Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 06, 2006, Page 3, Image 3

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    Political Imprisonment Charged
from Front
S arah B um m
"We are hoping for a reversal and
remand for a resentencing in district
court," McCrea said, adding that a
three judge panel for the 9th circuit
will take an unspecified amount of
time before ruling.
The case has drawn national attention
and a spectrum of the local community in
solidarity of civil liberties.
Kayse Jama, founderof the Portland's
Center tor Intercultural Organizing and
friend of the Ford family, was among
“I don’t know when we became a
nation where we convict people for their
beliefs." said Jama, a fellow Muslim
w ho believes Ford is a political prisoner.
Students, including Abdul Boutnach
of Morocco, members of the local
Roman Catholic parish attended by
Ford's father Kent, and several indi­
viduals holding "Free Lumumba" plac­
ards also joined Ford's mother outside
during the hearing.
The father stepped out of the court­
photo nv I saiah B oi ii / T iii : P okti . a m i O bskkvkk
house looking grim, but said he is hopeful
In solidarity of their support for civil liberties, family and friends of Patrice Lumumba Ford rally Monday to overturn his 18
and thanks everyone for their prayers. year prison term for trying to travel to Afghanistan just ahead of the U.S. government's 2001 invasion of the country.
D avid Yandell is easily bored.
H e 's a lso p ro n e to d ru n k en
e p ip h a n ie s
b e h in d
th e
M e g a to u c h m a c h in e , th o se
videogam e fixtures o f Portland
dive bars.
G ruff and tw itchy in a wise-
guy kind o f w ay, Yandell will
openly talk about his life with bi­
polar disorder.
"L ots o f strange things hap­
pen in my w orld," he says.
Yandell is also a com m unity
heroforkids in need o f bikes each
A Radio Cab dri ver for 22 years,
he doesn’t even ride a bike. He
d o esn 't have a bank account ei­
ther, but will help give aw ay 3(H)
bikes this holiday season thanks
to h isN ew Bike Project, a charity
he jum pstarted four years ago.
The bikes will bring to 8(H) the
total num ber he has had a hand in
giving to disadvantaged ch il­
dren. mainly because he started
getting bored with giving away
turkeys, another philanthropic
hobby o f his.
All this from a man who waxes
about how little he can relate to
normal society ("1 don't under­
stand mom, dad. prom ," he says)
and likes surprising reporters by
catching big words they throw at
A tto r n e y H e n r y “ C h i p "
him, like esoteric, a label to which
L azenby Jr. has turned his atten ­
he takes slight offense.
tion to Portland S tate U niversity
B ut Y a n d e ll u n d e rs ta n d s
as the in stitu tio n ’s interim g en ­
m ore o f society than he lets on.
eral council.
A fter a c h ild h o o d o f fo ste r
A form er g eneral co u n cil for
hom es, social inep titu d e and
the P ortland D ev elo p m en t C o m ­
o c c a s io n a l
in c a r c e r a t i o n ,
m ission and oth ers, L azen b y is
Y andell en ro lled at P ortland
responsible for assistin g PSU in
S ta te U n iv e r s it y to g e t a
litigation and legal representation
ju m p s ta rt on his irony-laden
o f the university , its o ffic ers and
and altru istic future by earning
em ployees.
d e g re e s in p s y c h o lo g y an d
“C hip has the k n o w led g e and
sociology w ith a m inor in p h i­
erien ce w e 're lo o k in g for in a
lo so p h y .
general co u n sel," said PSU P resi­
He has sharpened the edges
dent D aniel O. B ernstine. “ His
o f his socialist nature and scato­
fam iliarity w ith the reg io n , and
logical sense o f hum orto become
w ith state and local g o v ern m en ts, Henry 'Chip' Lazenby Jr.
som ew hat o f a m edia darling in
Portland. You will hearabouthim
as w ell as his ex p erien ce in the ents. including public entities, small
on the radioand local news broad­
role o f general co u n sel, w ill serve business, com m unity developm ent
casts especially during the holi­
the university w ell."
corporations, developers anil co n ­
days when he organizes the tur­
Lazenby runs L azenby & A sso­ tractors. He is a form er counsel to
key and bike donations.
ciates, a consulting business that O regon G ov. John Kitzhaber. He
He calls his insatiable drive for
w orks with a w ide range o f d i ­ has a degree from H arvard Uni-
media attention "Yandell ization,”
and this is what catches the eyes,
ears and w allets o f financers like
prom inent city developers, cor­
porations and labor unions - all
T he S alvatio n A rm y M oore
W ith fun and festive activ ities
o f w hom donate tim e and money
g o o d ies, both ch ild ren and
to Y andell's whim sical causes.
ts will en joy this special
"W hen I hit a plateau it’s time
annual free C h ristm as haircuts.
tim e. T h e kids receive th eir free
to keep m oving," he said.
O n M onday, D ec. 18, children h aircu ts on a first co m e, first
L e t's hope he d o e s n 't get
through age 16, can receive a served basis, w ith no ap p o in t­
bored giving bikes and helm ets
free haircut don ated by p ro fes­ m ent necessary.
to children after this y ear’s give­
sional hair cutters, from 10 a.m.
aw ays, w hich take place M on­
F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , call
day, Dec. 11 at Beech Elem en­
to 3 p.m.
