Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 10, 2007, Martin Luther King Jr. Special Edition, Page 9, Image 9

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    M a r t in L u t h e r K ing J r .
lanuary IO. 2007
Page A 9
2007 sp e c ia l edition
To make life easier for meal preparations, the ‘Food Section’ will
present an assortment of hearty, healthy and user-friendly winter and
holiday recipes. For recipe requests or suggestions contact:
SharonS@portlandobserver.com Subject'. Food Section
F ood
and cheese is
loved by
Give this
classic fam ily
favorite a
little pizzazz
by using
pepper jack
cheese as
well. ”
Baked Mac-N-Cheese
• Preheat oven: 35OF.
• C ook the m acaroni according to package directions. Drain.
• In a saucepan, melt 2 Tbs. butter or m argarine over m edium
heat. Add onion and garlic, sauté until onions have a rich golden
color. Mix in the tom atoes, hot sauce, and spices. Stir in milk and
shredded cheese (reserve 'A cup cheese for topping), stirring
often. M ix in the cooked m acaroni.
• Lightly coat baking dish with cooking spray. Transfer m aca­
roni and cheese to baking dish. Sprinkle with breadcrum bs and
the rem aining cheese. Dice the rem aining 2 Tbs. butter or
m argarine, and spread evenly o ver the top.
Bake 45-50 m inutes or until thoroughly heated.
2-cups m acaroni
4-Tbs. butter
1- onion, chopped
1-clove garlic, m inced
1-(I4.5 ounce) can diced tom atoes
*4-tsp. red hot pepper sauce
‘/ i-c u p m ilk
1 -1/2 cups shreddedcheese: Cheddar, American, Monterey
or Pepper Jack (m ay be used in com bination)
• Vi - cup breadcrum bs
• Vi - tsp. Italian seasoning
• Salt & pepper to taste
Ingredients for life..
Bread Pudding has long been a southern favorite. Grandma would make it
often because it was easy and usually the ingredients were on hand.
Rancher's Reserve
Angus Beef Top
Round London Broil
Bread Pudding with
Maple-Blackberry Sauce
1. C ut the bread into 1-inch cubes, leave
the crust on. Let bread cubes sit out on
baking sheet to dry a bit, this will help
bread to absorb custard better.
2. In a large bowl, vigorously w hisk to­
gether milk, eggs, sugar, vanilla, cinna­
mon and salt. Place the bread cubes and
dried cherries in large bow l; pour the cu s­
tard m ixture over the top.
3. Use the backside o f a spoon to press
the bread into the custard, m aking sure
that each piece is covered. Let soak for 15-
20 m inutes. Note: If y o u 're preparing in
advance; cover and refrigerate overnight
prior to baking.
4. Pour the soaked bread m ixture into an
ungreased 8x 8-ineh square-baking dish.
5. Bake 40-45 m inutes at 350 F.
80% Lean 20% Fat.
SAVE up to $1.50 lb
SAVE up Io $2.60 lb.
• 5 cu p sb re ad (ab o u t'/2 o falarg elo a f)
suggest: challah or brioche bread
• 2-(4 cu p sm ilk
• 4 large eggs
• Vi -cup sugar
• 1 tsp. vanilla extract
• */ j tsp. cinnam on
• (4 tsp. salt
• Vi cup dried cherries or raisins
Golden Ripe
6. T o test doneness, insert knife into the
center o f pudding. If knife com es out moist
but clean, the pudding is done. Let cool for
30 m inutes prior to serving.
Del monte,
C lub Price: 33c lb.
SAVE up to 48c on 3 lbs
Butcher's Cut Chicken
Thighs or D rum sticks
C aptain's Choice
R aw Shrim p
Fresh Cilfcw house < t Froze- aj
'Mrs w fc.’ Obs S S3'6 ea
SAVE up to 20e lb
51 to 60-ct. Shell-on.
SAVE up to $2 00 lb
Large Hass Avocados or
4-ct Package Tomatoes ( f t .
Fresh Express Spinach
Salads or Coleslaw
Club Pnce $1 00 ea.
SAVE up to 19 90 on 10
< rjnuii Z
9 to 16-oz package Selected
varieties. Club Price: 11.00 ea
SAVE up Io 117 90 on 10
Preheat oven: 350 F. Yields nine serv­
Maple Blackberry Sauce
Prepare this simple sauce while the pud­
ding is cooling. Just before serving, spoon
sauce over warm pudding. This rustic
sauce is a delicious compliment to the
pudding, as well as pancakes, waffles or
ice cream.
Hearty Signature Soups in the Deli
• 1-cup berries, (fresh or frozen)
• V i - cu p m aple syrup
• 2 -Tbs. sugar
• 1-tsp. vanilla extract
Com bine berries, maple syrup and sugar
in a sm all saucepan.
Cook over m edium -high heat, stirring
to dissolve the sugar. O nce the m ixture is
Ground Beef
bubbling, gently crush the berries with the
back o f a fork or spoon. C ontinue to cook
forthree to four minutes, remove from heat
and stir in the vanilla extract.
Are you currently in an
adjustable rate mortgage?
Is your rate increasing?
Are you behind in your
mortgage payments?
in the Deli
deiioous selections of
Signature Hot Sandwiches
24-pack. 169-07
13-oz. Selected vari­
SAVE up Io
S3 49 on 2
S alad D ressing
OiGiorno Pizza
Thin n' Crispy or
Rising Crust
I Barilla Pasta or
Ragu Pasta Sauce
Selected varieties
Limit 4
Choose from
You may have more options
then you think.
Tree Top
Apple Juice
64-oz Selected varieties
Club Price: $1.50 ea
W arm up to one o f our
in the Deli!
It is never too soon to think
about refinancing.
T o rtilla Chips
A rrow head
W ater
• Meatloaf
• Grilled Pamn.
• Oaxacan Pulled Pork
• Phiffy Cheesesteak
Pasta 12lo 16-oz
Sauce 16 to 26-oz
Selected varieties
Club Price. $ , 00 ea.
2 2.19'o 33.6-oz
Selected varieties
SAVE up Io 12 00
SAVE up to $2 30
■ .4, Super tnup*”'
Save hundreds o f $$$$$ per
month and Call
222 N.E. Park Plaza Dr.. Suite 115
Vancouver, WA 98684
kW O i
Large Eggs
18-ct Grade AA
c m a rtin @ h o m e lo a n s o u rc e .c o m
Advertise with diversity
u 1,1 ^Jortlaub (Obseriur
Kellogg s Cereal
Hix and Match!
14 to 20-fiz
Selected varieties
Must Buy 4.
Limit 1 otter.
Club Price SI 50 ea
SAVE up lb $5 96 on 4
for the circled prices
in this ad and in stote.
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not on free items C200" Safeway Stores. Ins