Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 10, 2007, Martin Luther King Jr. Special Edition, Page 10, Image 10

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    M a r tin L u t h e r K in g J r .
Page AIO
lanuary IO. 2007
2007 sp e c ia l ediiion
C lassified / B id
To Place Your Classified Advertisement
...Respecting and responding to
the choices o f people with
developmental disabilities.
Contact: Kathy Linder
Phone: 503 ^ 8 8 0 0 3 3
Fax: 503 -2 88 0015
e-mail: classifieds@ portlandobserver.com
Dungarvin is seeking inspired,
caring and dedicated people to
se rve
in d iv id u a ls
w ith
developm ental disabilities. Job
d u tie s
in c lu d e :
a s s is tin g
individuals with daily activities,
c le a n in g ,
m a kin g
m eals,
tra n s p o rta tio n ,
b e h a v io r
m anagem ent, and d ocu m e n ­
No experience necessary and
extensive training is provided.
Lo ca tio n s in SE P o rtla n d ,
Troutdale, and Oregon City. FT, PT
and on-call positions available; all
shifts. Starting salary is $8.94/hr.
We offer an excellent benefits
package, in c lu d in g m ed ical,
dental, life, generous paid time
off, and 401(k).
Applicants must be 18+ years of
age, have a valid drivers license
and a clean driving record, and a
HS diploma or GED to apply. We
do extensive background checks.
To apply, e-mail resume to or-
recruiter@dungarvin.com. Fax to
(503) 670-1565. Mail to: 7320
SW H unziker Rd., Suite 101,
Portland, OR 97223. To fill out an
o n lin e a p p lic a tio n , v is it our
website at www.dungarvin.com.
For more information, please call
(503) 624-0205. EOE.
Associate Public Affairs Specialist.
Regional Parks and Greenspaces,
$45,292 - $60,651 annually, FT.
Resume review will begin 1/25/
07. In itia te s , d e ve lo p s and
coordinates on-going programs
th a t
co m m u n ic a te
accomplishments of the Metro
Council's 2006 Natural Areas,
Parks and Streams bond measure
program to the public.
Audio Visual Sales Coordinator,
O regon C o n ve n tio n C enter.
$37,977 - $53,149 annually. FT.
Deadline: 1/17/07. Prom otes
and sells AV services to OCC
Audio Visual Technician. Oregon
C o n ve n tio n Center. $17.49 -
$23.09/hr, FT. Deadline: 1/19/
07. Responsible for AV systems,
direction of production assistants
m a in te n a n ce o f AV
To a c c e ss the c o m p le te jo b
a n n o u n cem e n t and required
application materials, visit our
website at www.metro-region.org/
jobs or pick up a complete packet
at Metro Human Resources, 600
NE Grand Ave., Portland.
AA/EEO Employer
Reprographics Operator I
Reprographics Operator I's are
responsible for operating a full
range copy center, including high­
speed black and white copier/
printers and color copier/printers,
and basic bindery equipm ent.
Employees occupying this position
may also be required to learn and
operate microfilm equipment and
a one-color offset press. This
p o sitio n
re q u ire s
understanding of Microsoft Excel
for variable data applications and
Adobe Acrobat for printer set-up.
A basic understanding of mailing
requirements is desirable. The
working shifts are open to bid and
may require working on swing
shift (3:30pm to 12:00am) and/
or th ird s h ift (1 1 :3 0 p m to
A p p ro xim a te M o n th ly S a la ry
Range: $2,551 at entry - $3,271
after three years
Application deadline is 4:30 PM,
Tuesday, January 16,2007
To learn more about this position,
or to apply online, visit our website
at www.ci.portland.or.us/jobs/ or
pickup an application at 1120 SW
5th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204
For conf rau ling opportunity* with the C ity o f Portland and
tor valuable information on how to do business w ith the
City, please log on to the Bureau o f Purchases Web Page:
w w w ,port laiKlonlinv.enni.'onif'purchasinu
Administrative Assistant
Ideal candidate will have prior
$27,000/yr. + benefits
NorthEast Coalition of
(503) 823-4575
C ity
o f P o r tla n d
B u re a u o f P u r c bases
*w . -■
1120 SW Fifth Ave. Room 750. Portland OR 97204
ODOT People dnve Oregon’s Departm ent of
Transportation. If great benefits, a professional
work environment, jo b innovation, and career
growth opportunity drive you, then com e to ODOT.
