Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 10, 2007, Martin Luther King Jr. Special Edition, Page 3, Image 3

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January IO. 2007
a r t in
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Page A3
2007 s p e c ta l ecJjlion
The M a k in g of an MLK Celebration
‘Keep Alive
the Dream’
Portland jazz and Gospel singer Janice Scroggins will perform
Monday, Jan. 15 at the annual tribute to Martin Luther King Jr.
from Front
T heir first program was a schol­
arship fundraiser for students o f
color at Catlin G able High School.
KGW Channel 8 recorded the ser­
vice. which aired the following Sun­
day.From 1980to 1985 KBOO broad­
cast a radio version o f the show
from the entire upper fiorir o f their
then dow ntow n offices.
Each year, producers have added
a little m ore d iversity into the
show ’s mix, with national and U .S .
am bassadors, senators and local
leaders serving as inspirational
As the audience grew and the
repertoire expanded, so did the need
fo ra b ig g ersp a ce. In 1986 organiz­
ers m oved the show to W hitaker
M iddle School.
1986 also marked the first year
the entire nation celebrated K ing’s
mem ory. A m ovem ent to create a
federal holiday had been building
since K ing’s death in 1968, culm i­
nating in 1980 when m usician and
A frican A m erican social activist
Stevie W onder released a single
called "H appy Birthday” to rally
support for a day o f recognition.
W o n d e r and o th e r a c tiv ists
staged m arches on the steps o f the
nation’s capitol each year, succeed­
ing in 1983 w hen anoverw helm ing
m ajority in the house and senate
led President Ronald Reagan to sign
the federal King Day Bill into law.
These annual m arches aired live
on KBOO, follow ed by a broadcast
o f the Portland tribute, w hich by
1989 had outgrow n W h itak er’s
space and relocated to Jefferson
High School. Perform ances were
staged at Jefferso n ’s auditorium
for a total o f 13 years, interrupted
by ju st tw o years in betw een at the
U niversity o f Portland Chiles C en­
The African Gospel Acapella will be part o f this year's "Keep Alive the Dream" Martin Luther King
Jr. tribute.
T his y e a r’s celebration takes
place at High land C hnstian Center,
in their new location at 7600 N.E.
G lisan. T he m ove to H ighland was
made for several reasons, said Berry,
ex e cu tiv e p ro d u ce r . H ighland
holds a capacity o f 1,4(M) as o p ­
posed to Jefferso n 's 1,100, they
have their own television studio
production facilities on site and the
space is more accessible for senior
citizens and people with physical
Berry said he never expected the
show to grow so large, but com m u­
nity participation statewide, even
com ing in from W ashington, has
spiked interest and increased the
perform ance repertoire.
“ King said d o n ’t focus on his
accom plishm ents,” G rice said. “We
focus on his achievem ents through
the arts with a cultural them e that
provides truth and clarity.”
On Monday, Jan. 15, begin­
ning at 11 a.m., World Arts
Foundation. Inc. is proud to
present its 22nd consecutive
“ Keep the Dream Alive” trib­
ute to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr.
The program will take place
at a new venue this year. High­
land Christian Center, 7600
N.E. Glisan St. Also new -
viewers can watch broadcasts
of the show at various times
throughout the day. Portland
Community MediaChannel 11
will air the show from 1 p.m .to
7 p.m.; Portland Public Schools
Channel 28 from 3 p.m. to 10
p.m.; and KBOO Radio 90.7
FM will air live from 11 a.m.to
6 p.m.
The tribute w ill h onor
Portland’s unsung heroes -
business and civil rights lead­
ers, judges and educators -
with Lifetime Achievement
This year's entertainment
include the Jefferson Danc­
ers, blues sin g e r L inda
H ornbuckle w ith Jan ice
Scroggins, Portland Sym ­
phonic Choir, African Gospel
Acapella, plus a dramatic por­
trayal from stage and film ac­
tor Agrippa Williams, who is
set to star in a nationwide film
release later this year.
Donations of $3, or three
items of non-perishable food,
will be accepted at the door.
