December 20. 2006 Œl’1' ^Jnrtlanb ODhserucr B i D S /S U B BIDS Brandon’s story: The Ultimate Rebound continued MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OREGON Bid No: Bid Title: Closing Date Est. Range: Page B5 B07-9108 NE SANDY BLVD AT NE 207TH AVENUE January 16. 2007 $ 180.000 to 220.000 Pre-Qualification Required in class(es) of: Electrical/lllum ination Traffic Signalization/ Sealed bids will be received until, but not after, 2:00 PM on the closing date, by M ultnom ah County Central Procurem ent and Contract Adm inistration (CPCA), 501 SE Haw thorne Blvd., Suite 400, Portland, OR 97214. Bids will be opened and read after 2:15 PM the sam e day. Plans and S pecifications are ' 1 with CPCA and copies may be obtained from the above address for a $10.00 non-refundable fee by CHECK OR MONEY ORDER ONLY. Plans and Specifications WILL NOT BE MAILED within the Metropolitan, Tri-County or Clark County areas Go to the CPCA w eb address at h ttp://w w w .m for additional inform ation and any available dow nload s. PRE-QUALIFICATIONS OF BIDDER may be required pursuant to the M ultnom ah County Public C ontract Review Board Rule 49-0220. See Specifications for project classes of work. Prequalification applications shall be subm itted through CPCA, 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd., S uite 400, Portland, O regon 97214, (5 03 ) 98875111. Applications m ay be obtained at our office or can be dow nloaded from our website at http://www.m Pre-qualification applications m ust be received by, or postm arked to, CPCA no later than 10 days prior to the bid closin g d a te . from Metro wants to help educate the commu­ nity about the value o f a good diet. He says it's a disease that affects African Americans at a higher rate than most. Today, Hoggans is the co-team captain of the PCC Panthers and does his intimidating on the bas­ ketball court. Even though he never has played organized basketball before joining the team, he felt he could contribute defense and re­ bounding as well as provide leader­ ship. "My job is to be an inspiration to the team and help maximize their potential,” he said. Many people would He bitter after a stay in prison, but Hoggans Kwanzaa at Matt Dishman Area residents are invited to enjoy the heritage and culture of the African American obser­ vance Kwanzaa on Tuesday, Dec. 26 at 6:30 p.m. at the Matt Dishman Community Center, isn't. Besides his big smile and posi­ Last year, the PCC men's basket­ ranked 12th in their conference, its tive demeanor, he is reflective about ball team tied the school record for highest known ranking ever. his incarceration. the second m ost w ins in the To keep up with the men's and "It was the best thing that ever program's history with 14 victories. women's basketball teams, visit the happened to me,” he said. "It got The school record is 15 wins in a college’s website me away front the life. I just had to season. At one point, PCC was athletics. see all of the other inmates around me and there were the worst of the worst in there, killers and rapists. I decided pretty quickly that that wasn’t what I wanted my life to be about. I didn't w ant tocom e out and be that stereotypical ex-convict." PCC's basketball teams are com­ posed of students throughout the district, with both teams now based at the brand new athletic complex on the Cascade Campus. The new facility offers amenities and an in­ It's never too soon to think novative style that will entertain about refinancing. this year and well into the future. Are you currently in an adjustable rate mortgage? Is your rate increasing? Are you behind in your mortgage payments? 77 N.E. Knott St. Free Kwanzaa youth work­ shops in cooking, jewelry mak­ ing, African dance, rap, black hairstyling and more are of­ fered Dec. 27-29 at 1 pm. and 2:45 p.m. at Friends of the C hildren, 65 N. Stanton. For information, call 503-961- 5349. PRE-QUALIFICATION APPLICATIONS DUE: January 6,2007 All bidders m ust com ply with the requirem ents of the prevailing wage law in ORS 279C 800-870, or the Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 276(a)) if applicable. Details of com pliance are available from CPCA, 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Suite 400, Portland, OR 97214, (503) 988-5111. No bid will be considered unless bidder is registered with the Construction Contractors