January 17. 2007 |J n rtla n h © h s m ie r Page B5 Brothers of Basketball Your Care Our First Priority "After you lose you just have to order to play it, and they know that was even cut short when they were put it behind you," Josh said, "Then workingtheirhardest will make them called to practice. Seth says losing is his least fa­ you have to look back at the game the best players that they can be. They dedicate as much time as vorite part o f playing basketball. and learn from what you did wrong." "You may be working hard," said they can to the game and both hope "W e alw ays try to be as com peti­ "Playing another gam e and w in­ Josh, "But alw ays rem em ber that to make it a winning season, hit the tive as possible and play to win," ning helps too," Seth said. there is som eone out there w orking high scores academically and keep Josh agrees. The Tarvers offer no secrets to ju st as hard or harder than you, so their fans on the edges o f their seats. Although a losing streak is som e­ aspiring younger athletes. you need to alw ays do the most "Everyday we try to find new thing the brothers d on’t have a lot "There are no secrets," said Seth. you can to achieve your goals." w eaknesses and im prove them," o f experience at, when they do have "You ju st have to work hard." Playing basketball keeps the said Seth. a dud gam e they reach for w ays to The brothers do agree you have Tarvers very busy and leaves them "W e ju st try to work hard and regain their confidence. to have passion for the gam e in with little free tim e. O ur interview have fun with it as well." said Josh. continued from Metro \ Dr. Marceline Failla ’ Chiropractic Physician We are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, O R 97213 I Between Broadway and Sandy Bird.) • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries Call for an appointment! / tm u a n e f YAM YAM’S SOUTH1ZRN COOKING BBQ Flipper Memorial Saturday Clark College hosts celebration of his life A celebration o f life in memory' of family man, businessm an, educa­ tor and com m unity activist Carl F. Flipper III will be held at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 20 at the Clark C ol­ lege G aiser S tudent C e n te r in Vancouver. Flipper made a difference in the lives o f his fam ily, friends and co l­ leagues. He died Nov. 24 at Legacy S a lm o n C re e k H o s p ita l in V ancouver, from com plications of m ultiple m yelom a at age 58. He was com m itted to em pow er­ ing and educating the disenfran­ chised and to fostering com pas­ sionate support for social and eco­ nomic justice am ong the powerful. O ver the 14 years he lived in the Portland area, he held leadership positions in a num ber o f civic o rga­ nizations including the Portland Baseball G roup, O regon Public B ro a d c a s tin g , S o u th A fric a n - A m erican Business Club and the Economic Development Committee for the Interstate C orridor Urban Renewal Area. He w as a stu d en t and p ro p o ­ nent o f both A frican A m erican and N ative A m erican h isto ry and culture, takin g an ac tiv e role in the 9th and 10th C av alry A sso ­ ciation (the B uffalo S oldiers), the N ational Black M BA A sso c ia­ tion, the P ortlan d B ranch o f the N A A C P and O m eg a Psi Phi F ra ­ ternity. He serv ed as a c o n s u lt­ ant to the O regon N ative A m eri­ can B usiness and E n trep ren e u r­ ial N etw ork. At the tim e o f his d eath he w as (503)228-6140 7339 M LKBLVI) POR I LAM), OREGON 97212 Carl F. Flipper III the D irector o f A uxiliary Services o f C lark C o lleg e. P rev io u sly , he served as the c o o rd in a to r for the H um boldt T arg et A rea P ro ject in north P ortland, and p resid en t o f the O regon E n terp rise Forum as­ sistin g early -stag e co m p an ies. He is su rv iv ed by his w ife A n n e tte A lb r ig h t F lip p e r o f V an co u v er, son Jo sep h F lip p er o f C lark sto n , W ash., d au g h ters M onica F lip p er o f N ew O rlean s