■■ mmhhmhnrhmihmhmmhhhmmmh
Harry Jackson Retires After 26 Years
from Front
tack, a stroke or w orse, Jackson has
adopted a healthier lifestyle and
expects to bounce back even better
than before.
But that’s not to say it will be
easy for him to leave behind his
passion for police work, especially
his dedication to youth outreach -
a civic problem recognized by all,
but mired in bureaucracy and philo­
sophical differences in opinions.
“ I hate leaving, but th e re 's a
possibility I can com e back and
work on this from »different angle,”
Jackson said.
Ja ck so n 's straightforw ard ap­
proach to policing has earned him
reverence in north and northeast,
but alsocriticism within the bureau.
But for better or w orse, his legacy
is that o f an officer with genuine
ties to his com m unity.
and allies he has made. Jackson’s
“People call me old fashioned, i m m easurable contribution to north
but 1 call m yself old school,” he and northeast Portland are visible
in the im provem ents over the years,
For Jackson, old school is about and the com m unity support h e’s
interaction, taking citizens on ride- received is most evident in the Harry
alongs and getting them to under­ Jackson Plaza at NE M artin Luther
stand w here they live by gaining King Jr. Blvd. and Alberta St.
L o cal b u sin e ss le a d e r Ja ck
new perspective. It h asn ’t alw ays
been easy though - he recal Is a tim e C hung dedicated the public open
in the mid 1980s when he was rep­ space to him ju st a few years ago.
As Jackson steps aside to w el­
rim anded by the bureau for attend­
ing a neighborhood association com e a younger generation o f po­
lice officers, he reflects on the per­
meeting during off-duty hours.
“T hey said if I represent the spective only a half a lifetim e spent
bureau I have to be paid, but they on the force can bring.
did n ’t have enough m oney to pay
“ I’m proud o f know ing both
sides," he said. "K now ing w hat it’s
It’s those experiences that lead like as a m inority and what it’s like
Jackson toacknow ledge how tough as a police officer, and trying to
it’s been - along with the mistakes, coordinate those efforts.”
the critics and the m iles o f red tape.
"Som ewhere in the middle is right
But he also looks back on the friends and fair.”
Subscribe f 503-288-0033
Buses wove off the Portland Mall Jan. 14
M o st lin e s re lo ca te d to 3 r d /4 th a n d C o lu m b ia /Je ffe rso n
Starting Sunday, January 14, 2007, transit buses w ill move o ff of 5tb and 6tb avenues in downtown
Portland to make way for Portland Mall Light Rail construction. Most bus lines w ill serve new
temporary stops located along 3rd and 4th avenues or Columbia and Jefferson streets. These
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changes w ill remain in effect through spring 2009.
Following bus relocation, construction w ill begin on the 8.3-mile l-205/Portland Mall MAX Light
Rail Project in February. The project w ill bring MAX to Clackamas County, improve downtown
iln' JJotrtlanh ODbseruer
transit service between Union Station and Portland State University, help renovate the Portland
Mall and position the region for future MAX extensions.
Schedule and route adjustments w ill take effect on the following bus lines:
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with diversity
44-Capitol Hwy
44- Mocks Crest
45- Garden Home
54- Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy
31- Estacada
55- Hamilton
6 M artin Luther King Jr Blvd
32- Oatfield
56- Scholls Ferry Rd
8-Jackson Park
33- Fremont
58-Canyon Rd
(renamed 35-Greeley)
8- NE 15th Ave
63-Washington Park
9- Broadway
68-Collins Circle
9- Powell
35- Macadam
10- NE 33rd Ave
36- South Shore
92-South Beaverton Express
38-Boones Ferry Rd
94- Sherwood/Pacific Hwy
40 Mocks Crest
95- Tigard/l-5 Express
(renamed 44-Mocks Crest)
(merges with Line 94)
14 Hawthorne
96- Tualatin/l-5
16-Front Ave/St Johns
43-Taylors Ferry Rd
99-McLoughlin Express
For complete inform ation about bus service changes, visit trimet.org
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