Page B4 133n rtla nò COhserner Right of Way Agent II R ig h t-o f-W a y Agen t Ils perform technical w ork in the appraisal, r e lo c a tio n , a c q u is itio n a n d d is p o s a l o f rig h t o f way, real property rights and real property m a n a g e m e n t. U n d e r g e n e ra l s u p e rv is io n a n d in a te a m environm ent, Right-of-W ay Agent Ils are responsible for negotiating with property owners, landlords, te n a n ts and o th e r e n titie s to acquire or convey real property rights, leases, licenses, permits, e a s e m e n ts , d e d ic a tio n s , and o th e r re la te d re a l p ro p e rty agreem ents for public projects; co n du ctin g physical inspection and appraisals o f real property to be a c q u ire d ; m a y c o m p u te relocation benefits and provide re lo c a tio n a s s is ta n c e to in d iv id u a ls a n d b u s in e s s e s d is p la c e d by p u b lic p ro je c ts ; c o lle c t re n t, p re p a re re n ta l agreem ents and assist in related property m anagem ent activities; w r itin g a n d re v ie w in g le g a l d e s c r ip tio n s a nd s u rv e y s ; p re p a rin g and re c o rd in g co n ve ya n ce d o c u m e n ts ; m anaging outside professional service contracts for right of way s e rv ic e s, real e sta te service s, s u rv e y , a p p ra is a ls a n d title reports; reviewing subdivision and partition plats; and, managing the street vacation process between City Bureaus, outside agencies a n d th e p u b lic , in c lu d in g presentations to City Council. E astern Oregon University in v ite s a p p lic a tio n s fo r th e position o f Assistant Director for Student Leadership. The Assistant D irector will be responsible for s e le c tin g , s u p e rv is in g , a nd e v a lu a tin g s tu d e n t s ta ff, o v e rs e e in g th e re s id e n c e life program in tw o buildings of 270 re s id e n ts , o v e rs e e in g th e o p e ra tio n s o f th e S tu d e n t A c t iv itie s O ffic e in c lu d in g supervising one classified staff, and assisting with the creation and a d m in is tra tio n of a c o m p re h e n s iv e s tu d e n t leadership program at EOU. This position requires flexible hours, in c lu d in g e v e n in g s a nd weekends. This position is a 12-month, fixed- te rm , A d m in is tra tiv e F a c u lty position. S alary will be $28,000 to $30,000 com m ensurate with education and experience with excellent medical, retirement and p ro fe s s io n a l d e v e lo p m e n t benefits. Com pensation includes a furnished apartm ent and meal plan when board dining services are in operation. Anticipated start date is July 1, 2007. For application procedure and deadline see: httpy/ James Brown Dies at 73 C lassifieds / B ids J O \, eon tin lie d Fur contracting opportunities with the l ily of Portland and for valuable information on how to do business w uh the City. please log on to the Bureau o f Purchases Web Page: www ,,dmf''purchasing °*FCO^ a : C itv o f P o r t la n d WASHINGTON COUNTY SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE SPECIALIST(RECORDS) $2,862 $ 3 ,4 8 1 /m o n th Closes January 3, 2007 Call (503) 846-8606/TTY (503) 846-4898 for inform ation or see our website: C o unty ap p lica tion and supplem ental application forms required. Women, minorities, and p e o p le w ith d is a b ilitie s are encouraged to apply. APPLY TO: W ashington County Human Resources Division 155 N. First Avenue, Suite 270 Hillsboro, OR 97124 Parks Program Specialist The Parks Program Specialist is re sp o n sib le for th e d a y-to -d a y a d m in is tra tio n o f th e P a rk s S yste m s D e velop m e n t C h arge (S D C ) P ro g ra m and im plem entation, updating, and m aintenance of the Parks Total A s s e t M a n a g e m e n t P ro g ra m . A p p ro x im a te M o n th ly S a la ry Related to the Park SDC Program, d u tie s in c lu d e re v ie w o f Range: $3,808 to $4,858 construction perm it applications Application deadline is 4:30 pm , and assessm ent of appropriate Monday, January 08, 2007 P a rk S D C fe e s , p ro v id in g To learn more about this position, a s s e s s m e n t n o tific a tio n and or to apply online, visit our website paym ent options to applicants, at or addressing internal and external pickup an application at 1120 SW c u s to m e r is s u e s re la te d to p ro g ra m m e th o d o lo g y and 