Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 24, 2007, Image 7

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Committed to Cultural Diversity
M etro
lanuary 24, 2 0 0 7
Eye-Opening Visual
Hurricane on the
Bayou' at OMNIMAX
See page B2, inside
11,1 ^ lo rtlau b CDbseruer
Video Students Share Jefferson’s Story
media spin with
film project
by S arah B lount
T he P ortland O bserver
E veryone has an opinion about Jefferson High
School, but have you heard from the students them ­
You are likely to get a unique view from those who
w alk the halls each day. But these students’ voices
rarely rise above m edia im ages o f drive-by shootings
and drug deals, or concerned board m em bers keeping
the school in a constant state o f upheaval.
A group o f 31 Jefferson sophom ores got behind
the cam era last spri ng to share their own story through
a docum entary called "R eading Betw een the Lines.”
By producing their own ft Im they learned not only the
technical aspects o f the craft, but w ere able to chal­
lenge the stereotypes plaguing Jefferson’s identity.
The docum entary allow s students to share their
opinion o f the sc h o o l's reputation as well as their own
am bitions. C ity leaders, including Portland activist
and form er broadcaster Lew Frederick and C ity C om ­
m issioner Dan Saltzm an, contributed to the film as
The 21 -m inute fi 1m received a standing ovation at
its prem iere at the Portland Art M useum in November.
A second screening and reception took place Jan. 11
at Portland C om m unity C ollege'sC ascadeC am pus in
north Portland.
T he teens took part in the Y oung F ilm m aker’s
Program at the N orthw est Film C enter, w orking with
photo by S arah
B i . oi nt /T he P ortland O bserver
Local documentary filmmaker Sue Arbuthnot (left) and Jefferson High School junior Tiffany Stewart attend a screening of "Reading Between the
Lines: Jefferson - Our Story" at Portland Community College in north Portland.
resident artist and local film m aker Sue Arbuthnot.
T he substance abuse prevention organization O r­
egon Partnership secured a grant for the film project,
w iththe intention o f studying how m ediafilm m aking
positively im pacts prevention measures.
A rbuthnot offered the students technical experi­
ence w hile the teens lent their own am bition to dispel
preconceptions o f gangs, drugs and violence.
“ It was very clear to me they had a passion and a
unified message tochange the perception,” Arbuthnot
on page lift
Finding Strength to
Go and Do Anything
PCC student overcomes obstacles
Portland Community College student Gente Traylor (left) and college district president Preston
C a I e n d a r
Scholarships Available
D eadlines are approaching for college
scholarships from the Black United Fund
o f Oregon. For detailed inform ation, co n ­
tact bufor@ bufor.org.
Neighborhood Election
The Historic M ississippi Business A sso­
ciation in north Portland rem inds mem bers
o f the im portance o f attending the election
m eeting; w hich has been rescheduled for
Noon. W ednesday, Jan. 3 1. at M ississippi
People of Color Activism
An ‘Action A cadem y’ to galvanize co m ­
m unities o f color to take action regarding
issues affecting their com m unities in the
O regon Legislature will take place S atur­
day, Jan. 27, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m ., at the
C hem eketa C om m unity C ollege, 4(XX)
Lancaster Dr. N.E., Salem, Building 2. For
more inform ation, call: 503-984-6816 or
em ail aeryca@ causaorcgon.org.
Black History Foundation
The Black H istory M useum o f Oregon is
seeking the brilliant m inds o f concerned
individuals to help in restructuring the
museum foundation'scom m ittee. Call 503-
284-0617 for more information.
Extra-special V alentine gift boxes loaded
with delicious goodies and with 100 per­
cent o f the $24.95 cost benefiting the
M eals-On-W heels program can be ordered
through Monday, Fcb.5.Call 503-736-6325
or visit: loavesandflshesonline.org.
Camp Fire Candy Sale
Local kids from C am p Fire USA will be
outside many storefronts in M ultnomah
and W ashington counties through Feb. 5
selling delicious candy boxes. The pro­
ceeds help with sum m er cam p expenses.
C a ll
5 0 3 - 2 2 4 -7 8 0 0
v isit
portlandcam pflre.org.
Free Eye-Screening
T he D evers Eye Institute at Legacy Health
System s will conduct free visual field
screening test for glaucom a and other
serious eye diseases. No appointm ent is
necessary. T he testing schedule is T hurs­
day, Jan. 25, from 11 a.m. to I p.m at 19300
S. W. 65 Ave. in T ualatin, M onday, Jan. 29.
from 11 a.m .to I p.m. at 2 2 11 N.E. 139St. in
V ancouver, and on W ednesday, Jan. 31.
from 11 a.m. to I p .m .a, 1225 N.E. Second
Ave. in Portland.
