D ecem ber 20, 2 0 0 6 îl!C JJortlanb ©bseruer Page A3 Autistic Boy Tasered A classic soul and rhythm and blues singer/ songwriter, Liv Warfield says she kept her voice a secret for 2 0 years, but the Portland artist is now getting national expo­ sure with a new album and profile on the Black Entertainment Network cable jazz channel. Police accused of brutality A local pastor is accusing P ortland police o f brutality by firing four tasers at her great grandson w ho is diagnosed w ith autism . Sir. J. M illage. 15, the A frican-A m erican great-grandson o f Pastor M ary O verstreet- Sm ith, was determ ined a threat by police o fficers when he was spotted w andering around in the m iddle o f the night Dec. 5. barefoot and shirtless. O verstreet-S m ith said because o f his au ­ tism . M illage has a serious m ental disability. He can hardly talk and has the m ind o f a 2- year-old. O fficer A ndrew G riggs said it was the “large tan item ." possibly a large piece o f m etal, that M illage w as holding, and his "fixed gaze" that led him to fire the taser. W hen he dropped to the ground after the first taser hit his body and started scream ing, police said they interpreted his cries as anger rather than pain. W hen M illage refused to roll onto his stom ach, they fired again. B affled by his ability to take the shots, the officer kept shooting - assum ing the boy was "very high on drugs or possessed an extrem ely high pain to lerance." A backup officer, M ichael C hapm an then struck him six tim es with his baton on his right leg and right arm , police said. M illage w as taken to A dventist M edical C en ­ ter w here he was released. i - iioto bv S ean O ’ C onnor / T he : P ortland O bserver Liv Warfield’s Straight Up Soul continued from Front at all. My good friend Todd at the Ambassador used to dress me up in all sorts of characters, and that gave me confidence to own my voice. For a longtime I knew I could sing, but I couldn’t show it.” From one teacherto the next It was during her karaoke days Warlleldcameintocontact with Linda Hombuckle, a homegrown Portland blues and soul singer/songwriter. Now likeafamily member, Warfield first becam e acquainted with Hombuckle from her seat in the back of the Candlelight Cafe and Bar. “ She taught me p resen ce,” Warfield said. "How to use my soul, how not to be afraid to be vulnerable on stage." For Warfield to embrace success with style and ease, it took many puzzle pieces falling into place. But those pieces never rain from the sky atop silver platters, and Warfield doesn't advance too far in her story before recalling tribula­ tions far beyond overcoming a fear of stage presence. “Linda encouraged me to do my own thing and put myself out there," she said. “And it's hard, especially in a town of rock.” Hombuckle is a part of the tight knit soul community her young protégé sees in an older Portland generation. Their music, nurtured by artists like Andy Stokes and the cult lavorite band Pleasure, is something she wants to see from today's R&B musicians. "It would be nice foryoung people in Portland to get together,” she said. "I sought out the guys in my band. I think R& B soul singers should do that instead of waiting for them to come to you.” Warfield's performance and tele­ vision taping presented an opportu­ nity for a bright future beyond Or­ egon. It 2(X)7 brings the momentum she and the hand have worked hard to achieve, aspiring R&B singers may find in her the inspiration to jumpstart a new Portland soul scene. ‘Tis the Seasonfor Depression person’s holiday blues, and as the New Year comes and passes many people find it difficult to rockets. January is the month that stop self-m edicating which can has the highest successful and at­ lead to suicidal thoughts and in­ tempted suicide rates in the nation. tense depression. "We see the crisis hotlines It's common for people to not peak massively right afterthe New realize that they are suffering from Y ear’s," says Ozer. holiday d epression sym ptom s Harris S. M atarazzo is a self- and struggle to decide if it's sim ­ em ployed local attorney that spe­ ply the holiday blues or if they art- cializes in mental health issues. suffering from a dangerous mood He agrees that no, only do finan­ change. cial restraints, over-com m ercial­ M atarazzo runs into many ization, personal loss and other people who have mood shifts v ariab les increase d epression during the w inter months. "If sym ptom s at this time o f year, but someone is feeling down but it is it som eone is prone to depres­ not affecting their sleep, work or sion the holidays can significantly general day to day life then it's magnify the effect. probably not that severe. How­ “ M any people think that if ever, if they think som ething is som eone has d ep ressio n that seriously wrong then they should they can just snap out o f it and take action,” he says. there is a huge stigma attached to People should attem pt to rec­ s u f f e r in g from i t ,” sa y s ognize the warning signs of se­ M atarazzo, “Some o f my clients vere depression. would ratheradm it to having HIV "When patients describe how then admit that they suffer from they are feeling they usually d e p re ssio n .” choose really vague or general A lcohol, narcotics and exces­ words toexpress their emotions," sive eating also greatly contrib­ says Ozer. "People mostly choose ute to the common symptoms of to use words like sadness, lone­ depression sufferers. liness, sleeplessness, exhaustion “ A dding a d epressant or a and lack o f appetite." stim ulant into a depressive equa­ The most common symptoms tion only makes the symptoms of depression are energy loss, increase," says M atarazzo, “And sleeplessness, lack o f appetite o v ereatin g m akes people d e ­ and a general feeling o f unhappi­ pressed and generally feel physi­ ness. cally terrible as w ell.” He says one in five people will Ironically, the most common suffer from major depression at resolution for New Y ear's is to leas, once in their life. Oregon lose weight, while resolutions to and the Pacific Northwest have a stop drinking ordiscontinue drug higher depression rate than other use are among the top 10. parts of the country. Some sus­ "It's not as easy to keep reso­ pect it's due to the large amount lutions as it is to say you'll keep of darkness and rain during the them ," says Ozer, "I, helps if winter months. people allow them selves to ac­ There are warning signs for cept the fact that they may no, be people that are more susceptible able to achieve goals that they to dangerous depression such as may have planned on." those that may be isolated, have O zer says,ha, excessive drink­ no family, have suffered from a ing and eating often mask a traumatic event or have mental continued from Front health problems. O zer recommends to people who think they may be suffering from depression to consult a doc­ tor whoean evaluate and treat the sy m ptom s. E m ergency c risis hotlines are also available for people who need immediate help. Crisis counselors make a plan lor the callers that can involve an immediate intervention or intro­ duction o f available services that offer help. Multnomah County crisis line is 503-988-4888 and the W ash­ ington County crisis line is 503- 291-91 I I. Both are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. GIVE LIVE LOVE COKE SEASONS We are a rejutarpharmacy! W e fill p r e s c r ip tio n s — in c lu d in g a n tib io tic s , h ig h b lo o d p r e s s u r e m e d ic a tio n s , a n ti- d e p re s s a n ts , b irth c o n tro l, a n d m o r e W e h a v e k n o w le d g e a b le , frie n d ly p h a r m a c is ts w h o h a v e th e tim e to s h a re in fo r m a tio n . O u r p r ic e s a re c o m p e titiv e W e a c c e p t m o s t in s u r a n c e p la n s a n d a re a d d in g o th e r s a s re q u e s te d . •r W e s p e c ia liz e in c u s t o m c o m p o u n d in g . M e e t y o u r P h a rm a c is t, M e lin d a B u tle r Y O U R L O C A L L Y O W N E D , N E IG H B O R H O O D P H A R M A C Y A T A R B O R LO D G E N IN T E R S T A T E A V E N U E A P O R T L A N D B L V D • 5 0 3 4 6 7 .4 8 4 8 w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a rk e t.c o m • M O N FR I 9 a m -7 p m • S A T 9 a m 6 p m • S U N 1 0 a m -4 p m