November 29. 2006 il!‘ JJnrtlaub (Ohseruer PageA5 F ood Spicy Garlic and Pepper Shrimp Spicy Thai Style Shrimp makes for a wonderful sapper. Chicken, pork, beef calamari, scallops or to fa can easily he substituted for shrimp. Prep time is 25 m inutes, cook time is 10 minutes. This recipe is p er serving, adjust accordingly. INGREDIENTS • 2 */i -tbs. vegetable oil • V a cup water • I cup shredded cabbage • I -tbs. minced garlic • 8 large fresh shrimp, peeled and de-veined • 2 tsp. Crushed red pepper flakes • 2 tbs. sliced onion • I tbs. chopped fresh cilantro • I tbs. soy sauce DIRECTIONS • Heat I-tb s. o il in a s k ille t o ve r high heat. A dd cab h a g e a n d I - Tbs. w ater, s tir-fry f o r 30 seconds. R em ove cabbage from s k ille t and place on a se rvin g platter. • Heat the rem a ining 1 12tb s.o il in th c s a m c s k ille to v c rh ig h heat. Place the g a rlic and sh rim p in the s k ille t and s tir-fry u n til g a rlic is lig h tly bro w n ed and sh rim p turns pink. A dd pepper, o n io n , c ila n tro , soy sauce, and re m a in in g w ater to the ski Net. S tir-fry fo r 20 seconds. Pour the hot m ix tu re onto the cabbage. This will melt in your mouth! This pork tender­ loin soaks up the yummy juices as it cooks. Make sure to serve the au jus on the side - it's amaz­ ing! Start the slow cooker before leaving fo r work, and enjoy the feast without the fuss when you get home. Ingredients fo r life SAFEWAY O RANCHERS Slow Cooker Pork Tenderloin Prep Time: 15 Min. Yields: 6 Servings DIRECTIONS 1. Place p o rk te n d e rlo in in s lo w co o ke r w ith the contents o f soup packet. INGREDIENTS • (2 po un d) p o rk te n d e rlo in • 1(1 ounce) envelope d ry o n io n soup 2. Pour w ater, w in e and soy sauce o ve r the top o f meat as tu rn in g to eoat. Rancher's Reserve Angus Beef Chuck Pot Roast 3. C a re fu lly spread g a rlic o v e r p o rk, n ix le a vin g as m uch on to p o f the roast • 1 -cup w ater • % c u p red w in e • 3 tbs. m inced g a rlic • 3 tbs. soy sauce • */2tsp. G ro u n d black pepper (to taste) d u rin g c o o k in g as possible. S p rin kle Lean Ground Beef 80% Lean 20% Fat. SAVE up to $1.50 lb. Boneless. SAVE up to $2 50 lb w ith pepper. 4. C o o k on lo w settin g fo r at least 4 hours. (R e s e rv e c o o k in g ju ic e fo r au ju s ) 5. Serve w ith au jus. Throw Together O le’ Casserole Prep Time: 10 m inutes Cook time: 40 m inutes I" . " Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast 1 1 M Butcher's Cut. Grade A Locally Grown SAVE up to $1 SO lb .. IB Wild Alaskan Sockeye * * Salmon Fillets FrorenZthawtd SAVE up Io 13 M lb dM H INGREDIENTS • 1-pound g ro un d beef • 1 (1 5 ounce) can sweet c o m , drained • '/a cup o n io n , chopped • */a cup m ild , c h u n k y salsa • I sm all can chopped green c h ilic s , Sweet Navel Oranges drained • 3 */2 - 4 cups to r tilla chips Large Hass Avocados O ' Organics S alads Club Price: $100 ea. • SAVE up to 79« on 1 5-02 package. Selected varieties SAVE up to S3 79 on 2 • (4 cup sliced black o live s I (15.25 ounce) can k id n e y beans, drained and rinsed • I can R otel tom atoes • I package taco seasoning m ix • I sm all can to m a to sauce • I cup grated C heddar-Jack cheese Ground beef, olives, tortilla chips, corn, Rotel tomatoes and taco seasoning give this throw together casserole a delicious Southwest flavor. blen d • I s m a llco n ta in e rso u rcre a m (o p tio n a l, Find it at the gift card display! DIRECTIONS 1. Preheat oven: 350 degrees F. 2. In a s k ille t o v e r m ed iu m heat, coo k the g ro un d beef u n til e ve n ly b ro w n : dra in . 