œ*!‘ | J n r t l a n ò D ecem ber 20. 2006 ffîh s e r u e r Page AS T o m ake life easier for meal preparations, the ‘Food S ection’ will present an assortm ent o f hearty, healthy and user-friendly w inter and holiday recipes. F o r recipe requests o r su g g estio n s contact: SharonS@ portlandobserver.com S u b ject. Food Section F ood andy C an e C o ffee C ake NGREDIENTS 2 packages regular or quick dry yeast Vi -cup w arm w ater (105 F - 115 F) 1*4- cups butterm ilk 2 eggs 5 '/2 to 6 c u p s bread flour orall-purpose flour *4 -cup butter or m argarine, softened '/2 -cup sugar 2 tsp. baking pow der DIRECTIONS 1, D issolve yeast in warm w ater in large bowl. Add butterm ilk, sugar, butter, eggs, baking pow der, salt and 2 Vi cups o f the flour. Beat with electric mixer on low speed 30 seconds, scraping bowl constantly. Beat on medium speed 2 minutes, scraping bowl occasionally. Stir in enough rem ain­ ing flour to make dough easy to handle. (Dough should be soft and slightly sticky.) i2. G rease 3 cookie sheets. Turn dough 'onto w ell-floured surface; gently knead labout 15 m inutes or until sm ooth and elastic. D ivide dough into 3 equal parts. Roll one part into a 15” X 9" rectangle shape. Place rectangle on cookie sheet. 3. Mix apricots and chopped cherries. Spread one-third o f the apricot mixture in a strip about 2 Vi” -inches w ide lengthw ise VXl Braided and fruit-filled, these shapely coffee cakes are perfect fo r entertaining or giving as gifts, and they taste as delicious as they are pretty! • 2 tsp. salt • I Vi- cups chopped dried apricots • I Vi- cups chopped drained m araschino ch er­ ries Coffee Cake Glaze • • • • Vi-cup w hite vanilla baking chips 2 Tbs. light com syrup 1 Vi- tsp. w ater 1 Vi -cups red cinnam on candies, if desired down center o f rectangle. Make cuts in dough at Vi-inch intervals on both 15-inch sides alm ost to filling. Fold strips over filling, overlapping and crossing in center. C arefully stretch dough until 22-inches long; curve one end to form top o f cane. Repeat with rem aining 2 parts o f dough. C over and let rise in w arm place about I hour or until double in size. (Dough is re a d y if in d e n ta tio n re m a in s w hen touched.) 4. Heat oven to 375 F. Bake 20-25 m in­ utes o r until golden brown. 5. M eanw hile, in 1-quart saucepan, heat all glaze ingredients (except cinnam ons) over low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture is smixith and thin enough to drizzle. D rizzle G laze over warm coffee cakes. D ecorate with cinnam on candies. .• A P rep time: 30 min S ta rt to Finish: I hr. 50 min. Yields: 3 coffee cakes (12 slices each) SAFEWAY 0 Ingredients fo r life.» G u a ra n te e d /t»-. Amazingly Good Eggnog L o w e s t Price o n B e e f B one-In Rib R oast OR S hank H a lf S m o k e d H a m Safeway will match any competitor i coupon or adwn tised pot« on Bee* Bone in *>0 Boast of Shank Matt Smoked Ham Just prevent coupon, clipless or ad to your cashier Safeway will match Shank Half Mam with Butchers Cut Smoked Shank Halt Ham All competi tor i rules. guidelines coupon terms apply It's taken me several years to \perfect this recipe. Now everyone asks, ‘when are you making the \eggnog?’ This uses cooked eggs for safety, and you can use more or less rum to taste. It’s a hit of work to make, hut well worth it. You’ll never buy store-bought eggnog again. It just wouldn't he the 'Holiday Season' without the Nog! I Butcher's Cut Whole or Shank Half Ham Rancher's Reserve Angus Beef Ribeye Roast Bone-m While Supplies Last Limit 2. Bone-m. Or Boneless Beef loin New York Roast 8 $4 99 lb SAVE up to SAVE up to $1.20 lb. $4 52 lb 0 CLUB PRICE P re p T im e : 20 Min. C o o k T im e :8 M in . Ready in: 6 H ours 28 Min. INGREDIENTS DIRECTIONS • 4 c u p sm ilk • C om bine milk, cloves, Vi teaspoon vanilla and cin ­ nam on in a saucepan and heat over low est setting for 5 m inutes. Slow ly bring milk mixture to a boil. • In a large bowl, com bine egg yolks and sugar. Whisk together until fluffy. W hisk hot milk mixture slowly into eggs. Pour m ixture into saucepan. C ook over m edium heat, stirring constantly for3 m inutes, or until thick. Do not allow m ixture to boil. • Strain to remove cloves, and let cool for about an hour. • Stir in rum , cream , 2 teaspoons vanilla and