December 27. 2006 Page B3 Focus Top 2 °/o in Portland M etro SellingPortlandReall state 5O3-33O-54S8 " ’ 00 SW L'ppej Boone» Ferry Rd Portland, OR g * It o lu n il SK»nli uo H C .IV » - H a ii^ M u n irli Home Office. Bloomington. Illinois 61ZÎÜ Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Agent <1946 N Vancouvei Avenue Portland, OH 1 503 ?Hfi 1103 fa» !>03 ?Hh 114« erme hill h5mb<®statetarnj com 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service" ‘W ith o u t deviation! progress is not possible” Frank Comics Unleashed comes to KPDX FOX 49, bringing the backstage banter o f comedians like Carol Leifer, David Brenner host Byron Allen, Dane Cook and George Wallace. Candid Humor with “Comics Unleashed” Fans o f stand up com ed y will enjoy “C o m ics U nleash ed ", a s y n d ic a te d s e rie s by B ry o n A llen featu rin g the best in the busin ess - D ane C ook. D avid B r e n n e r . G e o r g e W a lla c e , H ow ie M andel. H arland W ill­ iam s, C arol L iefer and m ore. us a glim pse o f the funniest T he show is actually a panel m aterial that occurs before our o f co m ics engaging in c o n v e r­ favorite co m ed ian s go on stage. satio n s w ith host A llen. T he “C o m ic s U n le a sh e d " c u r­ funny g ro u p brings backstage rently airs in m ost A m erican b an ter to a studio audience and c itie s as w ell a s A u stra lia . living room s n atio n w id e-g iv in g C an ad a and the A rm ed Forces N etw ork. Locally, the show airs on KPDX Fox Channel 49 M on­ day through Friday at 1:30 a.m. N ight ow ls will appreciate the tim ing, others can set their VCRs to record the show . A Tale of Extinction in ‘Children of Men Black woman gives hope in this futuristic thriller The new thriller "Children of Men", directed by Alfonso Cuaron (“Y tu mamá también”), portrays a desolate world, where for the past 18 years no one has witnessed the birth of a newborn child. Conse­ quently mankind has given up. descending into lawlessness, ter­ rorism and nihilism in the face of global childlessness. The film takes place in futuristic England, and tells the tale of hope- tor the luture in the form of a young African woman named Kee (played by 19-year-old newcomer Clare- Clare-Hope Ashitey plays Kee, a young African woman whose pregnancy could save mankind, in the new thriller “Children o f M en." Hope Ashitey ). Eight months preg­ nant. Kee is the miracle the whole- world has been waiting and hoping for. When Kee teams up with Julian, the head of a covert group of refu­ gees, played by Julianne Moore, the two persuade activist-tumed- bureaucrat Theo (played by Clive Owen) to help transport Kee safely out of the country. Chiwetel Ejiofor (Inside Man) and Michael Caine (The Cider House Rules) join the cast in this tale of a political battle between the near-mythic Human Project, com­ prised o f some of the greatest minds on Earth working toward a new society, and terrorist groups who will risk everything in their quest for Kee. "Children of Men" opened na­ tionwide on Christmas Day. Documenting Young Lives Zoom U ganda docum ents the journey of 12 girls, given 12 cam ­ eras and 24 hours in which to tell their own stories through their own lenses. The girls, aged 14 through 18, are from the AIDS ravaged Rakai district o f south­ ern Uganda and are all orphans of the AIDS epidem ic. The photo-voice exhibit can be seen Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Harambee Center, on the second floor o f the Ecotrust Building at 721 N.W. Ninth Ave. Harambee is a nonprofit organization which connects people and groups in the US with the peoples and cul­ tures o f the African continent. Zoom U ganda was directed hy Julie Resnick, a cross-cultural trainer and consultant, who was invited tojoin H aram bee’s cross- cultural exchange trip to Uganda this past August. Recalling the first day o f the project. Resnick says, “ I handed out the cameras with their names written on duct tape to each girl. I drew a camera on the blackboard and explained each part: ‘This is the lens. This is the shutter. This is the zoom .’ The g irls im m ed iately re ­ peated zoom ! zoom ! zoom !’ in many voices. They had named their project. ZoomUganda empow­ ered the girls to stand in the centers of their world and show the view from there. zoom u£anoa V- J f2 Fundraising Jazz Concert at Mt. Hood Inatipofthehat to an old Charlie- The evening will include a spe­ and $5 for students and may be Parker tune, the Mt. Hood Commu­ cial performance hy the interna­ purchased at the door or from any nity College Music department is tionally acclaim ed jazz singer. group member. Proceeds will help presenting a fundraising jazz con­ Nancy King. pay transportation costs for the cert titled "Scrapple to the Apple," ( ieneral admission tickets arc $8 New York trip. Thursday, Jan. 4, at 7:30p.m. in the MHCC College Theater. 26000 S. E. Stark in Gresham The concert will feature four out­ standing jazz groups that have all UPGRADING been invited to perform at the Inter­ DOWNSIZING national A ssociation o f Jazz FIRST TIMI BUY! R Education’sconference in New York. INVESTMENT Joining the MHCC vocal jazz group “Genesis," directed by Dave John Paris, Real F.statc Consultant A9I5 SW Matallani. Suit« 145 • Portland, OR 97219 Barduhn and the MHCC Jazz Band, directed by Susie Jones, will be the (503)890-1181 Office 50J-69K-69KK Pacific Crest Jazz Orchestra and the Pacific Crest Jazz Combo, both di­ rected by Thara Memory. One o f 1 2 girls docu­ menting their lives in Aids ravaged Uganda Streaming audio o f KM HD is made possible by financial support o f our listeners— that’s you! Visit and become a contributing member. Thanks for keeping us on the air. YOUR ONE-HOUR VACATION Indulge you senses, soothe your Body and revitalize your spirit Portland Tub and Tan offers luxury and serenity all in the calm surroundings of our indoor or outdoor suites. H ot T ubbing by the H our rw w* row rwrs ano wrotMAnnftAt mruuia L D O N Il—i 3 III Dianetics can help you live a better and happier life. Read the book used by millions to reduce stress, anxiety and unhappiness. This is the road to a better life with fewer problems. Just get it, read it and try it, and you'll never be the same. Available at your local bookstore or from THi MOOt»N s a n ic i or m iw t a i h ia it h Dianetics Foundation, 709 SW Salmon St. Portland, OR. 97205 Phone 503.228.0116 • Free shipping • All orders shipped within 24 hours www.dianetics. Paperback $8.00 2004 RPt AH Rights Reserved (NANF TJCS is » t r^ d e m x fc j n d s e rv x e m M * o w n e d by Aelxju • is te rb n o lo g y ( e n t e r an d is used w ith its p erm ission