Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 29, 2006, Page 8, Image 8

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Advertise with diversity in
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a v a ila b le at S afew ay
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B allet F la m en co -- W hite Bird
D u n ce s e rie s p re s e n ts E va
Y erbabuena, one o f the w orld's
most exciting flam enco dancers, at
the S ch n itzer C o n cert Hall on
W ednesday. Nov. 29 at 7:30 p.m.
T ic k e ts a re a v a ila b le at all
T ick etm aster locations and the
Portland Center for the Perform ing
Arts Box O ffice on S outhw est
Broadway and Main.
‘F estival o f T r e e s’ — The 24th an ­
nual Providence Festival o f Trees
is held Thursday, Nov. 30 through
Saturday. Dee. 2 at the Oregon
Convention Center, featuring over
50 elaborately decorated trees, live
entertainm ent, erafts, and a photo
with Santa, gingerbread displays,
and more. For more inform ation,
call 503-215-6070.
T o n y and L ih b v K e lly
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Lloyd .Iones S tru g g le — On T hurs­
day, Nov. 30. at 8 p.m. the Lloyd
Jones Struggle will play a benefit
concert at the T iffany C e n te r's
Emerald Ballroom at Southw est
14th and M orrison St. to help vic­
tims o f AIDS from Portland's sister
city o f M utare, Zim babw e. The
benefit will begin at 6 p.m. with an
exclusive patron dinner and live
auction with dance perform ance by
Loveness W esa and K gotso Afri-
R e v e ls -F ri­
day, Dec. I, at 7:30
p.m ., the Scottish Rite
Theater. S.W. 15 & M orrison, will
present the opening night perfor­
mance o f Christm as Revels, a w in­
ter solstice celebration that crosses
religious and ethnic boundaries, to
entertain the entire family. For per­
form ance schedules and inform a­
tion please contact the box office:
H a n d el's M essiah and
B ach M agn ificat - The
Center. 81.31 N. Denver Ave. Shows
continue every Friday night start­
ing at 9 p.m . w ith d in n e r by
M ondem aj Catering next door to
the show at 6:30 and 7:30 p.m.
F am ou s N a tu re P h o to g ra p h s —
Fam ed w orks by p h o to g rap h er
A nsel A d am s, in c lu d in g ‘T he
Tetons and the Snake River,' and
many other o f the most beautiful
national sites, is on display this fall
and inter at the W orld Forestry
C enter D iscover M useum.
Lava A lapai in "M utt"
Play w rig h t P resen ts ‘ M u tt’ - A
local playw right is challenging ra­
Portland Baroque O r­ cial issues w ith levity and bravery
ch estra and C appella in her world prem ier o f'M u tt" at
R om ana’s, highlighted n o rth
P o r tl a n d 's
I n te r s ta te
C hristm as version per­ Firehouse Cultural C enter, 5340 N.
formances w i 11 be at 7:30 Interstate Ave. Lava Alapai tells
p.m ., Friday, Dee. 15, at the story o f a bi-raeial young adult's
T u r b u le n t L ove S to ry — A man the dow ntow n First Baptist Church, m istaken Caucasian self-identity.
from a wealthy Moscow family falls and at 7:30 p.m., M onday, Dee. 18 at S h o w s run T h u rs d a y -S a tu rd a y
desperately in love with a beautiful Lewis & Clark College. H andel's nights at 8 p.m. through Dec. 9.
young w om an w ho marries him to M essiah will be perform ed in its Tickets are $ 12 and can be obtained
escape adreary life in "Three Years," entirety, 7:30p.m . Saturday. Dee. 16 by cal ling 5(>3-952-6646or on I i ne at
now playing through Sunday, Dee. at the First Baptist Church and at m anyhatseollaboration.com .
3 at W est End Theatre, the form er 7:30 p.m. Sunday. Dec. 17, at Lewis
H i p - h o p D a n c e C l a s s e s --
Old M ovie House at 1200 S.W. & Clark College. Fortieketing: 800-
V ancouver-C lark Parks and R ecre­
Taylor. All seats are $15.
494-8497 online: pbo.org
ation is hosting family friendly hip-
’A S ea so n fo r P e a c e ’ - The Port­ hop dance classes for ages 5 to 18.
land G ay M en 's holiday concert Various lessons teach rhythm, tech­
“G oodw ill to A ll” assem bles music nique, coordination, agi lity, com bi­
from various cultures and traditions nations and team w ork through ur­
to celebrate the hoi iday season with ban dance moves. For more infor­
perform ances scheduled at Kaul mation, cal 1360-696-8236.
A uditorium on Friday and Satur­
day Dec. 15-16 at 8 p.m. and Sun­
day, Dee. 17 at 2 p.m.
