¿Tin' Pet ember 6. 2006 Page B3 |Jovtlanb (.Ohseruer Focus SONAJOINER CALL NOW Experienced Attorney over 25 years defending People against 1. Employment Discrimination: Race. Age, Sex. and Disability 2. Criminal Accusations: • Sex crimes • Drug crimes • All misdemeanors and felonies 'Pink Seduction ’ by Zi fen Qian. *** p;;. *■ * 503-241-1113 Free Phone Consultations O ur mission: to cham pion jazz as an indigenous, culturally significant American art form, by educating and entertaining a local, national, and international audience. ‘Going Home' by When Chi Shan Boy’ by Li Tie Seven Artists Art Exhibition be varied styles of artwork grounds went on display this week from seven distinguished at the Portland Art Center, 32 N.W. Chinese born artists with Fifth Ave. The "Seven Artists Art Exhibi­ different edueation and work back­ tion" is not a local artists' show, but and American cultures to enrich ratheran international art exhibit by our history, society and daily life. members of the Portland commu­ The show runs Wednesdays nity who combine their Chinese through Sundays through Dee. 26. “I was a jazz major in high school, in an all­ jazz band. No matter what I do, it features my musical influences.” Wyclef Jean Sunday Supper T in e Obama, Ludacris Light Way for Youth Star powers from politics, rap (AP) — Two stars, one from poli­ tics and one from music, are aligned to light the way for the nation's youth. U.S. Sen. Barack Obama, con­ templating a run for president, met privately with rapper Ludacris last week to talk about young people. "We talked about empowering the youth," said Ludacris. whose real name is Chris Bridges. The meeting followed the launch of the Youth AIDS "Kick Me" cam­ paign to raise HIV/ AIDS aware­ Sen. Barack Obama, D-lll., and rapper Ludacris leave the ness. The gatheri ng at Obama's down­ senator's Chicago offices after a meeting to raise HIV/AIDS town Chicago office w as a meeting awareness. (AP photo) of two star powers: Obama, who enjoys rock star-like status on the political scene, and Ludacris, who has garnered acclaim for his music and acting. Ludacris said meeting Obama, known for his warm personal style, was like meeting with a relative. The spotlight has been on Obama, a first-term Democrat from Illinois, as he mulls a run for the White House in 2008. Obama has said he would make a decision in the coming months. Meanw hile, he is scheduled to visit New Hamp­ shire Dec. lOfora Democratic Party event. Obama, who became famous two years ago after addressing the Democratic National Convention, is no stranger to the star set. He has graced the coverof maga­ zines, appeared on Oprah Winfrey's talk show and is scheduled to ap­ pear Friday on "The Tonight Show' with Jay Leno." Celebrating our Customers! Liveut Cannon’s Rib Express Featuring Reggie Houston’s Box of Chocolates Tim Aeolt Bass & Vocals • Tracy Kim Guitar “ya never know what ya gain g it” Sponsored by: CANNON'S RIB EXPRFSS =■==.. NEW S E A S O N S M A R K E T , where All Men, Women & Children, Welcome! /•r