Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 10, 2007, Martin Luther King Jr. Special Edition, Page 16, Image 16

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    M a rtin L u t h e r K in g J r .
January 10,2007
2007 special edition
Page B4
“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as tools.
~ Dr. Martin Lather King
Become a
M entor
I In the spirit of Dr. King, start the
I New Year off right and get involved in
m Committed Partners for Youth’s
amazing mentoring community.
Learn more about mentoring
at The Mississippi Pizza Pub
Wednesday January 24th
from 6-8 p.m«
The Boys&C.irls
Contact Elaine at 503-542-2312
for more information.
Aid Society
A march o f 200 miles through Mississippi (above) becomes a political and cultural water­
shed in June of 1966, after integration pioneer James Meredith was shot trying to prove
that it was safe for black people to walk in his home state.
And there comes a time when one
must take a position that is neither
safe, nor politic, nor popular; but
one must take it because it is right.
“The greatness of a community is most
accurately measured by the
compassionate action of its members, a
heart of grace and soul generated by love”
- Coretta Scott King
Neil Kelly
Finding Common Ground injustice
Since 1947
Design/Build Remodleing
Handyman Home Repair Team
Custom Homes
Home Performance
- Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
.from HI
people living with H IV /A ID S.”
S aadat
a d d re sse s
organization’s diversity by first
focusing on hum an resources.
T his includes review ing recruit­
ment, hiring and prom otion prac­
tices to see w hat is or is not
“You can say ‘1 w ant diver­
sity’, but if you d o n ’t have the
hum an resource process then you
have to revam p the institution,"
Saadat said.
The other part o f her jo b is
help staff becom e at ease in ad­
dressing culture differences.
C urrently. Saadat is drafting a
cultural com petence plan, en ­
couraging staff to address these
topics through dialogues, brown
bag discussions and films.
“ People ask me things they
w ouldn’t ask others. Q uestions
that have to do with differences
in w orldview s, or w hat it is that
bothers one group, but may not
bother another.”
Lately, the conversations have
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been about celebrities and how
they shape a society’s defin i­
tions. Recent com m ents by Mel
G ibson and M ichael R ichards
have prom pted a discussion o f
what the meaning o f racism was
in 2006.
“ We need to be able to com ­
m unicate regardless o f origin,”
Saadat said. “I believe w hen you
are being asked to consider iden­
tifying with other people it can be
uncom fortable. I w atch people
talk about transgender issues, and
even gay people say ‘I d o n 't
u nderstand.’”
Sisters o f the
Road MIK March
Focus is on
human rights
W hen?
Monday January 15th, 2007 11:00 A.M. - 6:00P.M.
W here?
Highland Christian Center 7600 N.E. Glisan, Portland, Oregon
W ho?
Invited Speakers: Governor l ed Kulongowski, State Senators,
Mayor Tom Potter. Superintendent Dr. Vieki Phillips,
Dr. W.G. Hardy, Pre lent Charles Schlimpcrt
Featured artists: Jefferson Dancers, Congregation, GNC
■ Linda Hornbuckle with Janice Scroggins & Friends, Aurora Chorus,
DaNell Dayman & Royalty - Seattle, WA, Aaron Meyer, Bill Lamb
Portland Symphonic Choir, African Gospel Acapella
Inspirational Sounds, University of Oregon - Eugene, OR
Special Feature: Agrippa Williams - Dramatic Portrayal
Art Displays, V endor Bazaar, and Special Food Court
11:00 a.m.
Live Program /Radio Broadcast: KBO O (90.7FM )
Broadcast/tape delayed on Portland Community Media (P C M ), 1:00 - 7:00 p.m. on channel 11
Broadcast/tape delayed on Television Services (PPS), 3 :0 0 - 10:00 p.m. on channel 28
Safeco Insurance, Portland Association o f Teachers, M cDonald’s o f Oregon and SW Washington, City o f Portland,
D ignity M emorial Locations, Oregon Education Association, Portland Public Schools, Providence Health System,
Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Concordia University, Portland General Electric, Portland C om m unity College,
African American Chamber of Commerce, Portland C om m unity Media, KBOO RADIO
Sisters of the Road, a local orga­
nization that uses non-violence to
support community driven solu­
tio n s to the c a la m itie s o f
homelessness and poverty, will
sponsor an annual Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr. march and rally on Mon­
day, Jan. 15 at 3 p.m.
The event will focus on eco­
nomic human rights, Dr. King's later
work. It will include a high school
essay contest under the theme,
“Into The Next Generation: Eco­
nomic Human Rights for Everyone
is Possible.”
The march will leave from the
Sisters Cafe, 133 N.W. Sixth Ave.
and follow West Broadway, end­
ing at St. Mary’s Academy, 1615
S.W. Fifth Ave.
W i 11 ie B a pt i st, co-coord i n ator of
the University of the Poor and the
E d u catio n D ire c to r o f the
Kensington Welfare Rights Union
of Philadelphia, will speak at the
"Every year we honor and cel­
ebrate the life and work of Dr. King,"
Willie Baptist
said Devin DiBemardo, Sisters’
systemic change manager. “We
believe in a world where all people
have their economic human rights
met and everyone has a right to
housing, healthcare, living wage
jobs and an education. Please join
us in spreading K ing’s lesser-
known teachings and working to­
gether to end poverty."
Sisters Café isopen to everyone,
serving low-cost, hot and nutri­
tious meals. Sisters also provides
job training, support to parents and
children and innovative solutions
to the issues surrounding poverty
and homelessness through self and
community advocacy.
drive out
hate; only
love can
do that. 1
- Rev. Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr.