Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 13, 2006, Page 3, Image 3

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    December 13, 2006
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Page A3
Ask Deanna'.
Real People,
Real Advice
An advice column
known fo r ils
fearless approach
to reality based
Dear Deanna!
My son is growing up to be a very angry little
boy because he blisses his father. I had a
relationship with his dad but broke up with him
because I w anted to be w ith someone else. My
son doesn't like my new boyfriend and he is
misbehaving, throwing tantrums and his per­
sonality has changed. I want to take him to
counseling but wanted to ask if you think he’s
rebelling because he doesn't see his real father
anymore? — Anonymous; Denver, CO
Dear Anonymous:
Your son is hurt because his father is gone and
you bring in a new uncle. As parents, you had
an obligation to explain the changes to your
son so he could adjust. In a child's mind, he
sees his father leave and another man is now
kissing his mother. Focus your attention on
your child and get to the root of his problems.
If counseling is an option for your son be
prepared and open minded to some personal
lifestyle changes because the results will be
photo by
M ark W ashington /T iie P ortland O bserver
Spiritual Guidance against Gangs
DJ Spoons, also known as "Asa” sings praise to God at the 8th annual Youth Anti-Gang Outreach Ministry Sunday at Fellowship
Missionary Baptist Church. The member o f the PO Soul Entertainment and host o f two Gospel radio programs was among a big
lineup o f entertainers, speakers and prayers in the fight against gangs.
Dear Deanna!
I have two best friends that are always talking
about each other. I listen to what they say but
I never repeat anything that I hear. They’re
going back and forth right now harder than ever
and I’m being forced to choose sides. I don’t
have an issue with either one of them and I think
they're being unfair. How do I choose who I
want to be friends with because I can't be
friends with both of them?
— Nicki; Buffalo, NY
Fake Battery Reveals Meth, Cash
Helpful Holiday Eating Tips
Oprah W infrey once said,
“G etting my lifelong w eight
struggle under control has come
from the process o f treating
m yself as well as I treat others
in every w ay.” Start treating
yourself the way you deserve
this season, by maintaining a
healthy lifestyle without giving
up what you really enjoy about
the holidays.
To help you avoid the p ro b ­
lem s o f o v er indulgence (the
average A m erican g ains about
three pounds in the six w eek
period betw een T h anksgiving
and the New Y ear), the A fri­
can A m erican H ealth C o a li­
tion has com e up w ith several
helpful healthful holiday e a t­
ing tips.
Ea, smaller, more frequent
meals during the holiday sea­
son. If you are not starving at
meal times, you will be less
likely to overeat.
Bring your own healthy dish
to holiday functions to be cer­
tain there will he a healthy op­
tion for you and your family.
L o a d u p on f r u its a n d
veggies at buffet-sty le events.
A lso, d o n 't feel like you have
to try every th in g . Pick y our
favorite foods and avoid things
you are less in te re ste d in.
Y o u 'll feel m ore satisfied and
enjoy m ore o f w hat you are
Love your liver— it is the
major fat-burning organ. A voit
excess alcohol and caffeine and
drink a lot more w ater to help
aid your liver in its cleansing
process. Also feel free to eat
more o f the follow ing liver-
loving foods: beets, peas, cab
bage, garlic, onions, mustard
greens, okra (not fried), yams
and sweet potatoes, to name
a few.
Exercise, exercise and more
exercise. Make time fora w ork­
out. Play with your kids and
grandchildren. Take walks with
family and friends. Do yard
and house work or anything
else that keeps you m oving and
burning calories.
Looking for som ething more
structured? The AAHC offers
free exercise classes. Contact
the AAHC at 503-413-1850 or
stop by our office at 2800 N.
Vancouver Ave, Suite 100 for
more information.
T here’s also a free diabetes
support group that meets the
first and third Thursday o f ev­
ery month from 7 p.m. to 8
p.m. in Room 1027 at Legacy
Emanuel Hospital.
For more information regard­
ing the AAHC, including nutri­
tion, volunteering and dona­
tions call 503-413 -1850 or emai I
info@ aahc-portland.org.
Dear Deanna!
I walked away from a long marriage, a new home
and a family because I wasn’t happy. My
husband and kids took me for granted and
walked over me. I did all I thought was neces­
sary such as counseling, hiring babysitters for
the kids and losing weight. Noone in the family
has noticed or cared about my pain, or cries for
help or attention. Now that I’m gone, ignoring
everybody, they don’t know what to do and are
begging me to come home. What do I do? —
Torn Wife; St. Louis, MO
Two pounds of
methamphetamine and
nearly $45,000 in cash
are found neatly hidden
inside this car battery case
in southeast Portland.
Dear Tom Wife:
H elp for B urned O ut F am ily
A family who lost almost everything in a tire
is in need of clothes, food or anything else that
can be of help this holiday season.
Mary Umtuch and her three boys were
recently left homeless when tire swept through
her north Portland apartment. The oldest boy.
DJ was able to save his two younger brothers,
Dyson and Dravis from the flames and smoke.
Um tuch's sister, Jennie Hodges is accept­
ing donations for the family. To help, cal 1503-
706-0546 or drop off donations at Hodges’
home at 825 N. Blandena St.
You need to have a major discussion with your
husband who appears to be part of the problem.
Your children don’t have a choice but to fall in
line because they don’t pay any bills.. Provide
a list of your needs and wants and present them
to your husband so you can get on the same
page. If he’s willing to accommodate the i mpor-
tant things on your list then you have a chance
of restoring your marriage and regaining per­
sonal balance and footing in the household.
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask
Deanna! Email; askdeanna! @yahoo.com or
264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283
Beverly Hills, CA 90211. W ebsite:
wh ’H', askdeanna. com
O rd e r y o u r
Kimberly Mathews is a pro­
gram coordinator fo r the Afri­
can American Health Coalition.
Naito Lives Outside District
Residents of southeast Portland
no longer have a county commis­
sioner who lives in their district.
Multnomah County Commis­
sioner Lisa Naito moved more than
a year ago from her Laurelhurst
home to the west side of Portland,
but still maintains an office in her
eastside district, the Willamette
Week reported.
The county requires commis­
sioners to live in their district for a
year and a halfbeforc getting elected,
but not after. Naito has served as a
commissioner since 1998 and be­
fore that was a state representative
for southeast Portland. Her current
term will end in 2008.
Last Thursday Portland police
officers in southeast Portland dis­
covered approximately two pounds
of methamphetamine and $44,260
in cash hidden in acar battery rigged
with a hidden compartment.
Police said the drugs and cash
belonged to Cristobal Valencia-
Santoyo, 25, and Juan Carlos Lopez-
Valencia, 24. Officers contacted the
suspects, who were staying at a
motel, and were given consent to
search their room and vehicle after
a night manager reported suspi­
cious activity. Police discovered
another $6,480 in the motel room.
The two men who claimed to be
from Mexico were arrested for pos­
session, manufacturing and distrib­
uting a controlled substance.
Dear Nicki:
Do yourself a favor and lose some weight by
dropping both of them. If they don’t value your
friendship enough to shield you from their
drama and games, then they don’t deserve
your friendship. You’re not part of the problem
now, but if you choose one over the other, you
become a target from the other one. Before you
make a decision, see if you can help your
friends resolve their issues and if not, call it a
three-way split and keep it moving.
jo in u s f o r a t a s t in g
It's tim e to p la n y o u r h o lid a y m e a l. C o m e o n in a n d w e II h e lp
y o u c h o o s e fr o m o u r w id e a s s o r tm e n t o f n a tu ra lly ra is e d
m e a t a n d p o u ltry , in c lu d in g m a n y lo c a l o p tio n s . C o n s id e r
th e s ta n d in g rib r o a s ts fr o m C o u n try N a tu r a l B e e f, a c o ­
o p o f lo c a l fa m ily fa r m s . C h e c k o u t o u r r a n g e - fe d la m b
ra is e d b y K a th y B a n n e r in R id d le . O r e g o n H a m lo v e rs w ill
b e d e lig h te d w ith o u r h o m e m a d e , n itrite -fre e m a p le - c u r e d
h a m s . If y o u p re fe r s e a fo o d , w e e n c o u r a g e y o u to ta k e
h o m e s o m e o f S h e r r y T u ttle 's w ild - c a u g h t A la s k a n s a lm o n
o r fr e s h O r e g o n c r a b f r o m P a tr ic ia a n d J o h n E d w a r d s S till
h a v e n t h a d e n o u g h tu r k e y ? W e ll h a v e p le n ty o f o u r fre e -
r a n g e b ir d s a v a ila b le a s w e ll. T a s te o u r o ffe r in g s , m a k e y o u r
s e le c tio n , a n d w e 'll h e lp y o u p la c e y o u r o r d e r a n d g e t a t le a s t
o n e b ig ite m o ff y o u r h o lid a y "to d o " list. J o in u s S a tu rd a y
a n d S u n d a y fr o m 1 1 a m u n til 5 p m
N I n t e r s t a t e A v e & P o r t l a n d B lv d P o r t l a n d O R 9 7 2 1 7 5 0 3 4 6 7 4 7 7 7
Lisa Naito
N E 3 3 r d & K illin g s w o r t h P o r tla n d O R 9 7 2 1 1 5 0 3 2 8 8 3 8 3 8
a n d s ix o t h e r P o r t la n d a r e a lo c a t io n s
V is it u s o n lin e a t w w w n e w s e a s o n s m a r k e t . c o m