(Eh January 17, 2007 Improving 1;fjortlanh (©bseruer Page A5 Entrepreneur Lessons Racism Cited P ress, co -fo u n d e d the S. Renee M itchell - the Healing Roots Center in aw ard-w inning, po etry ­ Portland and has gained publishing, play-produc­ w idespread recognition ing, tea c h in ’, preachin' for journalism excellence andoutreachin’ Oregonian and for advocacy against colum nist - will fire up dom estic violence. Black E ntrepreneurs o f M itchell, whose pre­ Clark County during its sen tatio n w ill include first Sweat Equity Series time for questions and session o f the year on discussion, also will ap­ Thursday, Jan. 25 from pear on the nationally 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at syndicated T yra Banks the Clark Public Utilities Show in February as an most days. So dance, do house- I Electric C enter com m u­ honoree am ong 20 black work, walk the dog, walk to 5 n ity ro o m , 1200 Fort women o f achievem ent V a n c o u v e r W a y , in work or go to gym. Just get ’ S. Renee Mitchell around the country. V ancouver. m oving on a regular basis and . BECC sessions are free and offer am ple The series features successful entre- results will follow. netw orking opportunities. All are w el­ preneurs with lessons to share. Here are a few tips for turn­ com e, regardless o f race, residence or A pro at juggling life's manic mix of ing your New Y ear’s resolution venture. RSVP to Shareefah Abdullah. into a new exercise program i family and work, Mitchell will spill the BECC director, a, Hot Ovations, 360-604- beans on how she does it. Besides holding and healthier way of life: down a prom inent day job and raising 8583 or shareefah@ hotovations.com by C reate a plan. D on’t just say you will start exercising. Think i three future leaders, the Pulitzer nominee M onday, Jan. 22 to ensure adequate re­ runs publishing com pany N appyR oots freshm ents and materials. about the types o f activities you want to do and where and how often you will exercise. J o u rn a l y o u r p ro g re s s . Tracking your progress allows you to see and feel good about your accom plishm ents. It can j also point out ways to modify your habits in order to achieve j your goals. Make it a new way o f life (because it is). That m eans if you have bad day (or week), d o n 't get down on yourself and quit. G et back to your program the next day. And remember, taking care o f yourself for one week does not mean that you can n e g le c t y o u rs e lf fo r a Dr. Jenny Pompilio Dr. Sandeep H. Mashru Dr. Julia Ho month. Embrace a lifestyle that rewards you with good health. Your by K imberly M athews HEALTH Resolve to be Healthier in 2007 (and mean it!) K imberly M athews It’s that tim e o f year when we declare a w ell-intended and am bitious New Y ear's resolu­ tion, then give it up within a couple o f months. Some vow to quit sm oking, others to save money, but the majority o f us pledge to lose weight. We prom ise to reduce the am ount o f fat we eat, pass on the cookies, cut back on drinking, and replace them with jogging, yoga and broccoli. But by the end o f January we are back to our old habits, and feel worse for failing to keep our new y ear's resolu tio n ... again. But don’t let that stop you from trying again because this year can be different. Being healthy and active can give you energy to keep up w ith the dem ands o f a busy life and improve your overall well be­ ing. Being overw eight and inac­ tive puts us at higher risk for developing cardiovascular dis­ ease and diabetes (which are m o re p re v a le n t in A fric a n Americans). Exercise helps re­ duce those risks. As cliché as it might seem, starting a fitness program in January is often the best time to begin. The excesses and tem p­ tations of the holiday season are gone, and it is easier to recruit friends and fam ily to join you. T he N atio n al In stitu te o f Health recom m ends at least 30 m inutes o f physical activity on by in Max Attack F our A frican A m erican teenage girls are accu sed o f robbing a 16-year-old girl near L loyd C e n te r last w eek because o f her skin color. P ortland police an d T ran sit police officers arrested C helsea R ivers, 14, Brianna Streeter, 13, M ary M ichelle B lackshear, 16, and Rinita L ow , 13, on Jan. 11 at the T riM et M ax stop on N E H olliday St. and charged them w ith robbery, intim idation and assault. P o rtlan d police spokesm