(Tb r Wildlife Adventures Father, Son Pursuit Will Smith stars with his son in a movie based on a true story JJorlhutit (iDbseruer Day camps fo r kids during Winter Break See Focus, page B3 See Focus, page B3 - SECTION Drug Coverage Offered to All State program brings bulk- purchase prices . n ra irj" Local residents, state officials and com m unity leaders are celebrat­ ing an expanded state prescription drug program that offers savings o f up to 60 percent off the price of medicines. A ny O regonian w ithout p re­ scription drug coverage is now e li­ gible to enroll in the O regon Pre­ scription Drug Program , which is the sta te 's bulk-purchasing pool for prescription medications. The only requirem ents are that you be an O regon resident and have no prescription drug cover­ age. There is no cost for enrol I ing or m onthly premiums. Income lim its for the program w ere rem oved by M easure 44 passed by voters last month. The initiative, which w ent into effect Friday, rem oves previous age and „ _ . |, hoto by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver incom e eligibility restrictions. It’s PCC C a s c a d e C o lleg e P r e s id e n t A lgie G a te w o o d (from left), PCC s tu d e n t L a n ise P e rsu in g a n d D ’Norgia Price o f th e Urban L e a g u e o f estim ated 6tM),(XM) uninsured adults P ortland c o m m e m o r a te a n e w s ta t e p re scrip tio n dru g pro g ra m for p e o p le w ith o u t d ru g co vera g e. Mississippi Records Helps Collector Hit Jackpot 75-cent album turns to $155,401 at auction (A P) - Forty years after it was made. The Velvet U nderground's first recording has becom e a f i ­ nancial hit — in cy berspace. Bought for 75 cents four years agoat a New York flea market, the rare recording o f music that ended up on the influential New York band's first album. "The Velvet U nderground & Nico," sold on eBay foraclosing bid o f $ 155,401. W arren Hill, a collector from M ontreal, bought the record in S eptem ber2002 at the flea market, ac co rd in g to his frien d , Eric Isaacson o f M ississippi Records in north Portland. Isaacson helped Hill decipher the nature o f the lucky find. "W e cu e d it up and w ere stunned — the first song was not 'Sunday M orning' as on the 'V el­ vet U nderground & Nico' Verve LP. but rather it was 'European S on’ — the song that is last on that LP, and it was a version nei­ ther o f us had ever heard before!" Isaacson wrote. The recording turned out to be an in-studio acetate made during deductibles and the so-called do­ nut hole. For more information andacopy of a sim ple one-page program ap­ p lic a tio n , go o n lin e at w w w .opdp.org or call the toll-free number I -888-411 -GPDP. A Better Community was Activist’s Dream Carl Flipper remembered for positive agenda W arren Hill fe tc h e d $ 1 5 5 .4 0 1 in a b id o n e B a y for a c o p y o f a 1 9 6 7 The V elvet U nderground & N ico alb u m . The c o lle c to r from M o n trea l fo u n d o u t h o w rare th e a lb u m w a s fro m h is friend, Eric I s a c s o n o f M is s is s ip p i R e c o rd s in n o rth Portland. (AP p h o to ). V elvet U nderground's first record­ ing over four days in April 1966 at New York's Scepter Studios. The record reportedly is only one o f two in existence: the other is privately ow ned, with rum ors circulating about the ow ner's identity. C olum ­ bia Records rejected the album. "I im m ediately took the needle off the record, and realized that we had som ething special," Isaacson wrote. Hill and Isaacson photo­ graphed the album , made a digital backup copy o f the music, and d e­ cided to put it up for auction. The first bids, w hich began Nov. 28, rose $20,000. V elvet U nderground left its m u­ sical stam p on hundreds o f other bands. The band, nam ed after a book about edgy sex practices in the Holiday Art Exhibit Portland Jazz Talk On T hursday. Dec. 14. from 6-8 p .m . The T alking Drum Bookstore and Reflections Books,446N.E. Killingsworth St., will trans­ port you to the tim e o f 1950s Portland Jazz on W illiam s A venue. Call G loria at 503- 288-4106 for more information. Holiday Charms and children in O regon are cu r­ rently w ithout prescription drug coverage. Gov. T ed Kulongoski kicked o ff the expanded program bv schedul­ ing an enrollm ent assistance event at Portland Com m unity C ollege’s C ascade C am pus in north Portland. The event drew PCC students, college officials, the Urban League of Portland and othergroups. There was discussion on how the pro­ gram can helpdram atically improve public health in O regon. Students sh a re d th e ir e x p e r ie n c e s an d struggles with being uninsured and now having the ability to change that. Oregon residents enrolled in the M edicare Part D prescription drug program may also be eligible to participate, using the state program to he I » a y for m edicine when they haveÇ np c o v e ra g e b ec au se o f - J WSU Vancouver, 14204 N.E. Salmon Creek Ave., presents A crylics on Clay, by local artist Linda Sawaya, through Jan. 12, in the Student Services G allery and selected w orks by Ines Epperson thru Jan. 28, in the Engineering and Life Sciences building. For m o re in f o rm a tio n , v is it v an couv er.w su .ed u . Bradley-Angle House The Bradley-A ngle House needs volun­ teers to help its outreach against dom estic violence. W om en o f color and bilingual w omen are encouraged to call. For more information, call 503-282-9940. International Gem and Jew elry Show - The D oubletree H otel-Lloyd C enter, will host the 4 1 st year o f this renow ned exhibit on Friday, Dec. 15, noon-6 p.m., Saturday. I Dec. 16, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Sunday | Write Around Volunteers Dec. 17 . 