M a r tin L u t h e r K in g J r . January IO, 2007 Page BIS 2007 sp ecia l edition Local Leader Committed to King's Dream Pursuing economic justice for all C harity P rater P ortland O bserver Walk into the Urban League o f Portland office and you will find a framed portrait of Martin Luther King Jr. and an excerpt o f his “ I Have a D ream ” speech. The civil rights leader’s words are ech o ed in the U rban L eag u e o f Portland's mission today: Bringing econom ic equality to all. “You can ’t be equal unless you are econom ically equal,” says M arcus M undy, president and chief executive officer o f the civil rights and social services organization. M undy was a m em ber o f the local urban league’s board of directors for three years before he took the tem po­ rary seat as president and CEO. Since last July, he has represented the league in the place o f Vanessa Gaston, a by the The next person expected to take the seat as president and C E O is expected to have a clear vision o f what the league represents - a strong passion for helping the com m unity, have an ability to lead and to be fair when m aking decisions on behalf o f the organization, and the strength to do what is right when m aking critical calculations. Although the Urban League has had problem s in the past, there are a lot o f m isconceptions about its present state. The league, its w orkers and its m em bers have worked hard the past few years to improve its overall co ndi­ tion, from working on strong m anage­ ment to cleaning up the organization’s debts. M undy spends a lot o f time o ff the ; Several years ago the league underwent a very difficult period o f mismanagement, loss of corporate support, and program cuts. - Marcus Mundy of the Urban League of Portland photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver frie recent dedication o f Portland Boulevard as Rosa Parks Way draws Marcus Mundy o f the Urban League of Portland to its intersection with Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. form er executive director who left with high regards to another position in N evada. “Several years ago the league un­ derwent a very difficult period o f m is­ managem ent, loss o f corporate sup­ port, and program cuts,” Mundy says. “Vanessa and other CEOs, including myself, have worked to pull the urban league out o f the ditch.” The local organization now has a secure financial future with goals set on continuing to work toward slow, sustainable growth. As a single parent o f four children, Mundy plans to find a replacem ent for his position within a few months. He also is concerned with continuing to run his finance com pany while still rem aining on the board. job try ing to become more visible within the com m unity. He m akes regular speeches, meets with people in the metro area, joins local events and walks, and basically works on inform ­ ing the people o f Portland that the urban league is around to help others. The organization has strong and successful programs in place to help educate seniors, advocate for local issues and find jobs for young profes­ sionals. The only thing holding back the league right now is funding. “I can’t think o f a single reason why every African American in Portland doesn’t have a m em bership at the Urban League or why every com pany doesn’t have a corporate m em bership continued on page B18 C h a s e & Weil, LLP Salutes Martin Luther King Jr. A lberta Street M arket Salutes 909 N.E. Alberta Street 503-282-2169 King Jr. * Hot Food * ★ * Best Chicken Wings In Town ★ ★ Best Selection of Mirco Brew and Wine .---- C Mon-Sun • 8AM - 1 2 PM Fri-Sat • 8 AM - I PM WE PAY Gerald M. Chase Richard L. Weil Attorneys at Law 722 SW 2nd Ave. Suite 240 Portland Oregon 97204 Phone S03-2Ô4-14I4 CANNON’S = R /B EXPR ESS- YOUR DEDUCTIBLE!! www.genevas.net Salutes Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Quality work at affordable pricing Free Estimates & Insurance Billing Chicken ♦ Pork Ribs ♦ Beef Ribs 503-445-4702 C a te rin g & Take O ut Our Specialty RealHickorySmokedBar-B-Q Wayne & Juanita Cannon (Proprietors) Mon Thur ll:30am-9:00pm ♦ Frl-Sat 11:30** 11: OOem ♦ Sm 6444 NE Martin Luther King Blvd. SA eat ' \ perfection. a Barber-Beauty Salon We pay up to 100% of your deductible ■Always Service with a Smile" Ç£JV£Vœ 5410 N.E. 33rd / 1«0 d *.7 mb * B 0 3 -2 8 8 -3 8 3 6 NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED Business Award of Excellence Best of Portland (Willamette Week) “W t da ail tippej of hail” Hair, Nail. Pedicure. Shoe Shine Hours: 9-6 Mon-Fri; 8-6 Sat; 10:30 — 3 Sun (503)285-1159 5601 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Portland OR. 97211 e -m a ils peulsrfS) genevas net