and N atalie F lipper o f L ew iston. Idaho, his m o th er M au rin e F lip ­ per of Mill V alley, C alif., his sister C a ssa n d ra F lip p er o f G reen b rae, C a l i f ., s te p - s o n s N a th a n ia l A lb rig h t o f D enver and C h risto ­ p her A lbright o f P o rtland, ste p ­ d au g h te rs D ean n a and Je ssic a A lbright o f P o rtland and Ruby A lb rig h t o f V ancouver, and three g ran d ch ild ren . R em em brances may be made to the Flipper Children's Education Fund in care o f Annette Albright Flipper at Bank o f A m erica, 805 Broadway, Vancouver, W A 98660. PHONE: 503-978-9229 FAX 503-978-9228 PROUDLY PRESENTS y td # « tdc EVERYDAY LUNCH SPECIALS" MONDAY Thru FRIDAY 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. # I - 2 PCS. CATFISH-1 WING w /F F & T O A S T ...................... $5.50 # 2 - 2 WINGS-1 PCS CATFISH w/ FF & TOAST..................... $ 5.00 # 3 - 2 W INGS-w/ W HITTING w / FF & TOAST...................... $4.50 # 4 - 2 BBQ PORK RIBS 2-W INGS w/ FF & TOAST...............$6.50 # 5 -1 HOT LINK. 2 BBQ PORK RIBS w /F F& T O A ST .........$ 5.50 # 6 - 2 PCS WHITTING. 1 PCS SNAPPER w /F F & T O A S T ...$ 5.50 # 7 - 1 BBQ PORK RIB. I PCS CATFISH. I PC’S SNAPPER, I WING w/ FF.....................................................................................$6.50 # 8 - 2 PCS CATFISH. 3 SHRIM P w/ FF & TOAST..................$6.50 Martin Luther King’s Secretary Dies at 81 COME (AP) — Dora M cDonald, secre­ tary for Martin Luther King Jr„ died ju st days before the national holi­ day that honors her form er boss. She was 81. McDonald died Saturday ofcom - pl ¡cations from cancer at Emory Craw ford Long Hospital in Atlanta. G a., hospital spokesm an Lance Skelly said Sunday. King entrusted his fam ily to M cD onald’s care when he was in ja il o r tr a v e lin g , a n d it w as M cD onald w ho told C oretta Scott King that her husband had been assassinated on April 4, 1968 in M emphis, Tenn. Dr. M artin L u th er King. Jr., h is w ife C o retta S c o tt King (right) a n d M cDonald started w orking for h is se cre ta ry , Dora M cD onald, arrive in O slo, Norway, in th is the civil rights leader in I960 and D ec. 8 , 1 9 6 4 file p h o to . In Loving M em ory Mary Eliza Griffin Funeral services were held Jan. 3 for Mary Eliza Griffin, 77, aretired lab tech for Harris M ethodist HEB Hospital in Bedford. Texas, who died Dec. 2 6 ,2 0 0 6 at a T exas care center. She was bom Dec. 8 . 1929, in Talbot. G a. She m oved her family to Fort Worth in 1964. She was a devoted m em ber o f New Beth Eden Baptist Church, serving in many m inistries. She was a very active m em ber o f the Seniors in M otion at the church. She served as precinct judge for several years and was a volunteer for many organizations. Survivors include her loving daughter. W anda G riffin; sons, Earl H. Griffin Jr. ( Bernice) and T hom as B. G riffin o f Portland; grandson she raised, Jonathan A. Griffin; sisters. Rena Boyd, Annie W ilcox and M agdalean Brown; goddaughter, Linda Draugin; 12 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren: and a host o f other relatives and friends. Cornelius ‘Connie’ Mills Funeral services were held Jan. 4 at New Hope M issionary Baptist C h u rc h in north P o rtla n d for Cornelius “C onnie" Jean Mills. She w as born Sept. 30, 1947 in P o rtland to M arie T hom pson and T h ad d eu s S pencer, the sixth o f 12 children. She w as called hom e on D ec. 30, 2006 afte r a b rie f ill­ n e ss. She atten d ed W oodlaw n E l­ em en ta ry school and G irls P o ly ­ technic High School. In 1964, she m arried Jesse M ills Jr. and be­ cam e the proud m other o f tw o beautiful ch ild ren ,G reg o ry Allen S p en ce r and S havyonne M arie M ills. In 1972 she met her life p artn e r E dw ard T hom pson. C o n n ie w as a h o m e m a k e r, day care pro v id er and "m o th er to all". She w elcom ed many children into her hom e w ith open arm s and a hot m eal. H er favorite th in g s in life w ere h er ch ild ren , ex ten d ed fam ily and frien d s, and the Lord. She loved cookin g for her fam ily, gard en in g and trips to the beach. She raised three n ephew s, A n­ thony, M ichael, and A ntw aun, and w as cu rre n tly raisin g her g ran d d a u g h ter Jessica. She was an inspiration for her family, friends, and her Christian w om en’s group o f w hich she was a faithful m em ber. She was a great woman with a big heart full o f love foreveryone she met, and she knew quickly becam e his confidant and adviser. In a 1989 interview with the At­ la n ta J o u r n a l- C o n s titu tio n , M cDonald described her role as K ing’s secretary at Ebenezer Bap­ tist Church and later at the South­ ern Christian Leadership C onfer­ ence as "a 24-hour-a-day, seven- d ay -a-w eek jo b .” “ But there was never a tim e — and I can say this in all truthfulness, from the ti me I went to work for hi m until his death — that I regretted what I was doing or w here I was at that m om ent," she said. M cDonald never m arried or had children, and has no im m ediate survivors. Boxing Athlete Remembered he play ed football and b ask et­ William ball. D uring his youth he attended S haron Seventh D ay A dventist ‘Bull' Holcey C hurch. W illiam "B ull’" Holcey was bom on Ju n e 6, 1932 in T u sk eg ee A la. to D aniel H olcey and L aney Ann T olbert. He g ot the n ick -n am e “ B ull" d u rin g his b o x in g y ears w here he had m ade a nam e for him self. He has been in the boxing ring w ith m any boxing g reats. He atten d ed B oise E lem entary and Jefferso n H igh S chool w here S u rv iv o rs include fo u r sisters, Ruth H olcey, K um ice Jack so n , M ary Jo hnson, and R uby M elson. He w as pro ceed ed in d eath by his p a r e n ts an d s ib lin g s J o h n n y H olcey and N aom i Pugh. A fu n eral se rv ic e w as held T u esd ay , Jan. 2 at R oss H o lly ­ w ood C hapel. follow ed by a co m ­ m ittal serv ice at S k y lin e M em o­ rial G ardens. Sunrise: Sept. 30, 1947 - Sunset: Dec. 30, 2006 no strangers. She was preceded in death by her father; ex-husband; and broth­ ers Melvin and Richard Spencer. She is survived by her m other and children; nephew M ichael Spen­ c e r; g r a n d c h ild r e n A sh to n M urdock, G regory S pencer Jr., Jom arri G able. Jahm ani Spencer. J'an ae G able, and Jessica Spencer; five brothers Thad Spencer. Kerry Spencer. Kenny Spencer, T ony Spencer, and Kevin Spencer: four sisters Loretta Gunter. Cierri Orr and M audine Smith, all o f Portland: and Cynthia Lovell o f Australia. She also leaves to m ount her lifetime com panion and a host o f nieces and nephews, extended family and friends. Although hersoul was requested in heaven, C o n n ie's love, wisdom, kind words and inspiration will never be forgotten by all those w ho loved her dearly. May we continue to walk in her light, love and guidance. High S chool-S E IS stu d en ts will begin S a tu rd a y , Jan. 20 from I p.m . to 2 :3 0 p .m .. and each consecu tiv e Saturday for eight w eeks. L ight sn ack s will be p ro ­ vided. All ages are w elcom e an d no prior S panish is required. T o p re ­ register. call Y vette Key at 503- 2 0 9-9045 All side dishes $2.50 with any above listed combination. 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Just get it, read it and try it, and you'll never be the same. Church Offers Spanish Classes St Johns All N ations C hurch o f G od in Christ, 9486 N. Buchanan, is offering free Spanish classes to the Portland com m unity. T he instruction from R oosevelt # 9 - 3 PCS W HITTING FISH w/ FF & TOAST.........................$4.50 Available at your local bookstore or from Dianetics Foundation, 709 SW Salmon St. Portland, OR. 97205 Phone 503.228.0116 www.dianetics.org Paperback $8.00 • Free shipping • All orders shipped within 24 hours © 2004 RPl All Rights Reserved DlANf T 1C S is a trademark and service mark owned by Aebqious Technofcxjy (en te r and is used with its permission