1 1 a.m .-5 p.m. For more inform a­ A re you in terested in beco m in g a fa c ili­ tion, visit intergem .com tato r for W rite A round P o rtlan d ’s v o l­ u n teer-ru n ten -w eek w o rk sh o p ? T he Presents for Primates w o rk sh o p is for lo w -in co m e ad u lts, O n T hursday, Dee. H a t 1 0 a .m .,S a n ta 's hom eless o r m en tally d isab led people E lves w ill g ive holiday gifts to the O r­ o r o th ers w ho face barriers to w riting egon Z o o 's ch im p an zees, o ran g u tan s, w orkshop s. C o n tact Jill T u ley a at 503- m andrills and other prim ates. Bring your 796-9224. cam eras for a g reat p icture o p p o rtu n ity . Call 5 0 3 -2 2 6 -1561 orvisitoregonzoo.org Work Against Abuse for m ore inform ation. Com m unity A dvocates invites those in­ 1960s, w as fu ele d by M o T ueker's hard-dri ving drumming John C ale’s anxious viola, ani lead singer Lou Reed, whose lyr ic s sp o k e o f d r u g -in d u c e i beauty and gritty Low er East Sidi realities. The first album featured Nico the E uropean m o d el-actress singer in a first and last re c o rd « appearance with the band. terested in protecting children from abuse to becom e an event volunteer, event o u t­ reach, technology expert, graphic artists or office support team m em ber. For infor­ mation, call 503-280-1388. Women in Community Service Volunteer tem ale mentors are being sought by W om en in Com m unity Service to work with incarcerated w om en at the Coffee Creek C orrectional Facility. The women provide support and encouragem ent for inm ates transitioning from prison back into the com m unity. For inform ation, call 503-570-6614. Black History Museum The Black History M useum o f O regon is seeking brilliant m inds o f concerned indi­ viduals to help in restructuring the m u­ seum fo undation's com m ittee. For infor­ mation, call 503-284-0617. Oregon Food Bank I he O regon Food Bank seek s v o lu n ­ teers on M ondays from 1:30p.m . to 4 :3 0 p.m ., and T uesdays, 9 a.m . to n oon, to sort and repack p erish ab le foods. C all 5 0 3 -2 8 2 -0 5 5 5 , ex ten sio n 272 o r visit by M ichael L eighton T he P ortland O bserver Carl Flipper, a pi liar o f pride for his A frican American roots and a longtim e activist for the H um boldt neighborhood in north Portland, is being rem em bered fo ra lifetim e o f prom oting positive agendas. Flipper, 58. died Nov. 24, 2006 from com plicationsof multiple my­ eloma. a form o f cancer. A memorial and celebration o f his life will be held Saturday, Jan. 20 at 2 p.m. in the Student C enter at Clark College in Vancouver. FI i pper moved to V ancouver j ust tw o years ago after more than a decade o f voluntary com m unity service in his Humboldt neighbor­ hood, the city ’s most ethnically diverse neighborhood. He pushed for the im provem ent o f Jefferson High School that sits in the center o f H um boldt, and is ad ­ jacen t to Portland C om m unity C ol­ lege and the K illingsw orth Street and A lbina Avenue business d is­ trict. He helped convince other civic leaders to tear down the physical barriers blocking Jefferson from the com m unity, an effort that led to the Carl Flipper cutting dow n o f the large laurel hedge that blocked the school from the street. He proposed a sweeping pedestrian plaza with flags in front ol Jefferson facing K i 11 i ngs worth, a vision that has yet to com e to pass. He was involved in a successful project to turn a concrete island w here A lbina and M ississippi av­ enues converge into a small park. He served on the Interstate C orri­ dor Urban Renewal Area advisory board and m onitored streetscape projects, including the $60 million expansion o f the PCC C ascade Campus. F lip p er loved tellin g sto ries continued on page H6 O re g o n fo o d b a n k .o rg . 574-6595 or visit: providence.org/classes. Volunteer for Crisis Line Stroller Class for Moms W ant to m ake a d iffe ren ce in y o u r c o m ­ m u n ity ? V o lu n teers and ad v o c ates are need ed for the P o rtlan d W o m e n 's C ri­ sis L ine. T he n eed s in clu d e o n -call a d ­ v o cates to resp o n d in person o r o v er the phone, o u trea ch and ed u catio n al effo rts, and fu n d raisin g and ad m in istra­ tive d u ties. C all 5 0 3 -2 3 2 -4 176 for m ore inform ation. Are you a new mom or have a toddler?G et som e exercise and meet other moms at the free Stroller Strides class. 9 a.m. to 10a.m. T uesdaysand Thursday at Peninsula Park. All you need is a stroller, water, a mat or towel and com fortable shoes. Call Helen a, 503-260-5018 for more information. Home buying Classes Portland C om m unity Land Trust helps lirst tim e and low -incom e hom ebuyers purchase hom es at below market price. Attend a free, o n e-h o u rclass to learn more about th e p r o g ra m . C o n ta c t Kelly@ pclt.org or call5O3-493-O293. Parenting Classes N ew borns d o n 't com e with instruction m anuals but parents and parents-to-be can attend classes through Providence H ealth System s to learn about a variety o f to p ic s fro m p ain an d c h ild b irth to breastfeeding to infant CPR and much more. For a schedule o f events, call 503- t Hatha Yoga Class In O ther W ords Books and Resources hosts Hatha Yoga classes for beginners and all levels, every M onday. Tuesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. at In O ther Words. 8 N.E. K illingsw orth. All genders and ages and donations are w el­ come.