The City of Portland proposes to amend its Consolidated Plan
Action Plan 2005-06 and Action Plan 2006-07 as follows:
The Action Plan 2004-05 established a $570,000 pool of CDBG
fu n d s fo r the E n te rp ris e C o m m u n ity C o m m issio n fo r a
neighborhood Economic Development Fund. BHCD entered into
a contract in 2004-05 for $50,000 with the NE Workforce Center,
to cover program delivery costs associated with acting as fiscal
agent for the ECC Economic Development Fund. $85,000 was
reserved for technical assistance to microenterprises that received
funding through the RFP in 2005-06 and 2006-07. The remaining
funds were to be distributed over two years by a community panel
made up of the Enterprise Community Commission members and
other key community leaders.
The ECC issued Requests for Proposals in 2005 and 2006. To be
eligible, a project must further a National Objective: community
based developm ent organization (CBDO); special economic
development activity (SED): micro-enterprise development (MED);
or Administration and Planning (PL). A project must also agree to
serve only persons with household incomes no greater than 80%
MFI, or be a qualified microenterprise, or be a small business
creating jobs that would be filled only by persons with household
incomes no greater than 80% MFI.
In the 2005-06 RFP, the Community Panel selected 4 small
business and microenterprise projects and 2 workforce projects
to be funded from the Economic Development Fund, as follows:
A. Small Business Microenterprise: $104,498 total award to
develop 4.5 jobs
1. CEC, Inc., $26,998 awarded to develop 1 job, match total
2. Elliot E-Mat Café, $30,000 awarded to develop 2 jobs, match
total $7,500
3. Jimmy's Cleaners, $10,000 awarded with a match total of
4. Gloria Jean & Co, $37,500 awarded to develop 1.5 jobs with
a match of $9,375.
B. Workforce Development: $145,000 total award train and
place 32 workers
1. International Center for Traditional Childbearing, $59,670
awarded to train and place 13 workers.
2. Northeast Workforce Center, $85,330 awarded to train and
place 19 workers
• Assistant Construction Contracts
Salary: $ 2 .7 0 2 - $ 4 ,0 5 8 /m o n th
Announcem ent #0C 0T 66 28 Salem
• Adm inistrative Assistant
These are just a few of the current job openings available with the State of Oregon.
A more complete announcement listing, application forms, and additional job
information are available at: a) local Employment Department field offices, or b) the
Oregon jobs page at: www.oregonjobs.org. The State of Oregon offers employees
competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits that includes employer
paid health Insurance: paid holidays, vacation, sick and personal leave;
t>; „
membership in the Oregon Public Service Retirement Plan (OPSRP); and
opportunities to participate in the Oregon Saving's Growth Plans. The
State of Oregon and all Its divisions are proud to be ¿qual opportunity
■ Surveyor/Senlor Inspector
Salary: $ 2 ,9 8 0 - $4,4 7 0 /m o n tb
Announcem ent »OCDT66O68 Coquille
• Transportation Analyst
Salary: $ 2 ,9 8 0 - $4,47O /m onth
Announcem ent #0CDT6112B Salem
• Specifications W riter
Principal E xec u tlv e /M a n a g e r C
Civil Rights Division Operations Manager
A dm inistrative Specialist 1
This position is located in Portland and will support
th e work o f th e Wage and Hour D ivision's
Prevailing Wage Rate Unit by perform ing data
entry and using query and report capabilities to
prepare reports, lists, and mailings: reviewing
in co m in g
form s,
paym ents,
contractor and other lists for completeness and
accuracy; m aintaining the Prevailing Wage Rate
com m u n ica tin g
d irectly
contracting agencies regarding contracts and
contractors; and responding to telep hone
inquiries and requests for forms and handbooks.
Salary is $ 2 ,1 1 9 - $ 3 ,O 4 4 /m o n th .