3. In a large b o w l co m b in e : beef, co m , o n io n , o liv e s , green c h ilie s , beans, taco seasoning and tom ato sauce (add sour cream i f desired). 4. In a 9 x 13 ba kin g dish: arrange to r tilla ch ip s to co ve r the bo tto m o f dish, co ve r w ith m ix tu re fro m b o w l. D riz z le w ith salsa and top w ith cheese. C o v e r and bake, 30 • HOLIDAY ■ CHEER PARTY m inutes o r u n til heated throu gh ou t. You're Invited. Garden Veggie Turkey Casserole Prep Time: 10 Min INGREDIENTS • 3 cups cubed tu rk e y o r chicken • 2 cups frozen m ixe d vegetables • 2 cups frozen b ro c c o li flo re ts • I can ( 10.75 o unce) condensed cream G eneral M ills Cereal Celebrate the Holiday Season with us. B IIV O N E ,G E T O N E Keebler M ix N' M atch Sale 10 to 13 75-02 Selected varieties Club Price: $1 66 ea. SAVE up Io $ 71 9 on 3 81 to 16-02 Selected varieties SAVE up to S3 99 on 2 Safeway Butter Top Bread IB-Pack Budweiser. Miller or Coors Thursday, December 7th 4 to 8 pm o f ch icke n soup, u n d ilu te d • I can ( 10.75 ounce) condensed cream o f m ush roo m soup, u n d ilu te d • ‘/2 cu p chopped o n io n • '/ a tsp. G a rlic p o w d e r • '/ a tsp. C e le ry seed • I cup grated C heddar cheese DIRECTIONS 1. In a large b o w l, c o m b in e a ll in g re d i­ ents. T ra n sfe r to a greased I l " x 7 " x 2 " Use canned goods and frozen vegetables to hurry along this creamy main dish. Serve it with biscuits fo r a meal your fam ily will love...mine sure does! b a kin g dish. 2. S p rin k le cheese o v e r top. C o v e r w ith Taste what we have to make your holiday enter­ taining effortless. Enjoy sampling throughout the store. Pre-order all your holiday needs. Enjoy great food, Arrowhead Water 24-pac* 16 9-02 bottles Club Price $4 50 ea SAVE up to (7 98 oil 2 22 5-02 Homestyle White ot Wheat SAVE up to S3 99 on 2 12-02 bottles Selected varieties Plus deposit ip Oregon SAVE up to $4 00 "S ave Bign Match; great atmosphere and meet and greet our staff. fo il and bake, at 350degrees F. fo r 3 0 to 4 0 m inutes o r u n til cheese has m elted and h x x l is heated th ro u g h o u t. S tir before serving . Safeway SELECT Softly Bath Tissue Motts Apple Juice 12-Double 24-Smote or 8-Tnple Roll. Club Pnce $4 Mea. SAVE up to 14 U n 2 To make life easier for meal preparations, the ‘FoodSection’ will present an assortment of hearty, healthy and user-friendly winter and holiday recipes. For recipe requests or suggestions contact: Subject:FoodSection iHgKz' -«•os* Look for the circled price: 64-02 Selected vari­ eties Club Pnce S, 25 ea SAVE up to 15 71 on 4 NOV-DEC • f t rm 99« Mt «9» <91 »» I I J 4 I BI o t you SAwvy 0 l ö W Ä AU UMiïS ARE PER HOUSEHOLD, PER DAY I t ,' x t ™ « K * am M “ """« < io m < r ir r t h «-» •» twid itcrr her « R( tw Mw, ' k k i i »i V.***1’ ’ Pn n 'W in O n Bus One, («et One Free (B O G O 1 öfters, m customer must pur« 1 the fin i Hem r co )CO » .tern purchased. ihr reblar pme Manota turen' coupons mar be used on purchased items only - no, on free nrms f 21M» Salrwov Stores. Im .■ ** * * ' it tvpograpb- ales Ito