December 6. 2006 ih ELECT RICAL INSPECTOR E le c tric a l In s p e c to rs a re re s p o n s ib le fo r p e rfo rm in g independent field inspections of e le c tric a l in s ta lla t io n s in co m m ercial a n d /o r resid en tial structures that are being erected o r re m o d e le d to e n s u re com pliance with State of Oregon electrical codes. Duties include, re s p o n d in g to re q u e s ts fo r e le c t ric a l in s p e c tio n s a nd p re p a rin g a n d m a in ta in in g d e ta ile d in s p e c tio n re p o rts , perform ing com puter record and p erm it s e a rch e s to d e te rm in e a p p ro p ria te fe e s . A d d itio n a l d u tie s in clu d e u tiliz in g s tro n g com m unication skills in providing services to the public consistent w ith th e b u re a u s v a lu e o f custom er service and assisting w ith the field tra in in g of o th e r inspectors. Senior Administrative Specialist 1 |Jortkuth 0f)hseruer Portland Development Commission Application deadline is 4:30PM , Monday, Decem ber 18, 2006. To learn more about this position, o rto apply online, visit our website at w or pickup an application at 1120 SW 5th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204 W MTW n j-i. ■ • Senior Project Coordinator or Project Coordinator-Development • Project Management Division Manager • Performance Management Program Manager • Chief Financial Officer • Senior Payroll/ Accounting Specialist • Senior Project Coordinator • Senior Project Specialist • Public Affairs Manager • Economic Development Director Rated as one of Oregon's 2006 Top 100 Com panies to work for! We are currently hiring for: BON This is great career opportunity in cable and telecom m unications s e rv ic e s . D o n ’t h a v e c a b le experience? Don't worry... We will train too!! So "Connect" yourself to a new career and join the many faces of Comcast. 6915 SW M nadam . Suite 145 • Portland. OR 97219 (503) 890-1181 Offici 50.1-69X-Ô9X1I ACHIEVE THE DREAM! Leu Whitworth C.P.A. rfwf b^kkec/nnp services Portland. OH 9721 I Plume 503-295-1939 l ‘a \ 50.3-295-1<)<»."> Cell 971-344-6414 nine. lesuh i In or I Itt pa. com email: lesiu tesu hituortln pa.nwi C O M E O N E C O M E A L L !!! T heme : GOD IS IN CHARGE Job 1:22- ill all Job sinned not, not charged God foolishly. -f When: Dec 10, 2006 Where: Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church. 4009 N Missouri Time: 3:30pm Speaker of the hour: Johnasen L. Pack New Generation Revival Church Direction o f the youth Anti-Gang Outreach: Rev. Charles McCleoud Sr. I _________ Rev. C Inities McCteenul Sr. Pastor: Johnny Pack IV YOUTH ANTI-GANG OUTREACH /// memory of ( harles McC leottd Jr. and those before and after International Miracle Men’s Conference 2006 Affordable Housing for Multifamily, Seniors (62 years and older) and Disabled persons (of any age Clean, com fortable, convenient and close to shopping and m edical facilities. Located in Newberg, Pet friendly! Apostle Walter Scott Sr. Founder Miracle Mens Int’l W e accept Section 8 Vouchers Subsidized units m ay be available at this tim e. If not, qualified persons will autom atically be placed on a w aiting list for subsidy 1 BR 600 sq. ft. 2 BR 7 3 0 s q .ft. 3 BR 1008 sq. ft. $407 - $ 530 $ 4 5 2 -$ 645 $513- $890 Rents shown are Base Rent. Actual rent is based on income. Contact our M anagem ent Office for details. (Office Hours M -F 9 am - 5 pm) 5 0 3 -5 3 8 -8 8 2 5 TDD 1-800-735-2900 Dunhill Apartm ents newbergvillage@ guardian-m gm Or visit on the w eb at: w w w .guardianapartm EQUAL HOUSING O P P O R T U N IT Y W e are an Equal Opportunity Provider Professionally m anaged by Guardian Management, LLC Dianetics can help you live a better and happier life. Apostle Levell Thomas C 7004 API All High,, t o v ^ d DtANFTICS to A f,.,dymA,li And tprvkA ny,,fc ownyd by NrNglou, Technology Cent#, And II u w d with d i p w m lllln n December 8-10th Theme “Manhood God’s Style” Friday & Saturday Night Micah 6-8 Duet. 10:12-13 Speakers Apostle Levell Thomas & Pastor L. Hosley Saturday Workshop 9-2 p.m. Minister Provine