5th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204 requirem ents, and maintenance CLARK COLLEGE of Park S D C Program records. C la rk C o lle g e is a c c e p tin g R e la te d to P a rk s T o ta l A sse t applications for a Secretary Senior M a n a ge m e n t P rogram , d uties to perform com p lex secretarial include facilitating and tracking and custom er services duties in progress of annual inventory and support o f th e College's Health co n d itio n a ssessm e n t of park Services office. Salary is $2,153/ fa c ilitie s , and a s s e m b ly and m onth. C losing date is 5 p.m., a n a ly s is o f a s s e m b le d d ata Jan u ary 11, 2007. For complete in c lu d in g s u m m a riza tio n and p o s itio n d e s c rip tio n , presentation of findings. re q u ire m e n ts , a n d to a p p ly, A p p ro x im a te M o n th ly S a la ry access our w e b s ite at Range: $4,111 - $5,481 w w w .cla rk .e d u /jo b s or contact Clark College Hum an Resources, Application deadline is Tuesday, 1 8 0 0 E. M c L o u g h lin B lv d ., January 02, 2007, Vancouver, W A 98663 (360) 992- 2105 [JOBLINE (360) 992-2836. To learn more about this position, H e a rin g im p a ire d (3 6 0 ) 9 9 2 - or to apply online, visit our website at or 2317]. AA/EEO employer. pickup an application at 1120 SW 5th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204 CLARK COLLEGE Custodians-. full- and/or part-time, te m p o ra ry p ositio n s. $10.53/ h o u r (p lu s ,5 0 / h o u r s h ift differential for shift work). Open u ntil fille d ; s cre e n in g to begin imm ediately. For application g oto C la rk C o lle g e P la n t S e rv ic e s , 1 8 0 0 E. M c L o u g h lin B lvd ., Vancouver, W A 98663 (360) 992 2336 [JOBLINE (360) 992-2836. H e a rin g im p a ire d (3 6 0 ) 9 9 2 - 2317] or access our web site at w w w .c la rk .e d u / jo b s . A A /E E O employer. December 27. 2006 T ransportation The Governor's Advisory Committee on Motorcycle Safety Is currently seeking applicants to fill 2 vacant positions Members of Oregon State boards and c o m m is s io n s a re v ita l p a rtic ip a n ts in p o lic y m a k in g , regulation, advisory, and advocacy efforts for a wide variety of issues a ffe c tin g all O re go n ia n s. The G o v e rn o r m akes d ire c t appointm ents to approxim ately 200 boards and com m issions. The eight-m em ber com m ittee on m otorcycle safety represents the voice of Oregon motorcyclists and advises th e G o ve rn o r and the Transportation Safety Division of the Departm ent of Transportation on s a fe ty fo r m o to rc yclis ts in Oregon. The term of office is 4 years, but the m em bers serve at the pleasure of the Governor. A ll in te re s te d p a rtie s a re e n c o u ra g e d to apply. Please subm it applications by December 31,2006 for consideration For application materials or more in fo rm a tio n re g a rd in g th e G overnor's Advisory Com m ittee on Motorcycle Safety and/or other b o a rd and c o m m is s io n o p p o r t u n itie s , v is it h ttp :/ / g o v e r n o r . o r e g o n .g o v / G o v / b o a rd s .s h tm l o r c o n ta c t th e G overnor’s Office at: Executive Appointm ents Office of the Governor 900 Court Street NE Salem , OR 97301-4047 Telephone: (503) 378-3123 Fax: (503) 378-6827 To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Kathy Linder Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 B ureau o f P urchases V ’ 1120 SW Fifth Ave, Room 750. Portland OR 97204 503 X23-6X55 Portland Development Commission The Urban Renewal Agency for the City of Portland, Oregon P o rtla n d is in te rn a tio n a lly recognized for its quality of life, distinctive neighborhoods, and robust transit system . Playing a key role in k e e p in g P o rtla n d , Oregon, one o f Am e rica ’s most liv a b le c itie s is th e P o rtla n d D e v e lo p m e n t C o m m is s io n ’s mission. PDC is the City’s urban renew al a gency, ch a rge d w ith bringing to ge th er resources to achieve Portland's vision. W e're cu rre n tly lo o k in g fo r q u a lifie d individuals to co m p lem ent our w o rk fo rc e fo r th e fo llo w in g positions: Senior Project Coordinator or Project Coordinator-Development Project Management Division Manager Public Affairs Manager Chief Financial Officer Senior Project Coordinator Performance Measurem ent Program M anager W e o ffe r a g e n e ro u s h o st o f benefits as part