an Sgt. Brian S ch m au tz said the girls told d etectiv es they ch o se the victim b ecause she w as w hite. D etectives are review ing M ax train su r­ veillan ce cam era tapes, as w ell as tapes from the M ax p latform s betw een the Rose Q u a rte r and L loyd C enter. P ortland Police w ant to speak w ith those w h o m ay have inform ation about the alleged assault o r w ho m ay have w itnessed a c o n ­ frontation betw een the teen girls and the victim. k . ..: Kimberly Mathews is program coordinator fo r the African American Health Coalition. For more information about AAHC’s free exercise and nutrition pro­ grams or to volunteer and make donations, contact the AAHC at 503-413-1850, by em ail at info@aahc-portland.org, or visit their website at www.aahc- portland.org. Dr. David Lin New Doctors at North Interstate Kaiser K a is e r P e r m a n e n te w e l­ com es four new m edical d o c ­ tors to its N orth Interstate M edi­ cal O ffice cam pus. T hey are derm atologist Julia Ho, otolaryn­ gologist D avid W . Lin. h em a­ tologi st/oncologist Sandeep H. M a sh ru a n d in te rn ist Je n n y Pompilio. Dr. Ho is board-certified and c o m p le te d h e r re s id e n c y at W ashington U niversity in St. L ouis, M o. She also com pleted her fellow ship in St. Louis. Dr. Lin is board-certified and co m pleted his residency at O r- egon H ealth and S cience U ni­ versity . H e has p ra c tic e d in T exas and C alifornia. Dr. M ashru is board-certified and com pleted his residency at Flushing Hospital M edical C en­ ter in N ew York. He com pleted fellow ships in G alveston, Texas and Lake Success, N. Y. His prior practice w as in Coos Bay. Dr. Pom pilio is board-certi­ fied and co m pleted her re si­ dency at W right State U niver­ sity in D ayton, O hio. She cam e to K a ise r P e rm a n e n te fro m T uality H ealthcare in H illsboro. Video Training Center Coming An Oregon Economic and Com- munity Development Department grant for the development of a multi- media training center in north Port­ land was announced Monday by Gov. Ted Kulongoski. In partnership with Portland Community Media, Portland Com­ munity College and several local media com panies, the Skanner Newspaper Foundation will use the $ 147.250 grant to train individuals in video production and journal­ ism. “One of the most important in­ vestments we can make in Oregon's economy is in the skills of our citi­ zens," Kulongoski said. "This part­ nership is a model for communities across Oregon because by collabo­ rating across the public and private sectors, we not only help Oregon employers access the skilled em­ ployees they need, but we help Oregonians access the skills train­ ing they need tocompete in a global workforce." With video, technology, media Community M edia's facility, and and other skills learned at the cen­ will train students in working with ter, graduates w ill be able to access cable television broadcast systems. It will alsocreate a program with job opportunities in Oregon's grow­ ing film, video and multimedia in­ a ‘train-the-trainer’ component, dustry that would otherwise not be adding to the number of qualified available to them. The training cen­ video production and cable access ter will be modeled after Portland trainers available at the center. 'L l-J -ic io u s 3138 No. Vancouver Ave., Portland, OR 97227 J. W. Matt Hennessee, Senior Pastor (www.vancouveiaveclHirch.orci) INVITES YOU TO JOIN US Sunday, January 21, 2007 at 4:00 PM "The First Annual ‘Drum Major’ Ecumenical Service” SMOKEHOUSE ill 5 n i p l i c i ¿ W c tltü Vancouver Avenue 1st Baptist Church Honoring: Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; Mrs. Coretta Scott King: and Mrs. Rosa Parks 5 5 c itfp d b Beef • Pork • Lamb • Poultry • Seafood l u n c h $ 5 . 9 5 rini> up. 'D i n n e r $ 9 . 9 5 a n l n/> Pork Rib. Brisket. Turkey, Chicken, Sandwiches & More Open 11:30 A M - 9:00 PM M onday thru Saturday Jazz & Blues 4057 N. Interstate Ave. 503-493-9414 Featuring: The Martin Luther King Elementary School Choir, Grant High School Choir, and the Vancouver Ave. 1st Baptist Church Mass Choir Keynote Speaker: State Senator and President Pro-Tem of the Oregon State Senate, The Honorable Margaret Carter Special Recognition: Former Senator Mark Hatfield Advocate for Civil Rights Faith Leaders, Elected Officials, and Community Leaders will also participate For more details: 503-282-9496 I I ♦