N ew p o rt’s j a z z for the H olid ays -
H oliday A le F estival
H oliday Ale F estival — T he I Ith
Annual H oliday Ale Festival will
begin on T hursday, Nov. 30. and
continue through Sunday, Dee. 3.
at Pioneer C ourthouse Square. 701
S.W. Sixth Ave. Com plim entary
sodas for m inors and designated
W o rld s A IDS D ay G a la — In honor
o f W orld AIDS Day, Kimpton Ho­
tels is hosting a gala charity fund
raiser to benefit the C ascade AIDS
project to light H IV/AIDS. The
event will be held Thursday, Nov.
30 at 5 p.m. at the. 5th Avenue
Suites Hotel. 506 S.W. W ashing­
ton St. T he event venue includes: ‘A H olid ay G ift o f M u sic ’ - Sun­
live jazz, artist, h o rsd ’oeuvres, wine day. Dee. 10, at 3 p.m., the Mt. Hood
tasting, palm reading. C ham pagne, C om m unity C ollege T heatre in
tem pting deserts and a raffle. This G resham will host the C olum bia
is a free event but requires a RSVP Sym phony O rchestra presentation
to : c a s e y .o d o n n e ll@ k im p to n o f “A Holiday G ift o f M usic” . T ick­
hotels.eom .
ets available at the door: $5 adults/
se n io rs, all stu d e n ts
free. Contact 503-234-
N o rm an Sylvester B and - Playing
at D om enic’sin M ilwaukee, Friday,
Dee. I. at 9 p.m. and Saturday. I)ec.
2 at 8 p.m. at H alibut's; and at 9p.m .
on New Years Eve at C ly d e's Prime
Rib. M ake your New Years Eve
Party reservations early by calling
5 O 3 -2 8 I-9 2 O O
v isit
nom ansylvester.com .
November 29, 2006
‘ 'jJovtkmò © bseruer
Christmas Tree
Friday, Dec. 29 thru M onday, Jan.
1, the Oregon Coast Counei I for the
Arts will host N ew port’s Jazz for
the Holidays, a m assive New Years
Eve Party, spread out over 4 days
an d h e a d lin e d by so m e o f
P o rtlan d 'sjazz icons, including the
Bobby T orres Ensem ble and singer
Nancy King, at the N ew port Per­
fo rm in g A rts C e n te r. V is it
jazzatnew port.org oreall 888-701 -
O M S I P resen ts: B lack H oles — A
Bight sim ulator transform s real sci­
entific data about black holes into
stunning visualizations in O M S I’s
new p la n eta riu m show “ B lack
holes: T he O ther Side o f Infinity.”
For more information, call 503-797-
4(XM)or visit om si.edu.
T im e to J a m --Jam Night, Portland’s
ever-popular com edy and variety
show is at Christian Performing Arts
- The
Portland A rtists Repertory Theatre
presents 'Inspecting C aro l,’ a tale
o f the classic ‘A C hristm as C aro l’
gone aw ry, through Dee. 24. at 7
p.m. on T uesdays through T hurs­
days and Sundays; and 8 p.m. on
F ridays and S aturdays. T ick ets
range from $22.50to $42.5()by phone
at 5 0 3 - 2 4 1 -1 2 7 8 , o n lin e at
ailistsrep.org or at the box office at
I5 1 6 S .W . A lderS t.
S c ro o g e G e ts S k ew ered
T r ip p in ’ th ro u g h T o w n - Take a
trip through tim e to find the hottest
poetry, hip-hop and soul influenc­
ing Portland on W ednesdays at the
O hm . $7 cover. 31 N. W. First Ave.
Belly D ance C lasses - Caravan
S tu d io s o ffe rs classe s in belly
dance, African dance and more.
Visit w w w .gypsyearavan.us.
L iv e M usic Every N ig h t
• Kick o ff your week with live jazz every Sunday
at 9 p.m. at The Blue M onk (3341 SE Belmont).
• Participate in a m ixed-media open mic night each
M onday at the Back-to-Back C afé (614 Fast
• The T hom City Improv, featuring m em bers o f
O ldom inion, Q uivah, The Chosen and The Black
M el Brown
Notes, perform at C o n a n 's (3862 S.E. Haw thorne)
every T uesday at 10 p.m.
• C elebrate H um p Day at The Red Sea (3 8 1 S.W . 3rd Ave) after work on
W ednesdays, from 5 to 9 p.m.
• Inch tow ard the w eekend at the C andlelight Room (2032 SW 5th Ave)
with the Black Notes, perform ing each Thursday.
• C elebrate Friday with Mel Brown, play in g jazz at S alty 's every Friday
and Saturday, and Jim m y M ak’s on T uesdays and Thursdays.
• Live Reggae on Fridays and Saturdays at M ontego Bay, (1239 S.W.
Jefferso n ).
Blue Man Group
on OPB TV*
Wednesday, November 29
Sunday, December 3
Tuesday, December 5
Doug Firs 5-7 ft. for
* Blue Man Group is coming to Portland!
Special tickets are available to OPB supporters. Tune in for details.
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