of our efforts to keep PDC a positive, healthy and productive place to w ork. PDC values diversity in its work force and is com m itted to Equal Em ploym ent Opportunity and Affirm ative Action. Apply online at ww w Portland Developm ent Com m is­ sion, 222 NW 5th Ave., Portland, OR 97209 Jobline: 503.823.3463 M ETRO Management Technician. Metropol­ itan Recreation E x p o s itio n Com m ission. $17.49 - $23.09/ hr, FT. D e a d lin e : 1 2 / 2 8 / 0 6 . P e rfo rm s te c h n ic a l and adm inistrative duties associated with m anagem ent analysis and fin a n c ia l a nd a c c o u n tin g transaction processing. Audio Visual Technician. O regon C o n v e n tio n C e n te r. $ 17 .49 - $23.09/hour, FT. Deadline: 1/2/ 07. Responsible for AV system s, direction of production assistants and m a in te n a n c e o f AV equipm ent. These opportunities are open to F irs t O p p o rtu n ity T a rg e t Area residents (Colum bia Boulevard on the north; 42nd Avenue on the east; the Banfield Freeway on the south, and North C h a u tau q u a Boulevard on the w est), whose to ta l a n n u a l inco m e d oes not exceed $25,000 as an individual, or $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 fo r an e n tire h o u s e h o ld , fo r th e p a s t 12 months. To a c c e s s th e c o m p le te jo b a n n o u n c e m e n t and re q u ire d a p p lica tion m aterials, visit our website at jobs or pick up a com plete packet at M etro Human Resources, 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland. AA/EEO Employer CLARK COLLEGE M ETRO Laborer-Temporary. Regional Parks a nd G re e n s p a c e s , $ 9 .7 9 - $10.00/hr FT. Duration: approx. 6 m onths beginning in January. Perform s light to heavy manual la b o r, in c lu d in g g ro u n d s maintenance, trail im provem ents a nd g a rb a g e re m o v a l a t numerous natural areas. Provides b u ild in g m a in ten a n ce such as cleaning and m inor repairs. To a c c e s s th e c o m p le te jo b a n n o u n c e m e n t a n d re q u ire d application m aterials, visit our website at jobs or pick up a com plete packet at Metro Human Resources, 600 NE Grand Ave., Portland. AA/EEO Employer C la rk C o lle g e is a c c e p tin g a p p lic a tio n s fo r a College Comm unity Events M anager to manage a broad range of internal and e xte rn a l re c ru itm e n t and retention a ctivitie s, tours, and s p e c ia l e v e n ts . S a la ry is $39,000/year. Closing date is 5 p .m ., J a n u a r y 16, 2007. For co m p lete position d escrip tio n, re q u ire m e n ts , a n d to a p p ly, access our w e b s ite at w w w .cla rk .e d u /io b s or contact Clark College Hum an Resources, 1 8 0 0 E. M c L o u g h lin B lv d ., Vancouver, WA 98663 (360) 992- 2105 [JOBLINE (360) 992-2836. H e a rin g im p a ire d (3 6 0 ) 9 9 2 - 2317]. AA/EEO em ployer. Medical Transcriptionist work from hom e, w ork part-tim e, full-tim e. W ork delivered great pay training available. TNI Jobline: 1- (425) 334-5978 from fro n t different heat, a different style of music. He pioneered it.” S h a rp to n w ill o ffic ia te at B row n's funeral service, details o f w hich were still incomplete. C’opsidas said. Brown won a G ram m y tor life­ tim e achievem ent in 1992. as well as G ram m ys in 1965 for “ P apa's (io ta Brand New B ag"(best R&B recording) and for "L iving In Am erica"in I987(hest R&B vocal performance, m ale.) He even had a brief but m em o­ rable role on the big screen as a manie preacher in the 198<)' s movie "The Blues Brothers.” Brown, w ho lived in Beech Is­ land. S.C., near the G eorgia line, had a turbulent personal life that in c lu d e d c h a rg e s o f ab u sin g drugs and alcohol. A fter a w idely publicized, drug-fueled confron­ tation with police in 1988 that ended in an interstate ear chase, Brown spent 15 m onths in a South C arolina prison and 10 m onths in a work release program. From the 1950s, when Brown had his first R&B hit, "Please, Please, Please" in 1956, through the m id-1970s. Brown went on a frenzy o f cro ss-co u n try tours, c o n c e rts and new so n g s. He earned the nicknam e "The H ard­ est W orking Man in Show B usi­ ness" and often tried to prove it to his Ians, said Jay Ross, his lawyer o f 15 years. Brown' s stage act was as memo­ rable, and as im itated, as his records, with his tw irls and spins and (lowing cape, his repeated faints to the