M a r iin L u t h e r K in g J r . January 10, 2007 2007 s p e d a i ed itio n Page B22 AC Ai'boy* Auto. CD Ciuito K*yi*»> Inky OHroud Tn»* »I. PM «Mr Kunr ng Baoid* T h V6 4»4 Badin'* »99167 2005 ACURA TSX 4 f a night meeting (clockwise from left), Bernard Lee, Andrew Young, Roberet Green, King, Lawrence Guyot, Harry Bowie and Stokely Carmichael struggle to maintain unity on the Meredith March. P«, Io * Pig «P99238 2/858« W 0006090/ 1 9 99 C H IV R O U T TA HO f IT AC, Alloy». Auto. CO. C tvit*. K*ylat* Enky, L-alh-i loa d*« M ixm ' kjo I OMrood To*» Pw« Poi lag « 'o * Pig 78, d«4 »99246 521814 W 00059835 AC, A i'b o g t Alarm Alloy* Aula CO CruiM laathar. L -adod Moonreol, Pwr Poclofl«, T ill 76, Heated Seat* »99266 290319 W 00062298 In the end we will not remember the words o f our enemies, but the silence o f our friends. - Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 19 99 H O N D A CR V ( X AC, Auto, CD Crw to Koylat* Enlry Pl PM. PW V6 T.I» »P99241 C62593 W 00059834 ip—d L-alH-i K*yles» Enlry »9 9 2 19 103687 W 00059322 A weary King waits with Andrew Young for a flight out o f M ississippi. 1 -8 0 0 -6 3 7 -9 8 8 1 12030 SE Stark St-, Portland, OR ■ CREDIT 3 0 D a y s /l,0 0 0 ■ U N IO N M ile s W a rra n t* O n LENDING A ll Use3*Vehicles P'RRR ONT »TBC FROM RHU-KWlON 0 AoWMOlMALin' DCAl I i r -s“ » a ask fo r Dexter l^esueur “ It’s am azing to th in k th a t one man accom plished so m uch w ith a dream . M artin Luther K ing’s exam ple has made me a b etter man and inspired me to work hard to pursue my dream s Day o f Service at WSU Vancouver In the spirit of the national cam paign to celebrate M artin Luther King Jr. Day with service, the students, staff, faculty and m em ­ bers of the 4-H Teen W orks club at W ashing­ ton State University Vancouver will join with the Vancouver NAACP Monday, Jan. 15 to clean up along Highway 500 and Northeast 112th Avenue. On Tuesday, Jan. 16 at noon, WSU Vancouver presents, “Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: the man, the mission, the dream,” a selection of King’s recorded speeches, outdoor next to the Student Services building. Later at 6:30 p.m., the public is invited to a Martin Luther King Jr. celebration reception with Wayne Branch, in the Student Services building, room 129. Branch will give a keynote speech at 7:30 p.m. in Student Services room 110. WSU Vancouver is located at 14204 N.E. Salmon Creek Ave., east of the 134th Street exit from either 1-5 or 1-205. A pioneer in education for civil rights, Septima Clark (right) teaches literacy and citizenship to an aspiring voter in Wilcox County, Ala. JOIN THE TRAIL BLAZERS IN HONORING M ARTIN LUTHER KING JR. Visit trailblazers.com discipline for a renewed march, King and James Lawson (in clerical collar) follow Abarnathy into room 3 06 at the Lorraine Motel. King will be assassi­ nated on this balcony the next day. » ) ♦ I