Portland. Tuesday, Feb. 6, at 8 p.m ., the band will beperform ingatTillicum in Beaverton. Visit norm or cal 1503-286-6474 for information. .^Xôcaæ whe/-e sf W SU V an c o u v er E x h ib it - W SU Vancouver, 14204 N.E. Salm on Creek Ave., presents se­ lected w orks by Ines Epperson through S un­ day, Jan. 28, in the Engineering and Life Sci­ ences building. For more inform ation, visit v an couver.w rs 0 -C community. Tickets are $75. Call 503-282-7973 or em ail ufor@ F estiv a l o f A frica n F ilm s - Feb. 2, Portland C o m m u n ity C o lleg eC ascad ew ill host the 17th edition o f the African film festival. T he festival will show case 20 film s by A frican directors, special guest appearance by G hanaian film great Kwaw P. A nsah. For m ore inform ation, cal1503-292-3685 oremail mdembrow @ V a u d e v ille R o se A u d itio n s — T he R ose F e s­ tival is h o ld in g an au d itio n M o n d ay , Jan. 29 from 2 p.m . to 7 pm. at the dow ntow n Em bassy S u ites H otel, fo r p erfo rm ers to p articip a te in the v ariety show “V au d e v ille R o se," open to all ty p es o f v ariety acts an d b eing stag ed in h o n o r o f the f e s tiv a l's u p co m in g ce n ten n ial ce le b ra tio n . C o m ed y o f M a n n e rs — The Lake- w ood T heatre Com pany presents th e T o n y -A w a r d m u sic a l “W here ’ s C harley,” a fine I y crafted com edy o f m anners offering a deft send-up o f etiquette and propri­ ety. Shows Thursdays through Sat­ urdays until Feb. 18 at 368 S. State St. in Lake O sw ego. Call 503-635- 3901 o rv isitlak ew o o d T h e G o ld en F ish -Saturday, Feb. 3, at 10a.m., performers will take the stage telling the tale o f a poor Russian fisherman w hocatches a m agical golden fish w illing to gran, one wish. Perform ances will be held at 10 a.m ., on S atur­ days throughout the month o f February, at the Brooklyn Bay, 1825 S.E. Franklin. Bay K. For rese rv a tio n s, call 5 0 3 -7 7 2 -4 0 0 5 o r em ail m elanya@ C a n d lelig h t V a len tin e C o n cert - An intim ate evening with M ichael Allen Harrison, perform ­ ing his rom antic piano expressions by candle­ light, in the Historic O ld Church, 1422 S.W . II Ave. Perform ances are at 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. on V alentines D ay, Feb. 14, on Friday, Feb. 16, at 8 p.m., with a final perform ance at 7 p.m ., S atur­ day, Feb. 17. Tickets are $20 general and $28.50 preferred and are available at M illennium M u­ sic or any T icketsW est outlet. T h e B lack U n ited F und B an q u et — W ednes­ day, Feb. 21, at the G overnor Hotel, The Black United Fund o f Oregon will host its annual banquet honoring arts and culture within the Where's Charley H ip-hop Dance Classes - Vancou ver-Clark Parks and Recreation is hosting fam ily friendly hip- hop dance classes for ages 5 to 18. V arious lessons teach rhythm , technique, coordination, agility, com binations and team w ork through urban dance m oves. For more inform ation, call 360-696-8236. T r ip p in ’ th ro u g h T o w n -T a k e a trip through tim e to find the hottest poetry, hip-hop and soul influencing Portland on W ednesdays at the O hm . $7 cover. 31 N.W . First Ave. Belly D a n ce C lasses - C aravan Studios offers classes in belly dance, A frican dance and more. V isit w w w F o r t V a n c o u v e r L a n te r n T o u r s - F ort VancouverN ational Historical Site, 1001 E .5 S t„ will host lantern tours from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on: Friday Feb. 2 and Saturday, Feb. 17. R eserva­ tions are required. Call 360-816-6230. Breakfast Lunch Pottle training Snacks State certified Story tim e Toys Games Fun Arts and crafts And much more! Dianetics can help you live a better and happier life. Regina’s ChildHaven Learning Center Read the book used by millions to reduce stress, anxiety and unhappiness.This is the road to a better life with fewer problems. Ages 2 mos-12 years Educational learning Just get it, read it and try it, and you'll never be the same. Available at your local bookstore or from For more information please call Mrs. Regina Dennis (503) 282-3154 Here When You Need Us A.D. Williams Shop 503-282-2920 CaN 503-309-4488 Dianetics Foundation, 709 SW Salmon St. Portland, O .i 97205 Phone 503.228.0116 , 3725 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland OR 97227 Paperback $8.00 7 • Free shipping . ah orders shipped within 24 hours «• 2004 BPi AN Rights Reserved DIANETICS is a trademark and service mack owned by Religious Technology (e n te r and is used with Its permission 2 1 3 N .E . H a n c o c k P o rtla n d . O R 9 7 2 12 8 :3 0 am - 6 :0 0 pm Tues.-Sat.