’rii lanuary IO. 2007 Page A7 Help for Financial Aid Seekers Resources open on ‘College Goal’ Saturday Filling out federal financial aid forms can be a daunting task, but there’s help available at the upcom - i ng Col lege Goal O regon Day. S at­ urday, Jan. 20, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at several Portland C om m unity College locations. O regon will have its first coordi­ nated statew ide effort to help stu ­ dents and families complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FA FSA ), the required application for most need-based federal, state and cam pus-based financial aid. Any student w anting to fill out the forms will get one-on-one assis­ tance in filling out the form, regard­ less o f w here they plan to go to college. T his year's sites will be PC'C Cascade, 705 N. K illingsw orth St.: RockCreek 17705 N .W .Springville Rd.: and Sylvania 12000S .W .49th Ave. cam puses, plus the South­ east C enter at 2305 S.E. 82nd Ave. STEAKADELPHM <8800 ME M IK. HOURS: original stbaimdelphia s u p o e s (Cheese, mayo, lettuce, tomatos, peppers, jalapenos, mushrooms & onions) Cheese Included Rocio Ceja-Roman (right) gets help with her financial aid paperwork from Clark Hochstetler, a retired Portland Community College employee. A team o f trained PC’C v o lu n ­ teers, including financial aid p ro ­ fe ssio n a ls, w ill p ro v id e a s s is ­ tance and support in p erson. H elp w ill in c lu d e f illi n g o u t th e w o r k s h e e t , s u b m i ttin g th e F A F S A o n lin e , and re c e iv in g confirm atio n that the final p ap e r­ w ork has been p rocessed. Students should bring their par- ents if possible, fill out the FAFSA online ahead o f time at fafsa.ed.got. and provide social security num ­ bers, birth dates, financial aid pin number, statem ent o f income for 2006 and current value o f assets. Full- and part-tim e students will also be autom atically considered for an Oregon O pportunity (¡rant through the Oregon Student As- sistance Com m ission. Advisors will also provide schol­ arship w orkshops throughout the day to help students find money for school. Spanish language advisors will be available at Rock Creek. Cascade and Sylvania campuses. For more inform ation visit C o l­ le g e G oal O re g o n at collegegoaloregon.org. Local Activist Leads Legislative Office Ward advances agenda for Shields Rep. Chip Shields has appointed northeast Portland activist Rev. Renee' W ard as h isch ief o f staff for the 2(X)7 Legislature. W ard will oversee the daily a r tivities o f S hield's office in Salem. She wi II also assist Shields, a D em o­ crat representing north and north­ east Portland, in his new position as chair o f the Public Safety S ub­ com m ittee o f W ays & Means. W ard is a long-tim e resident of Portland as well as an ordained m inister and founding pastor of Zion Christian M ethodist Episco­ pal Church. Monday-Friday, II am-9pm Saturday-Sunday, 11 am-9pm Rep. Chip Shields She has served as a m em ber o f the Crisis Response Team for the Northeast Precinct o f the Portland Police Bureau and has been an ad ­ vocate for health education and A wish changes nothing A decision changes everything! Rev. Renee' Ward prevention concerning both HIV/ AIDS and breast cancer in the A f­ rican American com m unity. She has also assisted young people in their transitions from O regon Youth Authority institutions back into the community. “ I'm delighted to have Renee’ head up my office," Shields said. “H erextensive years o f com munity service and expertise in north and northeast Portland will helpensure our neighborhoods are well served and well represented." Med Lg Phillv Cheesesteak Supreme (with Philly Sauce) 4.69 5.79 8.39 Philly Ranch Supreme (with Philly Ranch Sauce) 4.69 5.79 8.39 Philly Chicken Supreme (with Philly Sauce) 4.69 5.79 8.39 Philly Chicken & Steak Supreme 4.79 5.89 8.49 XXL Philly Supreme (12inch with extra-extra meat) 9.99 XXL Philly Ranch Supreme (12inch with extra-extra meat) 9.99 Add Provolone, Cheez Whiz or Cheddar Add Teriyaki Sauce .50 .60 .20 .20 .60 .30 (C heese, m ayo, lettuce, tom atos, onions & philly sauce) Cheese Included Philly C hicken w /C heese Ranch C hicken Teriyaki C hicken B B Q C hicken Philly C hicken & Steak Teriyaki C hicken & Steak Philly C hicken & Bacon C hicken & B acon Ranch A dd C h e d d ar C h e ese A dd E xtra C h ick en Sm 4.39 4.39 4.59 4.59 4.59 4.79 4.79 4.79 M ed 5.39 5.39 5.59 5.59 5.59 5.79 5.79 5.79 Lg 7.39 7.39 7.59 7.59 7.79 7.99 7.99 7.99 .50 .60 1.35 .60 1.35 G U A R D IN O G ALLER Y SON A JOINER CALL NOW Experienced Attorney over 25 years defending People against 1. 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Hilton Hotel Pavillion 921 SW 6th Ave/Portland, OR Sun, February 18, 2007, 6:00 pm Tickets $25— available at Tickets West YOUR ONE-HOUR VACATION Indulge you senses, soothe your Body and revitalize your spirit Portland Tub and Tan offers luxury and serenity all in the calm surroundings of our indoor or outdoor suites. H ot T ubbing by the H our