Board as required by ORS 701.055 or licensed by the State Landscape Contractors Board as required by ORS 671.530. No bid will be considered unless accom panied by a surety bond, certified check, or a cashiers check payable to M ultnomah County for the am ount equal to ten percent (10% ) of the aggregate bid. M ultnom ah County reserves the right to reject any bid not in com pliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirem ents, and to re je ct any or all bids o r to cancel the solicitation if M ultnom ah County finds it is in the public interest to do so. Gail Rubin, M anager M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty C e n tra l P ro c u re m e n t a n d C o n tra c t Adm inistration 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Suite 400 Portland, Or 97214 Yon may have more options then yon think. Save hundreds o f $$$$$ per month and Call Charlotte Martin 360-823-1441 1-888-849-0588 t=l 222 N.E. Park Plaza Dr., Suite 115 Vancouver, WA 98684 HOMELOAN SOURCE (O b itu a r ie s M eny Alice Faye Britt ENTREES BBQRibs 77.-? Beet Brisket Chicken Funeral services will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 2 0 ,2(X)6, in Rose City Funeral Home for Alice Faye Britt, who died Dec. 12 at age 61. She was bom June 7,1945, in Vanport, the daugh­ ter of Dorothy Mae Williams and Adell Martin. She attended Washington High School. She worked for Manning’s Restaurant in Lloyd Center and was a nurse’s aide for Laurelhurst Care Center. SIDES Collard Greens Baked Beans Mac & Cheese Candied Yams Potato Salad Cornbread SPECIALS Lunch $8.95 I entree, 2 sides & bread Louise McLean Dinner $12.95 1 entree. 3 sides It bread Louise L. Moe was bom Jan. 23,1914, in Sheyenne, N.D., died Dec. 13,2006, at age 92. Louise moved to Portland in the 1930s. She graduated from North­ western University and was an English and social studies teacher, as well as counselor, for Girls Poly­ technic High School, where she worked for 40 years. In 1946, she married Arthur B.; he died in 1986. ODESSA'S TASI E O F CHICAGO this aq\ $24,95 - include». |>ortH»ns desert oí each meat and everv ’¿Hur All Men, Women & Children, Welcome! , , ,, . . , „ : ! L illi s p in r n -,.,A si,le dish, »embread I delicious dessert A u g u sta n a Lutheran C hurch 15th <0. K n o tt 5 0 3 - 2 8 8 -6 1 7 4 W e in v ite y o u to jo in us on FINALLY AFFORDABLE HEALTH INSURANCE 1. 2. 3. 4. ? 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Formerly of Beaverton Chrysler, for the last 8 years 805 SW Broadway Portland, OR 97205 11 p m C a n d l e l i g h t C a r o l S e r v ic e , O rgan & C h o ir Choir D irector: G len n I.u d tk c C H RISTM AS DAY W o r sh ip 10 a.m . A m u ltic u ltu r a l, w e lc o m in g a n d a ffirm in g c h u r c h R ev. W.J. “ M a rk ” K n u tso n YAM YAM’S SOUTHERN COOKING BBQ 7339 MLK BLVD PORTLAND, OREGON 97212 PHONE: 503-978-9229 FAX 503-978-9228 PROUDLY PRESENTS “EVERYDAY LUNCH SPECIALS” MONDAY Thru FRIDAY ftn te i f 11 ;00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 7» UiC 7 M t ci f # 1 - 2 PCS. CATFISH-1 WING w/ FF& TOAST.....................$5.50 # 2 - 2 WINGS-1 PCS CATFISH w/ F F & TOAST................... $5.00 # 3 - 2 WINGS-w/ WHITTING w/ FF & TOAST......................$4.50 (503) 221-7600 or (800) 547-1526 Just give me a call or email me, so I can get you into some wheels! citigroupj S mith B arney © 2006 Citigroup Global Markets Inc. Member SIPC. Smith Barney is a division and service mark of Citigroup Global Markets Inc. and its affili­ ates and is used and registered throughout the world. CITIGROUP and the Umbrella Device are trademarks and service marks of Citigroup Inc. or its affiliates and are used and registered throughout the world. Tim Wilson Independent Broker (503) 550-3841 F e esljff) Email: # 4 - 2 BBQ PORK RIBS 2-WINGS w/ FF- & TOAST.............. $6.50 # 5 -1 HOT LINK. 2 BBQ PORK RIBS w /FF& T O A ST ....... $5.50 # 6 - 2 PCS W HITTING I PCS SNAPPER w/ FF & TOAST. ..$5.50 # 7 - I BBQ PORK RIB, I PCSCATFISH, I PC'S SNAPPER, I WING w/ FF................................................................................ $6.50 # 8 - 2 PCS CATFISH. 3 SHRIMP w/ FF & TOAST................. $6.50 # 9 - 3 PCS WHITTING FISH w/ FF & TOAST........................$4.50 Ad\iTtise with diversity in f la r tlu n b (D barruer All side dishes $2.50 with any above listed combination.