Tiirner Jr. & Apostle Walter Scott Sr. Pastor L. Hoslev Theme “Will the real men stand up & How to be Blessed” 3 John:2 Location: Emmanuel Temple 10333 N. Sumner. Ptld. OR 97212 Dianetics Foundation, 709 SW Salmon St. Portland, OR. 97205 Phone 503.228.0116 • Free shipping • All orders shipped within 24 hours Û 5421 \ I 33rd \\ t nnr Available at your local bookstore or from S 8 .0 0 o vCompass^ John Paris, Real Estate Consultant Com cast is an Equal Em ploym ent O pportunity/Affirm ative Action/ Drug-free workplace employer. Just get it, read it and try it, and you'll never be the same. Paperback UPGRADING DOWNSIZING I IRS I TIMI BUYER INVESTMI NT Interested? Apply at Read the book used by millions to reduce stress, anxiety and unhappiness.This is the road to a better life with fewer problems. HOME OWNERSHIP C o m m u n ic a tio n s T e c h n ic ia n s (Cable Installers) in the Portland M etro and Vancouver area! r w f s AM) INTtWNA UGNAI K lT S fU f* L an(J to apply, access our w ebsite at w w w or contact C la rk C o lle g e H um a n R e s o u rc e s, 180 0 E. M c L o u g h lin B lvd ., Vancouver, WA 98663 (360) 992-2105 [JOBLINE (360) 992-2836. Hearing impaired (360) 992-2317}. AA/EEO employer. C O m COST CABLE INSTALLERS!! P o rtla n d is in te rn a tio n a lly recognized for its quality of life, d istin ctive neighborhoods, and robust transit system . Playing a ke y ro le in k e e p in g P o rtla n d , Oregon, one o f Am erica 's most liv a b le c itie s is th e P o rtla n d D e v e lo p m e n t C o m m is s io n 's m ission. PDC is the City's urban re n ew a l a ge n cy, ch a rge d w ith b rin g in g to g e th e r re sources to achieve Portland's vision. W e're c u rre n tly lo o k in g for q u a lifie d in d ivid u a ls to co m p lem en t our w o r k fo r c e fo r th e fo llo w in g positions: CLARK COLLEGE Clark College is accepting applications for a Program Coordinator to oversee and coordinate activities within the Student Life and Student Activities Office. Salary is $2,358/m onth. Closing date is 5 p.m., December 21,2006. For complete position description, requirements, E mployment The Urban Renewal Agency for the City of Portland, Oregon W e o ffe r a g e n e ro u s h o s t o f benefits as part of our efforts to keep PDC a positive, healthy and ience required. Responsibilities Application deadline is 4:30 pm , p ro d u ctive place to w ork. PDC include: AP/AR; M onthly financial Friday, D ecem ber 22, 2006 values diversity in its work force statem ents; Payroll & benefits: and is com m itted to C a s h m a n a g e m e n t; M o n th ly To learn more about this position, billings and invoicing: client fees; or to apply online, visit our website Equal Em ploym ent O pportunity grants & contracts managem ent; at or and Affirm ative Action. Aud it prep.; D onation tracking; pickup an application at 1120 SW Apply online at ww w 5th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204 Other duties as assigned. Portland Developm ent Send a resume, cover letter, and Oregon Education Association, a Com m ission, 222 NW 5th Ave., three references by Dec. 15 to: p r o f'l la b o r o r g a n iz a tio n , is Portland, OR 97209 Bookkeeper, Portland Comm unity se e k in g full-tim e associate staff Jobline: 503.823.3463 Land Trust, 3109-B NE Broadway, person for its Tigard political team. Portland, OR 97232. No phone Required: type 55 wpm, advanced Advertise with diversity in M ic ro s o ft W o rd fo r W in d o w s , calls, please. EOE. il!r P o r t la it it (D b n ’ ru e r Access, Excel, and PowerPoint, w/ City Planner II - Urban Design an aptitude & willingness to learn new programs, strong math skills O ffice / C lerical City Planners II with an Urban Design w/attn. to detail, able to operate specialty are responsible for assessing various offc equipm ent, create & CLARK COLLEGE and reviewing complex and specialized m aintain d ata b a ses, e xc e lle n t C la rk C o lle g e is a c c e p tin g planning assignments, projects and gram m a r & punctu ation skills. a p p lic a tio n s fo r a H u m a n development proposals related to Need a self-starter who can help R e sou rce A s s is ta n t to perform urban design functions, aesthetics em p lo ye r m eet d e a d lin e s with specialized technical and clerical utilizing best practices and planning heavy workload dem ands while tasks in support o f the Hum an principles. Duties include m a in ta in in g p ro f'l a ttitu d e & Resources Department. Salary is coord in a tin g m ultiple com plex flexibility. Q uickboo ks, Project $2,252/m onth. Closing date is projects from inception to completion; M anagem ent, event planning, & 5 p.m., Decem ber 11, 2006. For applying sound urban planning and good d ip lo m a cy skills d esired . co m p le te p ositio n d escrip tio n , design skills to effectively translate Starting salary range: $30,189 - re q u ire m e n ts , a n d to a p p ly, city and regional planning objectives $37,130. Benefits: paid vacation, a c c e s s our w e b s ite at into rea lity and investigating, FF m e d ic a l, d e n ta l & v is io n , w w w .cla rk .e d u /jo b s or contact analyzing, and developing reports and retirem ent, etc. Send resum e by Clark College Hum an Resources, recommendations relating to planning D ecem ber 8th to: Karyl G othe, 1 8 0 0 E. M c L o u g h lin B lv d ., issues. Additional duties include O E A , 6 9 0 0 S W A tla n ta S t., Vancouver, WA 98663 (360) 992 performing a range of planning tasks, Portland, Or 97223, or fax to 503- 2105 [JOBLINE (360) 992-2836. including representing the City in 495-2143. Visit our w eb site at H e a rin g im p a ire d (3 6 0 ) 9 9 2 - public hearings Planning, Design, and w w 2317]. AA/EEO employer. A p p ro x im a te M o n th ly S a la ry Range: $4,453 to $5,143 O ffice / C ierical / E ducation C lassifieds Senior Adm inistrative Specialists are responsible for providing key p ro je c t a d m in is tra tio n , m a n a gem en t s u p p ort service s and sp ecia lize d a d m in istra tive s u p p ort fu n ctio n s u tiliz in g the a p p ro p ria te te rm in o lo g y , procedures and practices with a s ig n ific a n t d e g re e of a cco u n ta b ility. D uties includ e w riting, review ing, ed itin g, and p ro o fre a d in g s ta n d a rd s , procedures and technical guides; preparing agendas and m eeting m aterials and coordinating and scheduling m eeting room set up. A d d itio n a l d u tie s in c lu d e preparing and distributing draft m in u te s , agendas, a nd recommendations about program goals and ob jectives; a ssistin g A p p ro x im a te M o n th ly S a la ry with assigned special projects and Range: $4,699 to $5,437 p ro g ra m s by th o ro u g h ly Application d ea dline is 4:30 pm , re s e a rc h in g , c o m p a rin g , and Friday, December 2 2 . 2006 assembling technical information; and c re a tin g and m a in ta in in g To learn more about this position, com plex databases. The Senior or to apply online, visit our website A d m in is tr a t iv e S p e c ia lis t is at or expected to carry out his or her pickup an application at 1120 SW ind ivid ual re sp o n s ib ilitie s w ith 5,h Ave. Portland, Oregon 97204 in itia tiv e , in d e p e n d e n c e and confidentiality, w hile exercising Full Charge Bookkeeper sound problem -solving skills and N onprofit housing organization professional judgm ent. There are seeks a full charge bookkeeper. two vacant positions. 20 hours w eek, fle xib le . $ 1 8 - $20/hr., DOE. M in. 3 yea rs of A p p ro x im a te M o n th ly S a la ry e x p e rie n c e . P e a c h tre e e x p e r­ Range: $3,155 - $4,855 Historic Landmarks Commissions and C ity Council; m anaging m ultiple planning responsibilities including participating or leading several urban design projects and/or conducting multiple complex design reviews of proposed development with a minimum of supervision. City Planners II -UD work under the direction of a section or team leader who reviews their work fo r tim eliness, quality, and conform ance with established policies, procedures, or approval criteria. Page B5 Minister Provine Turner For More Info Call: 503-287-8577