M Page B 16 a r t in L uther K in g J r . January 10,2007 2007 sp e c ia l edition T I f we assume that life is worth living, if we assume that mankind has the right to survive, then we must find an alternative to war. | In Memphis, after violence breaks out for the first time in a march led by King, sanitation workers maintain a picket line alongside National Guard armored vehicles. Activist Advances Local, Political Causes continued Institutional racism is our biggest problem. from B13 One of her first jobs in Or­ egon was working for Bev Stein, who was the chairof Multnomah Board of Commissioners at the time, which was the largest in­ fluence on her next decision. “I saw her and 1 thought I can do this!” Bowman ran for State Rep­ resentative in northeast Port­ land after that, “And I won!” She remembers elective of­ fice as one of the most reward­ ing jobs she has ever had. “The hours were terrible, the pay was awful, but I came home - Portland activist Jo Ann Bowman knowing that I had impacted to me,” Bowman says. “Institutional racism is our other people’s lives,” she says. U ltim ate ly , in flu e n cin g biggest problem. Our country people’s lives and uniting the isn't a huge melting pot of dif­ community is what Bowman ferent ethnicities or a tossed salad of immigrants, unless we lives for. “Even though we are fighting address racism as a country, as a different war today, Martin an issue, inequality will continue Luther King’s words come back to be created.” J - Rev. Or. Martin Luther King Jr. Soldiers in Detroit are deployed to suppress one o f several large ghetto race hots in the summer o f 1967. CELEBRATE MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. W li REMEMBER HIS MESSAGE! REMEMBER THE MAN... EASTSIDE 3I58E. BURNSIDE 503-231-8926 www.musicmilleniuni.com NOR 1 UWES I SOI NW23RI) 5O3-248-OI63 Saluting Martin Luther King Jr. zJ\did-KffBeauty Supply Saluting Martin Luther King Jr. Over 5,0 0 0 Hair Care & Nail Care Items Come See Our N ew Second Location! 3311 NE MLK Jr. Blvd • Portland 2 Blocks South of N.E. Fremont “All labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance and should be undertaken with painstaking excellence. ” Share the secret of Hollywood stars. — Martin Luther King Jr. Transform your short cut with lustrous, flowing semi-permanent and temporary extensions. Hundreds to choose from. Hairstylist 503.206.3911 Ofen Mon Saf 9-7 } SAVE hen yo roducts our stylis durfn 5949 Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard 3120 Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard