Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 13, 2006, Page 5, Image 5

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    D ecem ber 13. 2 0 0 6
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from Front
"O ne o f our main objectives is to be­
come more fundraising-m inded,” he said.
"W e want to sustain the club more finan­
c ia lly than it has been, so w e 'll have some
sort o f revenue to lean upon incase o f
these scenarios in the future."
Donations to help the club raise the
$500, (XX)down payment fo rth e ir building
can be brought toany U.S. Bank or mailed
totheU.S. Bank branch at 5505 N.E. Martin
I uther K ing Jr. Blvd. Make the check out
to Miracles C lub or inquire at the bank
photo by
Passing Grade
fro m Front
a ll ready fo r me.”
" I feel more com fortable in a un ifo rm ."
he adds.
Some students may have felt embar­
rassed wearing uniform s at the beginning
o f the year but now they are singing a
different tune.
A lb e rto Ruiz, an I I-ye a r-o ld sixth
grader, has been a student at R igler since
he started school. He’ s a fan o f not having
to wash a mountain o f clothes every time
the weekend comes along.
" I can be playing instead o f washing my
clothes." says Ruiz.
Kaczke believes that the only down
side to the new policy is keeping up w ith
the occasional kids that come to school
w ithout their uniform s. But as the year has
progressed that has become less and less
o f a problem.
“ The uniform s have been so success­
ful that even my own daughter wants to
wear a uniform to school,” she says. “ I t ’ s
ju st so much sim pler fo r kids to not have
to w orry about what they wearevery day.”
A m y Ridobock has been a teacher for
the fifth and sixth graders at R igler fo r
M ark W ashinoton /T he P ortland O bserver
I f s not hard to find a game o f dominos bringing people together at the Miracles Club. Pictured are Sam Brown (from left) Michael R. Booker Sr., Galen R.
Harden Sr., and Sabrina Jenkins.
three years. She says the uniform s “ calms
things down a lot.”
M ia Thomas is I () years old and doesn' t
m ind wearing her uniform to school but
w ould d e fin ite ly lik e to switch back to her
regular clothing.
SAFEWAY 4) Ingredients for life.
Rancher's Reserve
Angus Seel Top
Round London Broil
" I t ’ s nice to wear uniform s because
other people won't comment on whether
SAVE up to $2 10 lb
you're wearing the right thing or not." she
says, "B u t when I see cute clothes at the
store I get bummed when I know I can't
wear them to school.”
Occasionally, picture day w ill come
around and the kids w ill have a choice o f
what they want to wear.
Pork Loin
Top Loin Roast
“ I was shocked the last picture day
when kids came in wearing skim py shirts
and baggy pants w ith their underwear
show ing." says Kaczke, " It was really out
SAVE up to $1 50 lb.
Since R igler's switch to uniform s, three
other schools have gained interest in the
idea. The principal also believes the uni­
forms have calmed the kids, increased
concentration on academics, and u lti­
mately gave the school a better image
w ith in the com m unity.
" I want people to w alk into our school
seeourkidsand say 'w o w '," Kaczke says.
Chocolate Santa poses for pictures with everyone in the community at
Tracey s Un 4-Gettable Photography, and will appear at TraceyS again this
Chocolate Santa Encore Weekend
Stanley W illia m s returns at C h o co ­
late Santa fo r his th ird C hristm as sea­
son g re e tin g c h ild re n and a dults at
T ra c e y ’ s U n fo rg e tta b le P hotography at
N ortheast Mason and M a rtin L u th e r
K in g Jr. B oulevard. We regret that the
lo ca tio n was in e rro r in last w e e k’ s is ­
A fte ra v is it w ith Santa, studio o w n e r
T racey Stadam irc o ffe rs a free g ift w ith
the purchase o f any photo package w ith
o r w ith o u t Santa, and on-site p rin tin g
that takes fiv e m inutes o r less.
V is it Santa th is Saturday and Sunday
fro m I p .m .to ftp .m . at T ra c e y 's U n fo r­
gettable P hotography, 407 N .E . Mason
St.. Suite 8. C a ll 5 0 3 -2 0 1 -3 3 12 fo r more
in fo rm a tio n.
lirnv * prises m this ad are available at vour It* ai Satewiv »torts No sain to dealer, restaurant» or institution» Sale» m retail quantum nob
Not responsible tor tvpograph
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Kai or pntonal error» I ’e reserve the tight to correct all printed emu» On Buv One. Get One Free CBOGO’ ) otter», customer mu«
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