A nita o rC h e ry l at 503 -4 9 3 -3 9 2 5 .
tary: Tuesday. Dec. 12 at Vernon
Elementary: W ednesday, Dec. 13
at Rosa Parks Elem entary and the
sam e day at King Elem entary:
T hursday. Dec. 14 at Boise Eliot
Sister Melva Holmes lost U.S. Bank in her honor. For
Elementary and Friday, Dec. 15 at
her home in a fire, and now the more information, please con­
Clarendon Elementary.
Attorney lïirns Attention to PSU Give Away Helps Needy
versity and the U niversity o f O r­
egon w here he earned his law
degree and a m aster's o f business
adm inistration.
L azenby is involved w ith a
n um ber o f co m m u n ity an d p ro ­
fessional o rg an izatio n s, in clu d ­
ing the O regon M inority L aw ­
yers A sso ciatio n and the La Salle
N orth H igh S chool board. P ort­
land C ity C lu b 's board o f g o v er­
nors, co -c h air o f the P ortland-
M ultnom ah C o u n ty S ustain ab le
D evelopm ent C o m m issio n , and
O re g o n H o lo c a u st R e so u rc e
C en ter b oard o f directors.
co n g re g a tio n
Vancouver Avenue First Bap-
list Church, 3138 N. Vancouver
Ave., is sponsoring its "Be A
B lessing" give-
away for the holi-
to new clothing for all ages and
sizes to backpacks, duffels and
other items. The event will be
held on Saturday, Dec, 16 at 9
a.m. to 3 p.m. at the
ch u rch ’s Fellow ship
day season with
clo th in g
household items to
assist those in
■H l
O nly q u a lity
items will be given
away, everything Rev. J.W. Matt
trom gently used Hennessee
HP ***
"God has been so
j good to us and we want
to pay it forward," said
J.W. Matt Hennessee,
church senior pastor,
For more information,
call 503-282-9496 or
Free Haircuts at Moore Street
S Y M P H O N Y 'S
8 -1 0
I ill Imlid.iy spirits h igh w ith the jo y fu l sounds o f I Tiiistm .
I ln y d jo in s in s p ii.itio n .il so loists .nisi th e p.ission.ite ,in,l
Trust Fund Helps Fire Victim
Sarah Hlount is a reporter fo r
the Portland Observer.
(e is p e l ( h o iu s lor this he.irt Stirl ing eeleh r.itio n ot d ie se.
503-228 1353
can help by donat­ tact James Loving at 3 60-213-
ing to a trust fund set up at 7543.
O rS ym phony.org
SW Main A Broadway - Portland Center for the Performing Art«
Free Internet Begins
from Front
which provides wireless broad­
band access with speeds com ­
parable to DSL. In addition,
Microsoft will partner with the
company to provide local con­
tent and services, including
weather, news and maps.
In time, the city o f Portland
expects to use the wireless
cloud to streamline some gov­
ernment services through real-
tim e c o m m u n ic a tio n w ith
workers in the field.
For example, meters may
be read with wireless devices,
or citizens could instantly re­
port nuisances like street pot­
"Almost half of the U.S.
population still does not have
Internet access at home," said
Mayor Potter. "Only about 30
percent of youth in the lowest
household-income bracket use
computers at home as com-
pared to over 90 percent of
youth in the highest income
The city 's wireless internet
initiative called "Unwire Port­
land" will enhance digital tech­
nology opportunities in Port­
land a n d “help us in ourgoal of
ach ieving equal access to
technology," Potter said.
The network is modeled on
wireless broadband networks
that MetroFi has built and op­
erates in Aurora. III.; plus the
California cities of Foster City,
Cupertino, SantaClara, Sunny­
vale. San Jose and Concord.
Advertising pays for the ser­
vice. Inaugural Portland spon­
sors include KPTV, the Boyd
C o ffe e
C om pany
W indermere Cronin & Caplan
The MetroFi Free Portland
netw ork is expected to be
completed in all local neigh­
borhoods by mid 2008.
^ " s f e r a ^ s to r n e r s .,
9ef a í / 0 Ql Cf'pí'On¿
are a re^lar pharmacy!
V W e fill p r e s c r ip tio n s — in c lu d in g a n tib io tic s
h ig h b lo o d p re s s u r e m e d ic a tio n s ,
a n ti- d e p re s s a n ts , b irth c o n tro l, a n d m o re .
W e h a v e k n o w le d g e a b le , frie n d ly p h a r m a c is ts
w h o h a v e th e tim e to s h a re in fo r m a tio n .
O u r p r ic e s a re c o m p e titiv e . W e a c c e p t m o s t
in s u r a n c e p la n s a n d a re a d d in g o th e r s a s
re q u e s te d .
W e s p e c ia liz e in c u s t o m c o m p o u n d in g
M n e t y o u r P h a r rr
M e lin d a B u tle r
Y O U R L O C A L L Y O W N E D , N E IG H B O R H O O D P H A R M A C Y A T A R B O R L O D G E
w w w .n e w s e a s o n s m a rk e t.c o m
FRI 9 a m -7 p m
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• SAT 9am