Page B2 December 20, 2006 a'1'1’ JJnrtlanù (Observer H O M E O W N E R SH IP UPGRADING DOWNSIZING HRSTTIMI BUYER INVESTMENT ^ompass^ John Paris, Real Estate Consultant 6915 SW Macadam. Suite 145 • Portland. OR 97219 (503)890-1181 Office 5ÜJ-6M&-6981I ACHIEVE THE DREAM! State Fanti* Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61710 Michael E Harper Agent 9045 SW Barbi» Blvd. Suite 109 Portland. OR 97219 Oprah, Cedric in Charlette’s Web All-star cast brings timeless story to life C edric the E ntertainer talked about the thrill o f being part o f the all-star talent in the new Paramount Pictures release o f C harlotte’s Web, a live-action adaptation o f the clas­ sic ch ild ren 's fxxik about loyalty, trust and sacrifice. "I play Golly the G ander and my wife G ussy the G oose is the voice o f n o n eotherthanO prah W infrey," C'redric says. "N orm ally, the actors record their voices individually on these projects, so I w as surprised that 1 got an opportunity Io do my sessions with Oprah. Because we are playing husband and wife, there was a lot o f interplay and bickering A lso joining as cast voices is Steve Buscemi as the barn's sardonic rat, Tem pleton J o h n Cleese as Samuel, the sheep: Kathy Bates and Reba M cEntire as the bam s sarcastic cow s, Betsy and Bitsy; Robert Redford as Ike, the horse; and T ho­ mas Haden Church and Andre Ben­ jam in o f the hip-hop duo OutKast as thedimw itted crows. Brooks and Elwyn. In C harlotte's W eb, a very small pig finds that the most powerful Cedric the Entertainment and Oprah record their voices as Golly the force in the world is the bond o f Gander and Gussy the Goose in the animated ‘Charlette s Web,' a friendship. Paramount Pictures adaptation o f the classic children’s book. The critically acclaim ed book that was best done together. Even Cedric the Entertainer. Dakota Fan­ C harlotte’s Web, written by E.B. though I'v e been a guest on her ning stars on-screen as Fern, the W hite and illustrated by G arth show , it was a unique chance to first one to see som ething in Wi Ibur W illia m s, is th e b est se llin g work with her up close and per­ that others miss. children's paperback o f all time. sonal on this special project.” Julia Roberts is the voice o f the Cedric sums it up, "Kids will love I n addi tion to W infrey, the b am ' s spider C harlotte, who becom es the this film because it is a story o f m aternal-yet-irreverent goose, and pig Wi I b u r's best friend and savior. camaraderie." 503 221 3050 Fax 503 227 8757 michael harper cuik® statefarm com self-identity. S how sextended through Dec. 30. Tickets are $12 and can be obtained by calling 503-952-6646oratm . A wish changes nothing A decision changes everything! t=ï Kimberly Adams, Owner, Mortgage Broker on Fridays and Saturdays. Tickets range from $22.50 to $42.50 by phone at 503-241-1278, online at or at the box office at I5 I6 S .W . A lder St. H ip -h o p D ance C lasses - Vancouver-Clark Parks and Recreation is hosting family friendly hip-hop dance classes for ages 5 to 18. Various lessons teach rhythm , technique, coordina­ tion, ag ility , co m b in atio n s and team w ork through urban dance moves. For more inform a­ tion, call 360-696-8236. O M S I P re sen ts: Black H oles — A Hight sim u­ lator transform s real scientific data about black holes into stunning visualizations in O M SI’s new planetarium show "Black holes: The O ther Side o f Infinity ."F or more information, call 503- 797-4 0 0 0 o rv isito m si.ed u . BBB OR #ML-37#3 WA #510-3113-28452 Trippin’ through Town - Take a trip through Our Home Ownership and Mortgage Experts’ 1" will find the perfect loan for your needs Festival o f Lights tim e to find the hottest poetry, hip-hop and soul influencing Portland on W ednesdays at the O hm . $7 cover. 