Page B2 December 27, 2006 ïl!'TJortlanì» (O bstruer Live Music Every Night • Kickoffyourw eekw ithlivejaz/everySundayat9p.m .atrheBlueM onk (3341 S .E Belmont). Focus • Participate in a rnixed-mediaopen mic night each Monday at the Back-to- B ackC afé(6l4E Burnside). • The Thom City Improv, featuring members of Oldominion, Quivah. The ( lx »sen and The Black Notes, perform at Conan's (3862 S.E. Hawthorne) every Tuesday at 10 p.m. • Celebrate Hump Day at The Red Sea (381 S.W. 3rd Ave) after work on Wednesdays, from 5 to 9 p.m. • Inch toward the weekend at the Candlelight Rtxtrn (2032 S.W. Fifth Ave) w ith the Black Notes, performing each Thursday. • Celebrate Friday with Mel Brown, whoplaysjazzatSalty'sontheColumbia every Friday anti Saturday, and Jimmy Mak’s on Tuesdays and Ihursdays. • Round off your week with live Reggae on Fridays and Saturdays at Montego Bay, ( 1239 S.W. Jefferson). State Farm* Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office. Bloomington. Illinois 61710 Michael E Harper Agent 9045 SW Barbur Blvd, Suite 109 Portland. OR 97219 503 221 3050 Fax 503 227 8757 michael harper cuilc@statefarm com A wish changes nothing A decision changes everything! ‘I Am My Own Wife’ at Portland Center Stage Historic Armory becomes thetiter showcase by S arah B u r n t Tin-: P ortland O bskrv kr Portland Center Stage celebrates its 2(X)6-2(X)7 season in its new home at the freshly renovated, 18 9 1 First Regim ent A rm ory along the brew ery blocks o f northw est Port­ land. T he 115-year-old building is enjoying the renaissance o f a $36 mi Ilion transformation thanks to the Portland Development Commission and the interest o f city leaders. In the past, the arm o ry has served as housing for troops d u r­ ing the Spanish-A m erican War, presidential visits, venues for pro­ fessional wrestling, tennis and box­ ing m atches, and now as Portland C enter S tag e's G erding Theater. Saved from dem olition a few years ago, the renovated perfor­ mance house actually contains two theater venues - the 599-seat main stage and orchestra pit for larger productions, like the v en u e's de- Wade McCollum plays Charlotte von Mahlsdorf, and several other characters in the one-man show “I Am My Own Wife" at Portland Center Stage. but "W est Side S tory,” and this sp rin g 's production o f "F ences,” chronicling the African Am erican experience o f the 20th century. In the basem ent, the A rm ory houses the2(X)-seat Black Box Stu­ N A il N I “ Festival of L ig h ts“ - The G rotto “Festival of OR HML-3793 HA H5I0-MB-2M52 Our Home Ownership and Mortgage Experts*m will find the perfect loan for your needs. • • • • • (360) 433-2466 or Toll free (877) 436-2466 Apply online at Fine Mediterranean Cuisine • The Best Shawarma The Best Falafel in Town • The Best Hummus Fax: 503-274-2888 433 SW 4th Ave, Portland, OR 97204 Mon-Fri l()am-9pm Saturday Late 12pm-3am We do Catering Oregon Zoo Lights ~ T h e w a lk - th r o u g h winter wonderland O r­ e g o n Z o o L ig h ts co m es to life each night through S u n ­ day, Dec. 31. I he fes­ tival includcsa lighted zoo train, choral and ensem ble music, pup­ pet sh o w s, and a mtxiel train display. local playw right is challenging racial issues with levity and bravery in her world prem iere o f “ M u tt" at N orth P o rtla n d 's In te r­ s ta te F ire h o u s e C u ltu ra l C e n te r. 5340 N. Interstate Ave. Lava Alapai tells the story o f a Festival o f Lights b i- r a c ia l y o u n g adult's m istaken Caucasian self-identity. Show s extended through Saturday, Dec. 30. T ickets are $ 12. We re local We care. Experience the difference. 