M a r tin L u t h e r K in g J r . 2007 s p e c ia l e d it io n January IO, 20 07 Page BS Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. - Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day o f Service at Lewis & Clark Instead of a day off from work or school, Lewis & Clark College students, faculty and staff members will celebrate the legacy of Mar­ tin Luther King Jr. with a day of service. The office of student leadership and service, in cooperation with the office of ethnic student services, is hosting Lewis & Clark's first Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service on Monday, Jan. 15. "By honoring Dr. King with a day of service, we are hoping to reflect Lewis & Clark's genuine commitment to civic engagement," said Kelly Hoover, coordinator of student leadership and service. "We are turning community concerns intocitizen action." Lewis & Clark has joined the national Day of Service effort by planning three volunteer op­ portunities for staff, faculty, students and their families to participate. Volunteers can work to weatherize homes at a local low-income housing complex, move books at Roosevelt High School to make way for computers, or assist with a water quality education program for low-in­ come families. Thomas J. Hochstettler, president of Lewis & Clark College, has announced that the College will remain open for the holiday. More informa­ tion is available lclark.edu/dept/service/mlkday. DIVERSITY ■■MNHNMMRM OF PEOPLE TH EIR IDEAS A N D EXPERIENCES ARE THE RICHES Stokely ► Carmichael, Stu­ dent Nonviolent , Coordinating Committee project director in Lowndes County, hugs a young friend to cel­ ebrate the cre­ ation o f an inde­ pendent political party under Ala­ bama law. OF A C O M M U N ITY. The Port of Portland celebrates diversity of all people and recognizes Dr. Martin Luther King's impassioned drive for civil rights. O PORT OF P O R T L A N D __________ 1------ y 1 ► __ ' 1 "K J 1 . The Port is an equal opportunity employer, committed to affirmative action. Please call the 24-hour Job Hotline at 50 3 .9 4 4 7480 or visit www.portofportland.com ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT The Portland Development Commission believes that economic opportunity should be shared throughout the community. PDC is com m itted to working w ith its partners to increase m inority home ownership, to create opportunities for minority-owned, women-owned, and emerging small businesses, and to value employee diversity. For more information about how PDC is investing in Portland's future, visit www.pdc.us. In September 1966. King escorts students with Andrew Young. Joan Baez and Hosea Williams (behind King left to right) past adult mobs that have terrorized black children outside the schools o f Grenada, Mississippi. FULFILL THE DREAM. PDC honors Martin Luther King, Jr. on the 78th anniversary of his birth. Investing in Portland's Puturr PDC PO RTLAND DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION