Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 27, 2006, Page 5, Image 5

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    December 27. 2006
ì,!f |Jo rtla u ò © bseruer
Page AS
To make life easier for meal preparations, the ‘Food Section' will
present an assortment of hearty, healthy and user-friendly winterand
holiday recipes. For recipe requests or suggestions contact:
SharonS@portlandobserver.com Subject. Food Section
F ood
Black-Eyed Pea Fritters with Hot Pepper Relish
For fritters
For relish
• 1 cup dried black-eyed peas
• I m edium onion, chopped
• 1/2 teaspoon m inced fresh habanero chile,
including seeds
• I large egg
• I teasp m n salt
• 3 to 4 tablespoons w ater
• 6 cups vegetable oil
Active time: 45 min Start to finish: 9 hr (includes
soaking tim e) M akes about 36 fritters
Make relish:
4 red bell peppers ( I 1/2 lb), chopped
1 m edium onion, chopped
2 plum tom atoes, chopped
I tablespoon m inced fresh habanero chile, including seeds
1 1 /2 teaspoons sal,
1/4 cup peanut or vegetable oil
Special equipm ent: a deep-fat therm om eter
Soak peas for fritters:
Put peas in w ater to cover by 2 inches and soak 8 hours.
Drain in a colander.
then blend in egg and salt. W ith motor
running, add 3 tablespoons w ater and
blend until sm ooth and Huffy (add rem ain­
ing tablespoon w ater if necessary to form
a batter ju s, thin enough to drop from a
sp o o n ).
Purée bell peppers, onion, tomatoes,
chile, and salt in 2 batches in a food pro­
Heat oil in a 12-inch heavy skillet over
m oderately high heat until hot but not
sm oking, then stir in purée (use caution as
it will splatter). Reduce heat and sim mer,
stirring occasionally, until m osto fliq u id is
evaporated, 8 to 10 minutes. Cool to room
tem perature.
These fritters
are called
akara in
Nigeria and
Sierra Leone,
and akla or
koose in
Ghana. They're
eaten as a
snack, side
dish, or break­
fast, served
with a hot
pepper relish
fatal. We think
they make a
great hors
b row ning too q u ick ly ), until
go ld en , ab o u t 2 m inutes, then
transfer to paper tow els to drain.
R eturn oil to 3 6 0 °F betw een
b atch e s.
Fry fritters:
H eat oil in a 4 -q u art heavy pot (p re f­
erab ly ca st-iro n ) until th erm o m eter re g ­
isters 360°F . W orking in b atch es o f 8,
gen tly d ro p ta b lesp o o n s o f b atter into
hot oil, using a sm all spoon to scrape
b atter from ta b lesp o o n . Fry, stirrin g
c o n s ta n tly (to p re v e n t fritte rs from
Make fritters:
Purée peas, onion, and chile in food
processor until as smooth as possible.
Ingredients for life.
The jerk seasoning can be made a day in advance. The
chicken needs to marinate fo r at least four hours and
can sit as long as overnight.
Jamaican Jerk Chicken
• 3 tablespoons dark rum
• 2 tablespoons w ater
• 1/2 cup malt vinegar
• 10 green onions, chopped
• 4 garlic cloves, peeled, chopped
• 2 tablespoons dried thyme
• 2 Scotch bonnet chiles or habanero
chiles with seeds, chopped
• 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
• 4 teaspoons ground allspice
• 4 teaspoons ground ginger
• 4 teaspoons ground cinnam on
• 2 teaspoons ground nutm eg
• 2 teaspoons salt
• 2 teaspoons ground black pepper
• 2 teaspoons dark brown sugar
• 1 cup ketchup
• 3 tablespoons soy sauce
• 2 3- to 3 1/2-pound chickens, halved
lengthw ise, rinsed, patted dry
• 1/2 cup fresh lim e juice
Boil rum and 2 tablespoons w ater in
small saucepan for 3 minutes.
T ransfer rum m ixture to blender; add
vinegar and next 12 ingredients and blend
until alm ost sm ooth. T ransfer 2 table­
spoons je rk seasoning to small bowl; mix
in ketchup and soy sauce to m ake sauce.
(Jerk seasoning and sauce can be made I
day ahead; cover separately and refriger­
A rrange chicken in large roasting pan
or baking dish. Pour lime ju ice over; turn
tocoat. Spoon jerk seasoning overchicken
and rub in. C over and refrigerate at least 4
hours, turning occasionally. (Can be pre­
pared I day ahead. Keep refrigerated.)
Preheat o ven to 35O°F or prepare barbe­
cue (m edium h e a t). Rem ove chicken from
je rk seasoning marinade; sprinkle with
salt and pepper. If roasting chicken in
oven, arrange chicken, skin side up, on
rim m ed baking sheet. Roast until chicken
is cooked through and ju ices run clear
w hen thickest par, o f thigh is pierced with
fork, about 50 minutes. If grilling chicken,
place chicken, skin side dow n, on grill
rack, cover, and gri 11 until chicken is cooked
through, turning occasionally and adjust­
ing heat if brow ning to o q u ick ly , about 50
m inutes.
C ut each chicken half into pieces and
serve with sauce. M akes 8 servings.
Happy New Year
b* 1,0,e See
‘Of der^r
Better Vilut
Minute Maid
Orange Juice
Martini & Rossi
or Domaine Ste
Selected varieties
Club Price $2 50ea
SAVE up to S3 7«0«
750 ml bottle.
Selected varietals.
SAVE up to $3.24
Refresh« Water
169-02 bottles
Original Pizza
Or Brick Overt 17 5 to
23-02. Selected varieties.
Club Price $2 50 ea
SAVE up to $12 M on 4
For a time-saver, you can buy
your cabbage already shredded;
ju st use a 12 oz. bag in place o f
the half-head. This is great fo r
fam ily reunions, picnics and as a
side dish fo r any meal.
Ocean Spray
Cranberry Juice
Selected varieties
Club Price $2 00 ea
SAVE up to $2 M on 2
Tortilla Chips
24-Pack Budweiser
Miller or Coors
9 to 13.5-02.
Selected varieties
SAVE up Io $3 49 on 2
12-02 uns Or 30-0«*
Miller i ite Selected vaneties
Plus depos« ui Oregon
SAVE up lo $5 SO
I Cup m ayonnaise
l/4 C u p m ilk
1 T ablespoon cider vinegar
I Teaspoon Dijon mustard
1/2 Teaspoon celery seeds
Black pepper
1/2 H ead ca b b ag e, co red an d shred
I Red bell pepper, sliced thin
I C arrot, shredded
I Small onion, grated
1. Using a whisk, mix together m ayo, milk, vinegar, mustard, and celery seed.
2. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
3. T oss cabbage, bell pepper, carrot and onion together in a bowl, and mix together with
4. C over and refrigerate several hours before serving.
Perrier touel
Grand Brut
SHwrrwd «arwtah
/SO ml
Tide Simple Pleasures
or Tide Deter,etrt
6710 71-02 Powder
Or 80 to IOO-02 liquid
Selected varieties
SAVE up to SI SO
Chaoc*’ .
m '« J
Progresso Soup
18 5 to ,9-02
Selected varieties
Club Price $1 25 ea
SAVE up lo
S, 44 on 4
1O«OFF of per gasoline
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