lanuary 3, 2007 il|l ^îortlanb ©bserüer Page B 2 Shouting it Out for James Brown Le« W h itw o rth L.I’.A. , i u 7 / i i X ' / r / a ' i ’/ ' l I Ul ' f r \ lil 5421 M . ( i n i V . iiih 5 Legendary singer laid to rest in grand style ' P iir llu m l. O K 97211 P in ..... ... 19 t<> C ell 971 344 6414 l .i\ 503-295 1005 h n il /•-,» lu lu u rtili ¡ iii.m in email: h > il le iu ih ilu u r llir p ii. i Top 2°/o in P ortlan d M etro m il KILLER WILLIAMS Tony and Libby Kelly M B . V M E d .. B ro k e rs , CKS. A B R . SRES »VW W 50.3-330-5488 17700 SW Upper Boone* Kern R<1 Portland, OR ,^\ôcare whe/-e Breakfast Lunch Pottle training Snacks S tate certified Story tim e Toys Games Fun Arts and crafts And much more! Regina’s ChildHaven Learning Center (A P) — Even in death, Janies Brown can m ove a crowd. T housands o f people danced and sang in the streets outside the A pollo Theater in a raucous cel­ ebration o f the music legend's lile as his body was displayed T hurs­ day on the New York stage where he made his 1956 debut. Music thum ped from storefronts and portable stereos. Brow n’s wails and growls even blasted inside the auditorium as fans m arched q ui­ etly, single-tile past his open gold coffin. Brown lay resplendent in a blue suit, white gloves and silver shoes. Flanking the casket were giant pho­ tographs o f the singer perform ing. An arrangem ent o f red (lowers on a white background spelled out his nickname: Godfather. It was maybe the first tim e the hardest-working man in show busi­ ness graced a stage in stillness, but that d id n 't stop his fans from party­ ing. “This isacelebration o f his life,” sa id 4 1 -y e a r-o ld B ry a n t Preudhom m e o f suburban New York. “James Brown gave you heart. He lifted you up when you were down. He gave you hope.” said Sharpton, a close friend o f the G odfather o f Soul for three decades. Sharpton credited Brown with inspiring countless m usicians in all genres and with refusing to be­ com e a conform ist. “ He becam e a su p erstar on his ow n te rm s ... he n ev e rb en t, b u ck ­ led o r b o w ed .” S harpton said. "Jam es B row n w a sn 't ju s t No. 1, he ch an g ed the beat o f m usic all o v er the w o rld ." Earlier, B ro w n 's body w as ca r­ ried to the th eater through the streets of Harlem on a majestic white carriage drawn by two white horses. H undreds o f fans follow ed be­ hind the caisson singing the ch o ­ rus o f Brown’s anthem, “Say it Loud — I'm Black and I’m Proud.” T o many. Brown was more than ju st an energetic perform er. As Norman Brand o f Harlem waited for the procession to begin, the 55- year-old recalled hearing "Say it Loud” for the first tim e in his native Alabama. “ It really changed the attitude o f most black people. It was like a w ake-up call. Before that, if you were called black, it was like an Legendary singer James Brown in an open casket during his insult,” Brand said. “Just one song funeral service at the Apollo Theater in New York. (AP photo) and one word can change a w hole Brown, who died o f heart failure ily and close friends, the Rev. Al situation.” On Friday, a private cerem ony C hristm as m orning at 7.3, lay in re­ Sharpton said it was difficult to pose in the theater that helped cata­ believe that a man who w as “so was held at a church near A ugusta, Ga. A second public viewing o f the pult him to fam e and was the setting much alive” was dead. "H ow could som eone with such singer’s body was held Saturday at for a thrilling live album in 1962. At an evening program for fam ­ energy and life really ever be gone?” the James Brown Arena in Augusta. Jordan, Wife to Divorce Ages 2 mos-12 years Educational learning (A P) — M ichael Jordan and his wife, Juanita, have filed for divorce after 17 years o f m arriage. "M ichael and Juanita Jordan mutual ly and am icably decided to end their 17 year m arriage," the couple said in a statem ent Friday issued through their lawyers. "A judgm ent for dissolu­ tion o f their m arriage was entered today. There will be no further statem ents." Juanita Jordan previously filed for d i­ vorce in January 2002, but w ithdrew her petition a month later when the couple announced they w ere attem pting a rec­ onciliation. For more information please call Mrs. Regina Dennis (5 0 3 ) 2 8 2 -3 1 5 4 3 7 2 5 N. V a n co u ve r Ave. P o rtla n d OR 9 7 2 2 7 't l - / d C Í 0 U S SMOKEHOUSE 4 -2 ^ / / $pccútlízín¿ in Smokci ¿Meats 3 $ettfo£*b Michael Jordan and his wife, Juanita. Beef • Pork • Lamb • Poultry • Seafood ¿mich $3.93 uul /. ‘Oimicr $9.93 iin^ up Pork Rib. Brisket, Turkey, Chicken. Sandwiches & More Jazz & Blues, November 16, 2006, 6-9pm, nocover 4057 N. Interstate Ave. 503-493-9414 H ip -h o p D a n ce C la sses - V ancouver-C lark One Year Anniversary Special (Nov.-Dec.): Smoked Pork Chops Dinner $7.95 SON A JOINER C all now Experienced Attorney over 25 years defending People against 1. Employment Discrimination: Race. Age, Sex, and Disability time to find the hottest poetry, hip-hop and soul influencing Portland on W ednesdays at the Ohm. $7 cover. 31 N.W . First Ave. E m erg in g A rtists S h o w ca se - The Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N. Interstate Ave., hosts a U niversity o f Portland exhibit featuring eight em erging artists. G allery hours: T uesday -F rid ay 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, noon - 4 p.m. A dm ission is free. F o rt V a n c o u v e r L a n te r n T o u r s - Fort V ancouver N ational H istorical Site, 1(X)I E. 5 St., will hosts lantern tours from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. on: Saturday, Jan. 20, Friday Feb. 2. and S atur­ day. Feb. 17. Reservations are required. Call 360-816-6230. W S U V a n co u v er E xh ib it - W SU Vancouver. O M S I P resen ts: B lack H o l e s - A (light sim u­ 14204 N.E. Salmon Creek Ave. .presents A cryl­ ics on Clay, by local artist Linda Sawaya. through Jan. 12, in the Student Services G allery and selected w orks by Ines Epperson thru Jan. 28. in the Engineering and Life Sciences building. lator transform s real scientific data about black holes into stunning visualizations in O M S I's new planetarium show “ Black holes: The O ther S id eo f Infinity .’’For more information, call 503- 797-4 0 0 0 o rv isito m si.ed u . U P G R A D IN G PORTLAND - Members of the Lents Home- " ownership Initiative (LHI): ROSE Community Develop­ ment. Portland Housing Center, and Kelly SUN Commu­ nity School are hosting a HomeBuying 101 workshop: Homebuying 101 IB Û >Çompàsss NpiqhborWodn We’ll teach you how! John Paris, Real Estate Consultant i A9I5 SW Macadam. Suite 145 • Portland,OR 17219 (503)890-1181 Office 503-69K-69HX ACHIEVE THE DREAM! Your Care Our First Priority Dr. Marcelitte Failla Chiroprat tie Physician Wr (ire located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 (Between Broadway dud Sandy Bird.) • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries Call for an appointment! (503) 228-6140 • KickoffyourweekwithlivejazzeverySundayat9p.m.atTheBlue Monk (3341 S.E. Belmont). • Participate in a mixed-mediaopen mic night each Monday at the Back-to-Back Café (614 E. Burnside). IN V I S I M l N l ( Live Music Every Night Ready to Buya Home? H O M E O W N E R SH IP F IR S T T IM E B U Y E R T r ip p in ' th ro u g h T o w n — Take a trip through classes in belly dance, African dance and more. V isit w w w 503-241-1113 Free Phone Consultations DOWNSIZING Parks and Recreation is hosting fam ily friendly hip-hop dance classes for ages 5 to 18. Various lessons teach rhythm , technique, coordina­ tion, agility, co m b in atio n s and team w ork through urban dance moves. For more inform a­ tion, call 360-696-8236. B elly D a n ce C la sses - Caravan Studios offers 2. Criminal Accusations: • Sex crimes • Drug crimes • All misdemeanors and felonies E orm oreinform ation.visitvancouver.w New Y ear C eleb ra tio n - Saturday, Jan. 13, the Japanese G arden Society, 611 SW Kingston Dr., will host the O shogatsu (New Year) C el­ ebration in the G ard en 's Pavilion from 1 p.m .to 3 p.m. V . Open ¡1:30 A M - 9:00 PM M onday thru Saturday During her last divorce petition, Jo r­ dan said attem pts to reconcile their m ar­ riage had failed and future ones "would be im practical and not in the best inter­ ests o f the family." The couple met at a C hicago restau­ rant during his second season with the Bulls and were m arried Sept. 2. 1989. in Las Vegas. They have three children: Jeffrey, M arcus and Jasmine. T he 43-year-old Jordan, a part-ow ner o f the Charlotte Bobcats, led the Bulls to six NBA titlesand was a five-tim e league MVP. He lives in H ighland Park, III. Learn everything you need to know about buying your first home: • • • • • • • Preparing for hom e purchase Steps in the hom e buying process The im portance o f your hom e buying team Shopping for you loan and your home Understanding the role o f credit D eterm ining w hat you can afford Protecting yourself from predatory loans Please join us for an 8-hour workshop . Saturday,January 20th, 2007 • 9:00 am -5:00 pm • The Thom City Improv, featuring mem­ bers of Oldominion, Quivah. The Chosen and Tlie Black Notes, perform at Conan's (3862 S.E. Hawthome)every Tuesday at 10 Mel Brown pm. • Celebrate Hump Day a, The Red Sea (381 S.W. 3rd Ave) after work on Wednesdays, from 5 to 9 p.m. • Inch toward the weekend at the Candlelight Room (2032 S.W. Fifth Ave) with the Black Notes, performing each Thursday. • Celebrate Friday with Mel Brown, whoplaysjazzatSalty'sontheColumhia every Friday and Saturday, and J immy Mak's on Tuesdays and Thursdays. • Round off your week with live Reggae on Fridays and Saturdays at Montego Bay, (1239 S.W. Jefferson). M a teria ls Fee: $ 5 0.00 c— are availab le on a firs t com e, firs t served basis. State Farm» Providing Insutanre and Financial Services * * Pre-registration Is required for this class. Home Office, Bloomington. Illinois 61 /10 Please call 5 0 3 -2 8 2 -7 7 4 4 x l O l to register and receive Information on the location. Ernest J. Hill, Jr. T he Lents H om eow nership Initiative (LH I) is com prised o f more than 40 nonprofit, public and private sector organizations, and businesses w orking together to increase hom eow nership in the Lents Urban Renewal Area and to improve the overall health of Agent 4946 N Vancouver Avenue Portland. OR 97717 603 786,103 Fax 603 286,14 6 ernie hill It5mh<9s,atefarm i om 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® the Lents neighborhood. V. —— — —— — IN IU IA M C I n. .m - J