M a r tin L u th e r K in g J r . January 10,2007 2007 sp ecia l c o i7ion Page BIS Local Leader Committed to King's Dream continued from HI5 with the league." says Mundy, "It helps every­ body.” The league has played a historical role in Portland. Mundy believes there is no African American person in Portland that hasn't been positively impacted with the league in some way. “People of color have had doors opened to them because of the urban league," he says. Mundy hopes to leave the league in a better state then he found it, and also leave it in the hands of a passionate and compassionate indi­ vidual who will keep the organization focused on making productive members of society. “This is the most gratifying job I have ever had.” says Mundy. "I know I leave every day directly helping individuals.” Marcus Mundy serves as president and chief executive officer of the Urban League o f Portland, the city's leading civil rights and social services organization. photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Energy Trust Helps Oregon Businesses Positively Im pact the Bottom Line Burgerville took advantage o f incentives from Energy Trust and installed high performance pre-rinse sprayers in 19 Portland-area locations. For Burgerville, that adds up to savings of $7,600 every year. W ith energy costs on the rise, now is a great time to take advantage of Energy Trust incentives fo r your business. » Let Energy Trust help lower your energy costs and improve your bottom line. Call Energy Trust today. I-86 6-E N T R U S T energytrust.org Rondell Sango. General Manager of the NE Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Burgerville, puts a new pre-rinse Sprayer to work. Energy Trust programs serve Oregon customers o f Portland General Electric, Pacific Power, N W Natural, Avista and Cascade Natural Gas EnergyTrust of Oregon, Inc. e n e r g y t r u s t .o r g On a recruiting drive in March 1968, moved by the extreme hardship o f dis­ placed sharecroppers, King pledges to begin a poor people's pilgrimage to Washington from Marks, Miss. “Everybody can be great, because anybody can serve.” — Martin Luther King, Jr. cCcwb —Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Portland Public Schools celebrates the legacy of Dr. King’s vision Dr. King made enormous and lasting contributions to improve the lives of millions of his fellow Americans, contributions that our school district strives to emulate every day. Take your first step towards a career at C-TRAN by calling (360)906-7491 or visit us at www.c-tran.com. C-TRAN is an Equal Opportunity Employer committed to a diverse workforce and Portland Public Schools will carry on that legacy by reaching out to our community partners in the spirit of service to forge a future in which everyone is proud of our diversity and united in our reverence for freedom, justice, and equality. guided by an Affirmative Action Program. V icki Phillips, Superintendent