M a r tin L u t h e r K ing J r . January IO, 2007 Building Her Community's Economic Foundation continued Page B2 ? 2007 sp ecia l edition from B21 "We’re not trying to run the wheel; we just want to be one of the spokes." Her own business, Global Management Strat­ egies, retleets these same values. The company provides services for small businesses such as creating business plans, fi­ nancial forecasting and marketing. It is located in the commercial property at 3508 N. Williams Ave., sharing space with the Williams Street Market, Talia’s Merchandise (a clothing store), a computer business and an interior design bou­ tique. Taylor sees the complex as a microcosm of downtown's Galleria mall, where she once had an office. "This helps demonstrate that this kind of thing can happen in this community," she says. As a youngster, Taylor attended Highland (now King) Elementary School and later the Holy Chi Id Academy. She studied ballet and was aiming at a career as a dancer, "but 1 got married instead." Her Debonair Productions works with 1 .(XX) high school girls a year, helping them develop skills and improve their self image through fash­ ion-related work. She has done grant writing and business sup- photo by M ark I believe in being a participatory citizen, not just sitting back and complaining. - Joice Taylor, chair of the North- Northeast Business Association port work in New York, Canada and Seattle. In Reno, she worked for Planned Parenthood and the Urban Indian Program. Since returning to Portland five years ago she has done grant writing and fund development for the Women's Foundation of Oregon. On a per­ sonal note, she has three children and a great­ grandchild. "I think this is a wonderful community," Taylor says of her work and interaction with the com­ munity. "We have made some mistakes, but we've learned from them. Implementation of our plans is the missing piece." Joice Taylor leads a diverse board as chair o f the North-Northeast Business Asso- d atio n. MMMMB 1 ’ ! ■ . » X W asiiisgtos /T ih P oru asd O bserver ■M MMNNMNBMMMMMMMHMBNMBHMMM We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools. - Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Registrar Carl Golson rebukes petitioners led by King, Abernathy (behind finger), and Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee Chairman John Lewis (right o f King) in Lowndes County, between Selma and Montgomery, where no black citizen had voted in the twentieth century. W ELLS FARGO The Next Stage* Wells Fargo honors Dr. M artin Luther King, Jr. for enabling us all to imagine www.wellsfargo.com ?00ft Weil«, Fargo Bank. N.A. All right« reserved Member FOK. r * I