nutmeg. Refrigerate overnight before serving. • 5 w hole cloves • Vi tsp. vanilla extract • 1 tsp. ground cinnam on • 12 egg yolks • I Vi cups sugar • 2 Vi cups light rum • 4 cups light cream • 2 tsp. vanilla extract • Vi tsp. ground nutmeg Butcher's Cut Whole or Hall Spiral Sliced Ham Pork Loin Top Loin Roast 8one-in. While Supplies Last Limit 2. SAVE up lo $1.40 lb Boneless SAVE up 10 $1 50 IB Colossal King Crab Legs and Claws FrozenThawed SAVE up to (8.00 lb. >99 h. 79 99? lb CLUB PRICE CLUI PRICE CLUB PRICE ¿ « 1 2 0 0 G if t C ard s . O n e C h e c k o u t. ■MMMMMMN Sweet Holiday Baked Ham This is my Mom's holiday ham recipe. I cherish the memories o f her baking this at Christmas. The recipe is very easy and the ingredients are yummy. You 'll love this ham dinner, and it's not just fo r the holidays, but great any time o f year! P re p tim e: 20 Min. C o o k tim e: 2 Hours • I-cup m aple syrup • 1-cup orange juice • I-cup ginger ale • '/2 cup brown sugar • I - (10 ounce) ja r m araschino cherries, tjhalved ; • I -( 12 pound) fully cooked bone-in ham I -( 15.25 ounce) can pineapple slices in juice, drained (reserve juice) • 1 -box round wooden toothpicks • 1-large baking bag DIRECTIONS 1. In a m edium bowl, mix together the maple syrup, orange juice, pineapple juice, ginger ale, brown sugar and honey. Stir in the juice from the m araschinocherries and h alf o f the cherries. Score the outer edge o f the ham with a sharp knife in a diam ond pattern. C uts should be about *4 inch deep. This wi 11 al low the ham to soak up the juice. 2. Place the ham into an oven bag, and carefully pour the juice m ixture over it, keeping all o f the juice in the bag. It may look like there is too much juice, but the ham will soak it up w hile baking. Place the pineapples onto the top o f the ham, and secure with toothpicks. Place cherries into the centers o f the rings, and secure with toothpicks also. Tie the end o f the bag closed with the ties provided, place in a large roasting pan and cut a few small slits in the top o f the oven bag. 3. Bake the ham for 2 hours in the preheated oven. The internal temperature should be 160 degrees F when done. Remove the ham from bag to a serving plate, and let stand for 10 minutes before carving. S u b sc rib e J 503-288-0033 fhi out & send to : i Attn: ^ l o r t l a u b < J )b » e r U e r s u b s c r ip tio n s Subscriptions, PO Box 3137 Portland OR 972O8 are ju s t $60 per year Produce *7 , Del Monia Gold I layllaan.iMniM SAVE op to 4 99 BUY ORE, GETONE FREE Frash Baked Fruit Pies Safeway SELECT Ice Cream 9-inch. Selected varieties 1 75-ql Selected varieties. Club Price $2 50 ea SAVE up lo $1 50 T ( p l e a s e i n c l u d e c h e c k w i t h t h is s u b s c r i p t i o n f o r m ) I N ame : _______________________________________________________________ A ddress : T elephone : I -P . V* 99 Vintners Reserve. Chateau SI Jean or Duck Pond 750-ml bottle Selected varietals SAVE up 10 $7 00 New! 100% r-. ✓ isA S unflow er OH! t í Fresh Express Salad Blends a* . *»«.»«. H « » ], SAVE up IP 12 BB PR 2 J CLUB PRICE tV 5 io 12-cw package Selected varieties Club Price $2 00 ea Tropicana Pure Premium 59 to 64 02 SAVE up ip $2 51 on 2 198 Vegetables Safeway Frozen Lay s or Wavy Lay's Potato Chips buy one . get one 13 25 to 13 75-07 __ Selected varieties m w c o . i i e u ^ m . SAVE up Id $3 « M 2 CLUB PRICE 1610 32 07 Selected varieties. Club Price: $1 ea. SAVE up le $2 IB PR 3 66 CLUB PRICE CLUB PRICE 1 WEEK ONLY! SUPER COUPONS! Otter valid Wednesday December 20 thru Tuesday December 26 Minimum $10 Purchase SAFEWAY S COUPON SAFEWAY S COUPON SAFEWAY S COUPON 1 WEEK ONLY! 1 WEEK ONLY! 1 WEEK ONLY! December 20 thru December 26 December 20 thru December 26 December 20 thru December 26 51b Box Satsuma Mandarins ■399 •3 8 7 99c SAVE up to S3 M ea. CLUI PRICE SHPBR COUPONS! «M eW M -lM M M rSMN »B '- W a » W F S S HB M S 1 T 7 W S 'O F'N-4AW 7Y B » I27M 3 0 F o lg e n Coffee Nabisco Snack Crackers 24-Ppck Coca-Cola or Pepsi 3 99 I I | » by M r * on Chrlotm « I» » and Chnttma« Day U m a tn anop « woy'«TCr Mnrw nr «ww< Fresh Holiday Preheat oven: 350 F INGREDIENTS V Stjr $ BASIES A vs J H SUPtR COUPONS! M gy COUPONS! i l l « ABAC’ M -rvrei £ I 0 ✓ Shop at Home We Deliver. safew ay.com • ‘ DECEMBER • •• • • » ti a a m a i I jb « "