3 1 N.W . First Ave. “Festival of Lights” - a t the G rotto, N ortheast First time buyer or seasoned investor Purchase, Refinance, Line of credit Good or bruised credit Single family, condo, 2- 4 units Commercial financing & more! We're local. We care. Experience the difference. (360) 4 3 3 -2 4 6 6 or Toll free (877) 4 3 6 -2 4 6 6 Apply online at www dakahome com Sunday Supper Tine Celebrating our Customers! E.veat Cannon’s Rib Express Featuring Reggie Houston’s Box of Chocolates Tim Acott Bass & Vocals • Tracy Kim Guitar “ya never know what ya gain g it” Sponsored by: NEW S E A S O N S M A R X L T 1 85th Avenue and Sandy Boulevard, from 5 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., featuring hourly holiday music concerts, spectacular lighting displays, live nativity scene and fam ily entertain ment. D ona­ tions requested for Snow -C A P, o f canned goods or dry baby foods. Scrooge Gets Skewered - T he Portland A rtists Rep­ e rto ry T h ea tre p resen ts 'InspectingC arol.’ a ta le o f the classic ‘A Christm as C aro l’ gone awry, through Dec. 24. at 7 p.m. on T ues­ d ay s through T hursdays Lava Alapai and Sundays; and 8 p.m. Zoo Lights O re g o n Z oo L ig h ts—The walk-through winter w onderland Oregon Z oo Lights com es to life throughout the month o f D e­ cem ber. The festival includes a lighted zoo train, choral and e n s e m b le m u s ic , p u p p e t show s, and a model train dis­ play. Festival hours are Sun­ day - T hursday, 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., Friday and Saturday, 5 to 8:30 p.m. C losed Dec. 24 and C hristm as Day. P la y w rig h t P re se n ts ‘M u tt’ -- A local play­ w right is challenging Top 2°/o racial issues with lev­ KELLER WILLIAMS in Portland M etro ity and bravery in her Portland P rem in e w o rld p re m ie re o f “ M u tt” at N o rth P o rtlan d ’s Interstate F ire h o u s e C u ltu ra l C enter, 5340 N. Inter­ MBA, M.Ed., Brokers, CRS, ABR. SRES state Ave. Lava Alapai tells the story o f a bi- WWW SellingPortlandRealEstate .tom racial young adult's 503-330-5488 m istaken C au casian 17700 SW Upper Boones Ferry Rd Tony and Libby Kelly Portland, (JR Bobby Torres Jazz for the Holidays - Friday, Dec. 29 thru M onday, Jan. I, the Oregon Coast Council for the Arts will host N ew port's Jazz for the Holi­ days, a m assive New Years Eve Party, spread out over 4 days and headlined by som e of P ortland’s ja zz icons, including the Bobby T orres Ensem ble and singer N ancy King, at the N e w p o rt P e rfo rm in g A rts C e n te r. V isit jazzatnew or call 888-701-7123. Belly Dance Classes — Caravan Studios offers classes in belly dance, African dance and more. Visit w w w Featured Agents on HGTV’s “House Hunters” Live Music Every Night • KickofifyourweekwithlivejazzeverySundayat9p.m.atTheBlueMonk (3341SJE. Belmont). • Participate in a mixed-media open mic night each Monday at the Back-to- Back Caf6(614 E. Burnside). • The Thom City Improv, featuring members of Oldominion, Qui vah. The Clxisen and The Black Notes, perform at Conan’s (3862 S.E. Hawthorne) every Tuesday at 10 p.m. • Celebrate Hump Day at The Red Sea (381 S.W. 3rd Ave) after work on Wednesdays, from 5 to 9 p.m. • Inch toward the weekend at the Candlelight Room (2032 S.W. Fifth Ave) with the Black Notes, performing each Thursday. • Celebrate Friday with Mel Brown, whoplaysjazzatSalty’sontheColumbia every Friday and Saturday, and Jimmy Mak’s on Tuesdays and Thursdays. • Round off your week with live Reggae on Fridays and Saturdays at Montego Bay, (1239 S.W. Jefferson). Hush Hush Café Fine Mediterranean Cuisine • The Best Shawarma The Best Falafel in Town • The Best Hummus Phone: 503-274-1888 Fax: 503-274-2888 433 SW 4th Ave, Portland, OR 97204 Mon-Fri 10am-9pm Saturday Late 12pm-3am We do Catering