Page B2 December 6. 2006 Cl’1 |Jortlanò ©bsertfer K L IU H WILLIAMS Christmas Revels-- Friday. Dec. 7:30p.m., Saturday, Dec. 9, at 1 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., Sun­ day, Dec. 10, at I p.m. and 5 p.m . at the Scottish Rite Theater, S.W. 15 & Morrison, will present the opening night performance of Christmas Re vels. a winter solstice celebration that crosses religious and ethnic boundaries, to entertain the entire family. For per­ formance schedules and information, call the box office: 503-247-4654. Tony and Libby Kelly .M B A . M E d., B ro k e rs , CRS. A B R , SRES n»' SellingPortlandReall s ta te . 5O3-33O-54XX 17700 SW llppci Boones F ray Rd Portland, OR Vmhii efl JH nts ua HGTV’s z ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ■ 11*11 Stale Farm ' Power and Passion — "TcheTche," the power­ ful and passionate all-women dance troupe from Abidjan. Cote d'Ivoire, take the stage for White Bird's Portland State University dance series. Thursday, Dec. 7 through Saturday, Dec. 9 at 8 each night at PSU’s Lincoln Performance Hall. Tickets are $25 plus service fee and available at the PSU Box Office, 1825 S.W. Broadway or from all Ticketmaster out­ lets. Providing Insurance and I Survives Hoinc Office. Bloommgion. Illinois 61/10 Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Agent 4946 N Vancoovei Avi?nue Portland OR 97217 503 2flfi H 03 l.i« l>03?8h 1146 erme lull 65mb@statetarm coin 2 4 H o u r G o o d N e ig h b o r S e rv ic e ‘A Holiday (■ill of M usic’ — Sunday, Dec. 10, at 3 p.m., the Mt. Hood Community College Theatre in Gresham will host the Columbia Symphony Orchestra presentation of "A Holi­ day Gift of Music". Tickets available at the door: $5 adults/seniors, all students free. Call 503-2344077. Your Care Our First Priority Dr. M arceline Failla C h iro p ra i tit ■ Phy sit ian WC tire located at I Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) .rn- A u t o m o b i l e a c c id e n t i n j u r i e s • C h r o n i c h e a d a c h e a n d j o i n t p a in • J Scrooge G ets Skew ered -The Portland A rt­ ists Repertory Theatre presents 'Inspecting C arol,' a tale of the classic ‘A Christm as Normal Sylvester Band - Playing at Steamer’s in Portland, Saturday, Dec. 16. at 7 p.m. and Wednesday . Dec. 20 at 8 p.m. at Tillicutn’s in Beaverton; and at 9 p.m. on New Years Eve at Clyde's Prime Rih. Make your New Years Eve party reservations early by calling 503-281- 9200 or visit 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 • Liv Warfield Special - B&M Records, Inc will host a showcase of Port­ land Ja z z a rtist Liv Warfield, featuring special guest appearances by Hid­ den Beach, recordings saxophonist Mike Phillips and local neo soul standout Ray Frazier dur­ Liv Warfield ing a special live recording for national broadcast on Black Entertainment Television, Tuesday Dec. 12 at 8 p.m. at Jimmy M ak's,221 N.W. I Oth Ave. For more informa­ tion on reservations, cal 1503-295-6542. Holidays, a massive New Years Eve Party, spread out over 4 days and headlined by some of Portland’s jazz icons, including the Bobby Torres Ensemble and singer Nancy King, at the Newport Performing Arts C en­ ter. Visit jazzatnew or call 888- 701-7123. l im e to Ja m - Jam Night. Portland’s ever- popular comedy and variety show is at C hris­ tian Performing Arts Center. 8131 N. Denver Ave. Shows continue every F ri­ day night starting at 9 p.m. F am ous N a tu re P h o to g ra p h s -- Famed works by photographer Ansel A dam s, including ’The Tetons and the Snake R iver,’ and many other of the most beautiful national sites, is on display this fall and inter at the W orld For­ estry C enter D iscover Museum. H ip -h o p D a n ce C la s s e s -- V ancouver-Clark Parks and Rec­ reation is hosting family friendly hip-hop dance classes for ages 5 to 18. V arious lesso n s teach rhythm, technique, coordination, agility, com binations and teamwork through urban dance moves. For more information, call 360- 696-8236. T rip p in ' through Town - Take a trip through time to find the hottest poetry, hip-hop and soul influencing Portland on W ednesdays at the Ohm. $7 cover. 3 1 N.W. First Ave. Belly Dance Classes — Caravan Studios offers classes in belly dance, African dance and more. Visit w w w W o r k e r s C o m p e n s a tio n in ju r ie s C a l l f o r a n a p p o in t m e n t ! (503)228-6140 Inspecting Carol C arol’ gone awry, through Dec. 24. at 7 p.m. on Tuesdays through Thursdays and Sun­ days; and 8 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. Tickets range from $22.50 to $42.50 by phone at 503-241 -1278, online at art or at the box office a, 1516 S.W. Alder St. A wish changes nothing A decision changes everything! Lava Alapai in "Mutt" Kimberly Adams. Owner. Mortgage Broker OR HMI.-3793 B i tt5lt)-MB-28-J52 Our H om e O w n e rsh ip a n d M ortg ag e E x p e rts5'" will find the perfect loan for your n eed s • • • • • ‘A Season for Peace’ — The Portland Gay M en's holiday concert “Goodwill to All" assem bles music from various cultures and traditions to celebrate the holiday season, with perform ances scheduled at Kaul A udi­ torium on Friday and Saturday, Dec. 15 and 16 at 8 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 17 at 2 p.m. Playwright Presents ‘Mutt’ - A local play­ wright is challenging racial issues with levity and bravery in her world premiere of "Mutt" at North Portland's Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N. Interstate Ave. Lava Alapai tells the story of a bi-racial young adult's mis­ taken Caucasian self-identity. Shows mn Thurs­ day-Saturday nights at 8 p.m. Tickets are $12 andean be obtained by calling 503-952-6646 or online at First time buyer or seasoned investor Purchase, Refinance, Line of credit Good or bruised credit Single family, condo, 2-4 units Commercial financing & more! Jazz for the Holidays — Friday. Dec. 29 thru M onday, Jan. I. the Oregon Coast Council for the Arts will host N ew port’s Jazz for the OM SI Presents: Black Holes — A flight sim ulator transform s real scientific data about black holes into stunning visualiza­ tions in O M SI’s new planetarium show “ Black holes: The Other Side of Infinity.” For more information, call 503-797-4000 or visit om Are you currently in an adjustable rate mortgage? Is your rate increasing? Are you behind in your mortgage payments? We’re local We care Experience the difference. (360) 433-2466 or Toll free (877) 436-2466 Apply online at Fine M editerranean C uisine • The Best Shawarma MARTIN CLEANING SERVICE CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING CARPET CLEANING • The Best H um m us 503-274-1888 Fax: 503-274-2888 433 SW 4th Ave, Portland, OR 97204 Save hundreds o f $$$$$ per month and Call $25.00 M o n -F ri l()am -9pm Charlotte Martin Saturday Late 12pm-3am Each Area 360-823-1441 We do Catering 1-8 8 8 -8 4 9 -0 5 8 8 $35.00 1 CLEANING AREA PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREA (HALL EXTRA CHARGE) STAIRS (with other service) Phone: You may have more options then you think. Residential & Commercial Service 2 CLEANING AREAS OR MORE PRE-SPRA Y TRAFFIC AREAS INCLUDES 1 SMALL HALL The Best Falafel in Tow n / / \ never too soon to think about refinancing. 222 N.E. Park Plaza Dr.. Suite 115 Vancouver, WA 98684 $ 1.50 Each c m a rtin @ h o m e lo a n s o u rc e .c o m preterit W ild O ats H olidays are for the kids W A IU R A L M A N R IT P L A C I Additional Services • AREA & ORIENTAL RUG CLEANING - AU TO / B O A T /R V CLEANING • DEODORIZING A PET ODOR TREATMENT • SPOT A STAIN REMOVAL SERVICE • SCOTCHGUARD PROTECTION iponioreil by 2006 G U A R D IN O G ALLER Y Mm $ > id 0® UPHOLSTERY CLEANING SOFA-------------------------------------- $ 6 9 .0 0 LOVESEAT --------------------------- $ 4 9 .0 0 SECTIONAL ---------------------------- $ 9 9 .0 0 CHAIR OR RECLINER _________ $ 3 5 .0 0 THROW PILLOWS ------------------------ $ 5 .0 0 _______ P ictu re d : Ron A n to n io n o , Jamee L in to n & Iv e r H enm g________ H r Whatif kids a bunch of and their parents went on a 20-mde ride You think we could stop at Wild Oats for A snacks? _ "LITTLE THINGS" (A r tw o r k 7" & u n d e r) L e ft «de! Dec. 9th around Norlli 0 NorthMM Portland1 d fc*. around town? COUPON SPECIAL A N Y 3 CLEANING AREAS PLUS HALL A SOFA OR HALL, LOVESEAT A CHAIR I . I I ■■ I , I i $135.00 bm b m mb bm m b bm b m m b m b Begins the day after Thanksgiving November 24-December 26 b m b m • C hanging M o n th ly E xh ib itio n s •Contemporary Art & Craft in Gift Shop • Custom Fram ing On! The Ride is On! • Sntnrdai Oecnndw 9tt> id 10 00 » m. W»'« f t rtarllns nt CALL FOR APPOINTMENT: IM k M t Psrt, in North Pnrtlnnd. ThB «Mr1« i i““» * " * , m»*nni> rmn» ■ ’ nx . > . YF . S n ». rrowgn “inn * a *. nht *. iiteRAi n rnntititn. (503) 281-3949 Twn "rind" «tm« t l Wild 0»t w' • * ’ • * * ' 'havn port'ildotrot bovornp»« and