(Ehr Page A6 rt la uh ©beeruer December 6. 2006 for the Holidays Some simple tips can help prevent injuries T he U .S. C o n su m er Product Safety C om m ission has issued its annual toy safely lips for consum er u se d u rin g th e h o lid a y s an d throughout the year. By following a few simple steps, consum ers can help assure that the toys given to children this holiday season are fun and safe: Select toys to suit the age, skills, interests and abilities o f the indi­ vidual child. Toys too advanced m ay p o se s a fe ty h a z a rd s to younger children. For infants, toddlers and al I chil­ dren w ho still mouth objects, avoid toys with small parts which may pose a fatal choking hazard. A lso for infants, avoid toys with strings or cords that are 7 inches or longer as they may cause strangulation. I (buying caps for cap guns, hx»k For all children under X years, for the label required by federal law avoid toys that have sharp points w hich states: "W arning—Do not oredges and electric toys with heat­ lire closer than one foot to the ear. ing elem ents. Do not use indoors." I.ixik for sturdy construction and D iscard plastic w rap p in g s on product labels. T oys labeled as not toys im m ediately, before they b e­ recom m ended for children under 3 c o m e d e a d ly p la y th in g s . S et "ground rules" for play and su ­ p erv ise young ch ild ren clo sely d u rin g play. You can teach c h il­ dren how to use toys p ro p erly and safely and instruct o ld e rc h il- dren to keep th eir toys aw ay from little ones. years may contain small parts which Chemistry sets, hobby items, and may poseachoking hazard to young toys with small parts, particularly children. gam es, can be extrem ely danger­ If buying arrows or darts for ous if used by children younger children (not under 5 years), make than the intended age. Also, keep sure they have soft tips, rubber children who are playing with riding suction cups or other protective toys away from stairs, hills, traffic tips. Ifb u y in g a to y gun. be sure the and sw imm ing pools. barrel, or the entire gun. is brightly Insist that ch ild ren w ear h el­ colored to avoid being m istaken as m ets w hen using b icy cles, sk a te ­ a real gun. boards o r in-line ro lle r skates. Look fo r sturdy construction and product labels. toys that stimulate the senses of touch, sight and sound are considered good choices for pre­ school-aged children. ( hildren should also w ear gloves, w rist, elbow an d knee pads w hen using sk ateb o ard s o r in-line roller sk a te s. vent trips and falls. Many acci- Teach children to put their toys safely away after playing to pre- dents occur when toys are left out, causing som eone to fall. Emergency Food Resource Guide Downtown Eatery Offers Lebanese Flavor Hush Hush Café Hush Hush Café, 43.3 S.W. Fourth Ave., is the new est place to get y o u r g y ro fix. O w n e r N ezam H am m ad opened ¡he café just three m onths ago, and cooks up a full M editerranean menu with a Leba­ nese llair, including falafel,chicken and lamb shawarm a. hum m us and baba ghanouge. The café draw s a business crowd during daylight hours and on Sat­ urdays attracts a late-night crowd looking for som ething tasty after spilling out of nearby clubs. Lunches are priced in an afford­ able range, starting with a basic dish o f hum m us or falafel starting from $4 to $5, to the $ 1 1.95 lamb shank plate, w hich includes lamb that is seasoned and m arinated overnight, then cooked in tom ato sauce, vegetables and spices and served alongside basmati rice that r u o lo by M \ hk W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver is topped with alm onds. Nezam Hammond brings a menu with a Lebanese flair to Hush I lam m ond serves all dishes with Hush Café, 433 S.W. Fourth Ave. hom em ade pita bread, and diners can try appetizers like labneh, a thick yogurt cream topped with o l­ ive oil and fool m ’dam as, a dish o f sim m ered fava and garbanzo beans. Hush Hush also serves afford­ able dinners, including the maza plate o f assorted m eats and veg­ etables, and a range o f oven-baked goods like fatayer sabanekh, (a dough stuffed with spinach, onion and olive oil and sprinkled with the sour seasoning sum ak and pep­ per). And o f course, post-m eal op­ tions include the M editerranean staple o f desserts - baklava and a cup o f strong Turkish coffee. Hush Hush is open M onday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday from 10a.m. to 3 a.m. and is closed Sunday. Hush Hush is also available to cater any function up to 300 people with custom packages. For more inform ation, call 503- 274-1888. • F IS H , P h o n e5 0 3 2 3 3 5 5 3 3 • NE Em ergency Food Phone 503 284 5470 • Salvation Army Phone 503 239 1226 • St. Vincent DePaul Phone 503 235 8431 • W illiam T em ple House P h o n e5032263021 • Sunshine Division Phone 503 823 2102 W ebsite: sunshinedivision.org • Sunshine Division, Holiday Help Phone 503 823 2169 (hoi iday help) W ebsite: .sunshinedivision.org • Toy & Joy M akers (toys only) Phone 503 665 5655 (holiday help) r I Q n h Q p r ih p ! 503-288-0033 I □ U U d U l U C J F ill O ut & Send To: I I Jlortlanb ©hsertier I I Amr. Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 I s u b s c r ip t io n s o re j u s t $ 6 0 p e r y e a r I (please include check with this subscription form) I I N ame : _________________________ ____ I I T elephone : ________ A ddress : ________ I I o r em ail suhscriptions@portlandobserver.com L I I IIS IS NORDSTROM that turned into the dress that turned all the heads on the night on the town that turned out to be the best New Year's Eve ever. WHEN IT COMES TO PRESENTS, SOME PEOPLE JUST HAVE THE GIFT. Stop by any sales counter, visit nordstrom.com or call 1.877771.GIFT. NORDSTROM Find more gifts at nordstrom.com Clackamas Town Center 503.652.1810. Downtown Portland 503.224.6666. Lloyd Center 503.287.2444 Salem Center 503.371.7710. Vancouver 360.256.8666. Washington Square 503.620.0555. 1 J