A n nouncem ent # L E 07000 1 and a pp lica tion
m ate ria ls, v is it w w w .oregonjohs.org or call
We have a current opening in the Portland office
for a Civil Rights Manager who will manage a team
o i civil rights investigators, provide high-level
technical expertise in th e interpretation and
app lica tion o f civil rights laws, rules, and
regulations: participate in civil rights law policy
decisions and the developm ent of adm inistrative
rules and procedures; conduct m ediations on
cases in which substantial evidence of unlawful
discrim ination is found: review, evaluate, and
prepare civil rights cases for adm inistrative
hearing consideration when conciliation is not
successful: present evidence and testimony at
hearings. Salary is $ 3 ,3 5 3 - $5 ,180 /m onth. For
A n nouncem ent »LE 060362A and app lica tion
m a teria ls, c all (971) 6 7 3 -0 7 8 3 (Portland) or
vis it w w w .oregonjobs.org Closing date for all
applications is January 2 2 .2 0 0 7 .
Deputy Labor Com missioner
applications is 5 :0 0 pm on Monday. January 22,
The Deputy Labor Commissioner will manage the
ongoing operations o f th e Oregon Bureau of
Laboi and Industries, a state agency, and serve
at the pleasure o f the statewide elected Labor
Desired background for this
position includes legislative experience, legal
experience, and m anagem ent experience in
order to effectively im plem e nt th e Bureau's
statutory requirem ents and policy: facilitate the
o p e ra tio n
p ro g ra m s
Commissioner's directives; direct the preparation
and adm inistration o f the Bureau's operating
budget: lead professional staff; provide the Labor
C om m issioner w ith facts, in form ation, and
recommendations; represent the Bureau before
th e Leg isla tu re , o th e r p u b lic bod ies, and
com m unity groups; and serve on federal, state,
and local task forces and advisory groups. Salary
is $ 5 ,4 4 1 - $ 8 ,4 1 5 /m o n th .
To a pp ly fo r
A n nouncem ent #LE 06050 3. please subm it a
curre nt resum e and a cover le tte r to BOLI.
Human Resources. 8 0 0 NE Oregon S t Portland,
Oregon 9 72 32. Resumes m ust be received by
January 3 1,2007 .
W age & Hour Com pliance Specialist
This full-time, limited-duration position is located
in P o rtla n d .
This p erson w ill in ve stig a te
allegations o f violations o f prevailing wage rate
law on public works projects through interviews,
on-site inspections, evidence evaluation, and
fact-finding: prepare investigative reports and
enforcem ent remedies: negotiate settlements:
work with Departm ent of Justice to prepare cases
for adm inistrative hearing or court o f law: and
provide technical inform ation/m terpretation of
laws, rules, and regulations governing wages and
working conditions to individuals and groups. A
construction related background is preferred, but
not required. Salary is $2,771
A nnouncem ent
$4.O 32/m onth.
#LE 060397A
a pp lica tion m aterials, call (971) 6 73 -07 83 or
visit w w w .oregonlolrs.org. Closing date for all
w w w ó O'
e g o
Salary: $ 3 ,9 9 4 - $ 5 ,9 9 9 /m o n th
Announcem ent #0C DT6625 Medford
• Sr. Geotechnical Engineer
Salary: $ 4 .6 3 5 - $ 6 ,9 5 4 /m o n th
Announcem ent #0C DT6486B Salem
• Transportation Analyst
Salary: $ 3,287 - $ 4 ,9 3 2 /m o n th
Announcem ent #0CDT6691 Portland
■ Operations M an ag em en t System
Salary: $ 3 ,9 9 4 - $ 5 ,9 9 9 /m o n th
Announcem ent #0C DT6265 Salem
• Roadway Designer
Salary: $3,287 - $ 4 ,9 3 2 /m o n th
Announcem ent #0C DT6690 Salem
• GIS Analyst
Salary: $ 2 ,5 6 0 - $ 3 ,6 9 2 /m o n th
Announcem ent #0C DT6739 Salem
• Senior Analyst
(971) 6 73 -07 83 (Portland). Closing date for all
applications is January 22. 2007.
BHCD therefore amends the Action Plan 2005-06 as follows:
• $85,330 is contracted to the NE Workforce Center for its
workforce project:
• $164,168 is contracted to the NE Workforce Center as fiscal
agent for the other e n tities that received ECC Econom ic
Development Fund grants:
• $55,000 is contracted to the NE W orkforce Center to
subcontract as appropriate for technical assistance to the other
ECC-funded small business projects.