floor at the end. “ He was dram atic to the end — dying on C hristm as D ay," said the Rev. Jesse Jackson, a friend of Brow n’s since 1955. "A lm ost a dram atic, poetic moment. H e’ II be all over the news all over the world today. He w ould have it no other w ay." His "L ive at T he A pollo” in 1962 is widely considered one of the greatest concert records ever. He often talked o f a 1964 concert in w hich organizers m ade the mistake o f having the Rolling Stones, not him.elosethe bill, remembering Mick Jagger w aiting offstage, nervously chain smoking, as he pulled o ff his m atchless show. "T o this day. there has been no one near as funky. No o n e’s com ­ ing even close," rapper C huck D of Public Enem y once told the AP. Brown routinely lost two or three pounds each tim e he perform ed and kept his furious concert schedule in his later years even as he fought prostate cancer, Ross said. W ith his tight pants, eye m akeup and outrageous hair. Brown set the stage for younger stars such as M ichael Jackson and Prince. And the early rap generation overw helm ­ ingly sam pled his music and voice as they laid the foundation o f hip- hop culture. "D isco is Jam es Brown, hip-hop is James Brown, rap is James Brown; you know w hat I'm saying? You hear all the rappers, 90 percent of their music is m e," Brow n told The APin2(X)3. Bom in poverty in Barnwell, S.C., in 1933, Brown was abandoned as a 4 year old to the care o f relatives and friends. He grew up on the streets o f A ugusta, G a„ in an "ill- repute area,"' as he once called it, learning how to hustle to survive. By the eighth grade in 1949, Brown had served 3*/2 years in re­ form school for breaking into ears. W hile there, he met Bobby Byrd, w hose fam ily took Brown intotheir home. Byrd also took Brown into his group, the G ospel Starlighters. Soon they changed their nam e to the Fam ous Flam es and their style to hard R&B. In January 1956, King Records o f Cincinnati signed the group, and four m onths later "Please, Please, Please” was in the R&B T op Ten. Brown is survived by his fourth wife, Tom i Rae Hynie, one o f his backup singers, and at leas, four children — tw o daughters and sons Daryl and James Brown II, Copsidas said. SON A JOINER CALLNOW Experienced Attorney over 25 years defending People against 1. Employment Discrimination: Race, Age, Sex, and Disability 2. Criminal Accusations: • Sex crimes • Drug crimes • All misdemeanors and felonies 503-241-1113 Free Phone Consultations Openeyes Productions artsand ministries Presents Celebrate A Night 01 Kwanzaa “Kuumba” Jln ^Jortlattb (Observer Advertise with diversity in Call 503-288-003^ The Tacoma Housing Authority (THA) is s o licitin g S ta te m e n ts of Proposals from qualified legal firm s or individuals to assist THA with Legal Services on an on-call basis. Selected Firm (s) will be on-call for specific projects as they arise. Services on an on-call basis may include, but will not be limited to: • Developm ent (Purchase and Sales, Mixed Financing, CPPF Bonds, HOPE VI, Contract Law) • Procurem ent and Contracting • Landlord Tenant • Human Resources • Labor Relations • General Legal Consulting Proposals are due at the offices of THA, 902 South L Street, Tacoma, WA 98405 at the stated tim e and date, Friday, December 29, 2006 a t 3:00 p.m. local tim e. NO LATE PROPOSALS WILL BE ACCEPTED. To receive a full copy of this RFP, please call Robert Paulson (253.207.4470) or e-m ail rpaulson@ tacom THA reserves the right to waive any and all inform alities or to reject any and all proposals. THA is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discrim inate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, fam ilial status, sexual orientation, gender identity or handicapped status in the em ploym ent or provision of services. Approved for publication by M ichael Mirra, Executive Director. V Í ' World Renow n H arpist fro m the H ood with Saxophonist “ DESTIN Y” Carrie Simms Friday Dec. 29, 2006 Calvary Christian Ministries 126 N.E. Alberta (comer of Mallory) Portland, OR 97211 Vendors Market Place Opens @6:30 p.m. * *Show Time @ 8 p.m. * * * $ 18 advance/ $20 @door For Vending Contaet 503-442-7528 Destiny Tickets HotLine: 1-888-312-5619 ext. 3 Desserts provided by Ariells All Proceeds go toward MACE (Mallory Avenue Communtiy Enrichment Center) This is a Dress To Impress Affair...