503-274-1888 360-696-8236. Playwright Pre­ sents ‘M utt’ — A First time buyer or seasoned investor Purchase, Refinance, Line of credit Good or bruised credit Single family, condo, 2- 4 units Commercial financing & more! Phone: Hip-hop I )ance Classes - Vaneou ver-Clark Parks and Recreation is hosting fam ily friendly hip-hop dance classes for ages 5 to 18. V arious lessons teach rhythm, technique, coordination, agility, com binations and team w ork through ur­ ban dance moves. For more inform ation,call Lights", Northeast 85th Avenue and Sandy Boule­ vard, continue this week through Saturday. Dec. 30 from 5 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., featuring hourly holiday music concerts sp ectacu lar light­ ing displays, live nativity scene and fam ily e n te rta in ­ m ent. D o n atio n s r e q u e s te d fo r S n o w -C A P . o f can n ed goo d s or dry baby foods. BBB Kimberly Adams,Owner, Mortgage broker d io T heater, with an adjustable stage and flexible seating for more intim ate perform ances. The sm aller studiocurrently fea­ tures the one-m an perform ance o f “ I Am My Own W ife," a true story N ew Y ear’sE v e-T h eW o n d erB all- room, 128 N. Russell St., hosts a New Y ear’s Eve party featuring 3 L eg T o rs o , th e M a rc h F o u rth M arching Band and H eroes & V il­ lains. In all, m ore than 45 m usicians and perform ers will take the stage beginning at 9 p.m. on Sunday, D ec. 31. T his is a 2 1 and o v er show. Tickets are $15 in advance at the b a llr o o m b o x o f f ic e an d at ticketm . o f the relatio n sh ip betw een an A m erican playw rights and an East G erm an transvestite w ho not only survived the Nazi regime. butC om - rnunist rule as well. The relationship between these tw o principal characters - play­ wright Doug W right and the sweet but controversial C harlotte von M ah lsd o rf - d evelops o v er the course o f years, as we learn how she survived the brutality o f her own father, Nazi thugs, the Stasi (East G erm an police) and eventu­ ally the relentless ploys o f w orld­ w ide m edia w ho sought to defam e her image. H op-scotching between A m eri­ ca and G erm any. W right becom es so fascinated w ith M ahlsdorf that the entire second act highlights his tortured conflict between w hat may be the ugly truth about his subject and w hat he w ants badly to believe. Perform ances continue through Sunday. Dec. 31 at Portland C enter Stage at the Armory, 128N.W . 11th Ave. Show s are at 7:30 p.m., T hurs­ day at noon, and Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m. Ticket are $ 16.50- 59.50. A lso visit w w w ■ R W T rip p in ’ through Town - T ake a trip through time to find the hottest poetry, hip-hop and soul influencing Portland on W ednesdays at the O hm . $7 cover. 31 N.W . First Ave. Belly D ance C lasses - C aravan Studios offers classes in belly dance, African dance and more. Visit w w w O M S I P re se n ts: B lack Holes - A flight sim ulator transform s real scientific data about black holes into stunning visualizations in O M S I’s new planetarium show "B lack holes: The O therSide o f Infinity ."For more information, cal 1503- 797-4000orvisitom I' — Jazz for the Holidays — Friday, Dec. 29 thru M on­ day, Jan. 1, the Oregon Coast Council for the Arts will host N ew p o rt's Jazz fo rth e H olidays, a m as­ siv e N ew Y ears Eve Party, spread out o ver 4 days and headlined by som e o f Portland’s jazz, ic o n s, in c lu d in g the Bobby T orres Ensemble and singer N ancy King, at the Newport Perf orm ­ ing A rts C enter. Visit or call 888-701-7123. New Year’s Celebration - S atur­ day, Jan. 13, the Japanese G arden S o c ie ty ,6 1 1 SW Kingston Dr., will host the O shogatsu (New Year) C elebration in the G ard en 's Pavilion from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. V . Bobby Torres $ fe ‘ L l-tic io o s # SMOKEHOUSE. A> ¿¿mt fy ee ia lizin # in ï'mokci' ¿Ment.* ¿i P.acem ¿ér¿3 7;t2O.ù.ò Beef* Pork • Lamb • Poultry • Seafood lu n c h $ 5 .95 W a s te d b y : ziwi» ///>. 'D in n e r $ 9 .9 5 a n t n/> Pork Rib. Brisket. Turkey. Chicken. Sandwiches & More Open 11:30 AM - 9:00 PM Monday thru Saturday Bresme STBICKir {8FWCED M a u re n * 7JicÆsÀ Jazz & Blues. November 16, 2006, 6-9pm, nocovc, 4057 N. Interstate Ave. 503-493-9414 wx One Year Anniversary Special (N ov.-D ec.): Smoked Pork Chops Dinner $7.95 ■o, J l III Tickets available @ / fi step above & J Geneva's \ib c r tis e w C u ll ith d iv e r s i t y in 5()3-2S