M a rtin L u t h e r K in g J r . 2007 Page B8 s p e c ia l e d i l io n January 10, 20 07 Martin Luther King Jr. Chronology B ig C ity continued Dec. 10. Dr. King is the youngest person to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for Peace at age P roduce 35. 1965 - On Feb. 2, King is arrested in Selma, Ala. during a voting rights demonstration. • After President Johnson signs the Voting Rights Act into law, Martin Luther King, Jr. turns to socioeconomic problems. We salute Martin Luther King Jr. BIG CITY PRODUCE 722 N. Sumner Ave, Portland, OR 97217 ~ B i g City Produce f ?OCATIONS' ) COMMUNITY MARKET ^ ^ O C A T I O N ^ Z 4g32 N Trenton Ave pDX 5 0 3 .4 6 0 .3 8 3 0 5 0 3 .2 8 6 .1 2 5 9 M-F 7:30am-7pm M-F 7:30am-7pm SAT 9am-7pm, SUN 9am-6pm SAT 9am-7pm, SUN 9am-6pm 1966 - On Jan. 22, King moves into a Chicago slum tenement to attract attention to the living conditions of the poor. • In June, King and others begin the March Against Fear through the South. • On July 10, King initiates a campaign to end discrimination in housing, employment and schools in Chicago. 1967 - The Supreme Court upholds a conviction of MLK by a Birmingham court for demonstrat­ ing without a permit. King spends four days in Birmingham jail. • On Nov. 27, King announces the inception of the Poor People’s Campaign focusing on jobs and freedom for the poor of all races. 1968 - King announces that the Poor People’s S ta te of Oregon Legislative A dm inistration Campaign will culminate in a March on Washing­ ton, demanding a $12 billion Economic Bill of Rights guaranteeing employment to the able- bodied. incomes to those unable to work, and an end to housing discrimination. • Dr. King marches in support of sanitation workers on strike in Memphis, Tenn. • On March 28, King leads a march that turns violent. This was the first time one of his events had turned violent. • Delivered “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop” speech. • At sunset on April 4, Martin Luther King, Jr. is fatally shot while standing on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tenn. • There are riots and disturbances in 130 American cities. There were 20,(XK) arrests. • King’s funeral on April 9 is an international event. • Within a week of the assassination, the Open Housing Act is passed by Congress. _ 4 iite m programs Proud to honor the mail who * gave all Americans a share of / his dream. ’ from H2 P’* ^ -** r1 volunte em p lo yaien t On Nov. 2, 1986 a national holiday is pro­ claimed in King's honor. d 'ffty t'i't't'i'ifft-tY fi'iY ty tW iV tV i F r/ - t the, (auy/it&i, tOifp'ffA t/iA attt when, you. c/iaffonye. you/t, fywu'fy and win, in a game of Crazy Eights. Or the amazement in their eyes as your children see the countryside for the very first time. Imagine sitting together in the Dining Car and actually sharing a thousand words over lunch. For memories that last a lifetime, get closer and sm ile-n o w say "Amtrak?" Call 1-800-USA-RAIL or visit A m trak.com to book your experience. ' ‘^ A M OVER 500 D E S T IN A T IO N S • S E N IO R D IS C O U N T S FO R 62+ • K ID S 2 -1 5 R ID E T R HALF A K P R IC E ' f i • i } children ages ? 15 ma» »'.company each paid adult at 1/2 the adult rail tan» Senior discount apples to coach travel only and « nd applicable on Amtrak Auto Tram* Fares, routes and schedules suhiect to chanpe without notice and seats are limited Other restrictions may apply. Amtrak is a registered service mark ot the National Railroad Passenper Corporation ( »