Community Support
The African American Health Coalition, a
non-profit that touches the lives o f m il­
lions o f African A m ericans each year,
rem inds you to support your com m unity
organization. All donations, grants, and
gifts are tax deductible. For more inform a­
tion, visit aahc-portland.org.
G ente T raylor may look like the stereotypical 18-
year-old. but in reality she possesses maturity and
w isdom beyond her years.
Traylor, w ho is studying to get her associate's o f
arts degree in psychology at the Cascade C am pus in
north Portland, helped raise her brother and care for
her m other, w ho battled a crack cocaine addiction for
ten years.
"H er addiction began when I was four." T raylor
said. "Although she was an addict, my younger
brother and I had clothes, food and a house, how ever,
we ju st didn't have a ’home."'
But don't think that T raylor is a statistic. She has
overcom e this experience and used it to develop her
Men’s Wellness Screening
Tray lor grew up in Jackson. M iss., attending Murrah
High School. W hile there, she m aintained a high
grade-point average, w as honored with inclusion in
the W ho's W ho A m ong American High School Stu­
dents, National Honor Roll and Principal's List Award.
She was also a m em ber o f the school's ROTC and its
C olor Guard.
H er fam ily recently moved to Portland w here her
uncle is a pastor. T he m ove was hard enough but
getting back to school took a lot o f courage too.
"The experience o f my mom's addiction taught me
Girl Scouts Screen Video
Saturday. Feb. If), from 8 a.m. until Noon
Sunday, Feb. 11. from 2 p.m. to4 p.m.. at the
at Legacy Emanuel H ospital, Lorenzen
Kennedy School theater, the Girl Scouts
Center, for a minimal fee o f $10. a m en’s | will raise funds for its Family G iving Pro­
health screening test will be available,
gram with the screening o f the locally
appointm ents are required by calling 503- j produced video "A Circle is R ound”. Call
503-287-514 0 o r503-977-6805 for more in­
on page B4
nity? V olunteers and advocates are needed
for the Portland W om en's Crisis Line. The
needs include on-call advocates to re­
spond in person or over the phone, o ut­
rea ch an d e d u c a tio n a l e f f o rts , an d
fundraising and adm inistrative duties. Call
503-232-4176 for more information.
Weight Loss Series
Home buying Classes
New Seasons Market at Northeast 33rd
Work Against Abuse
and K illingsw orth Street will host free
Com m unity A dvocates invites those in-
w eight loss classes on Jan. 31, Feb. 28, | terested in protecting children from abuse
March 2 8 .and April 25 from 7 p.m. to8:30
to becom e an event volunteer, event out-
, reach, technology expert, graphic artists
or office support team m em ber. For infor­
Diabetes Support Group
mation.call 503-280-1388.
Legacy Em anuel Hospital hosts a diabe­
tes support group the first and third T hurs­ Women in Community Service
days o f every month, from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.,
Volunteer female mentors are being sought
in Room 1027.
by W om en in Com m unity Service to work
I with incarcerated women at the Coffee
Bradley-Angle House
Creek Correctional Facility. The women
T he Bradley-A ngle House needs volun­
provide support and encouragem ent for
teers to help its outreach against dom estic
inmates transitioning from prison back
violence. W om en o f color and bilingual
into the com m unity. For inform ation, call
w om en arc encouraged to call. For more
information, call 503-282-9940.
Portland Com m unity Land Trust helps
first tim e and low -incom e hom ebuyers
purchase hom es at below market price.
Attend a free, one-hourclass to learn more
th e
p ro g ra m .
C o n ta c t
Kelly @ pclt.org or call 503-493-t 1293.
Parenting Classes
N ew borns d o n ’, come with instruction
m anuals but parents and parents-to-be
can attend classes through Providence
I lealth System s to learn about a variety of
to p ic s fro m p ain and c h ild b irth to
breastfeeding to infant CPR and much
more. For a schedule of events, call 503-
574-6595 or visit: providence.org/classes.
Oregon Food Bank
The Oregon lix x l Bank seeks volunteers
on M ondays from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m..
and T uesdays, 9 a.m. to noon, to sort and
repack perishable hxxls. Call 5,J3-282-O555,
e x te n s io n
v is it
O regonfoodbank.org.
Volunteer for Crisis Line
W ant to make a difference in yourcom m u-
Stroller Class for Moms
Are you a new mom or have a toddler? Get
some exercise and meet other moms at the
free Stroller Strides class. 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.
Tuesdays and Thursday at Peninsula Park.
All you need is a stroller, water, a mat or
towel and com fortable shoes. Call Helen at
5O3-26O-5O18 for more information.