Salary: $ 2 ,2 3 3 - $ 3 ,3 3 5 /m o n th
Announcem ent 40C DT6689 Salem
Salary: $ 4,201 $ 6,067/m onth
Announcem ent ffOCOT6269 Salem
• EEO /Affirm ative Action Coordinator
Salary: $ 3 ,6 8 9 - $5.4 4 1 /m o n th
Announcem ent #0CDT6667 Salem
• Adm inistrative Rules Coordinator
Salary: $3.847 - $ 5 ,6 3 0 /m o n th
Announcement #0CDT6267 Salem
B u ild in g Careers. B rid g in g th e Future.
D e ta ile d
jo b
a n n o u n c e m e n ts
in c lu d e
qualifications, requirements, and instructions on
how to a p p ly fo r th e s e jo b s
Go to
www odotjobs.com for a com plete copy or call
5 0 3 -9 8 6 4 0 3 0 [TTY 503-98 6-38 54] to request
by mail. ODOT is proud to operate as an equal
o p p o rtu n ity , a ffirm a tiv e a c tio n em ployer.
A n nouncem ents w ill be m ade available in
alternate form at upon request: (503) 3 7 8 6 2 0 2 ,
TTY 1-8 0 0 -9 9 3 8 8 9 8 .
o b s . o
In the 2006-07 Economic Development Fund RFP, the Community
Panel selected 10 small business/microenterprise projects and
3 workforce projects as follows:
Small Business Microenterprise: $95,000 total award
1. R J. & Company, $15,800 awarded to develop 1 commercial
property maintenance job with a match of $8,000.
2. Comfortlines, $9,696 awarded to develop 2 production of
window covering jobs with a match of $4,500
3. Dragon Fly Chai, $8,244 awarded to develop 1 organic Chai
production and marketing job with a match of $4,000.
4. Abarge Construction, $3,570 awarded to develop 1 carpentry
and electrical work job with a match of $1,500.
5. Mahogany, $9,240 awarded to develop 1 cosm etics for
women of color job with a match of $4,500.
6. City of Roses, $18,450 awarded to develop 2 construction/
hauling jobs with a match of $9,000.
7. Williams Street Market, $5,000 award to develop a corner
market and coffee roaster opportunity with a match of $2,500
8. BAGS, $5,000 award to develop 1 design/manufacture of
backpacks and handbags job with a $2,500 match.
9. Eliot E-Mat, $5,000 to develop 1 café/laundry job with a
match of $2,000.
10. Jimm y’s Cleaners, $5,000 to develop 1 dry cleaner job with
a match of $2,500.
The Community Panel also established a $10,000 Contingency
Fund to support the microenterprises that received ECC Economic
Development Grants in 2006-07.
B. Workforce Development: $55,000 total award to train and
place 19 workers
1. Northeast Workforce Center, $25,000 awarded to train and
place 8 workers.
2. African Refugee Immigrant Network of Oregon, $15,000
awarded to train and place 10 Immigrant workers.
3. Irvington Covenant CDC, $ 15,000 awarded to train and place
6 ex-offender workers.
BHCD therefore amends the Action Plan 2006-07 as follows:
• $25,000 is contracted to the NE Workforce Center for its
workforce project;
• $ 125,000 is contracted to the NE Workforce Center as fiscal
agent for the other e n titie s that received ECC Econom ic
Development Fund grants;
• and $30,000 is contracted to the NE Workforce Center to
subcontract for technical assistance to the other ECC-funded small
business projects.
• In addition, $34,502 is contracted to the NE Workforce Center
for providing fiscal services in 2006-07 to the other entities that
received grants.
These am endm ents com plete the com m itm ent of all of the
Econom ic D evelopm ent Fund assets. Com m ents on this
amendment are due by November 16,2006. Please address any
q u e stio n s or com m en ts to Lynn Knox 5 0 3 -8 2 3 -2 3 8 5 or
TriMet is h irin g part-tim e bus operators. We offer great pay,
benefits and career prom otion opportunities. Training is
provided. Find out more at out upcom ing job fairs:'
Thursday, January 18:10 a.m .-3 p.m.,
M t. Hood Com m unity College — Maywood Center,
10100 NE Prescott St. (at 102nd Ave.), Portland
Tuesday, January 23: Noon-7 p.m., TriMet Merlo bus
garage facility, 16130 SW Merlo Rd., Beaverton
Thursday, January 25: N oon-4 p.m., Capital Career Center,
Entrance B, 18624 NW Walker Rd., Beaverton
T R I© M E T
See where it takes you.