Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 29, 2006, Page 11, Image 11

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    November 29, 2006
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Page B5
R eligion
A dvertise w ith diversify in
C a ll 5O 3-288-OO 33
Highland Christian Center Celebrates
Weekend of
events planned
J. Moss
Moss also has been the co-writer senior pastor of Mt. Sinai COGIC,
and producer behind some of the Pomona, Calif., will be the guest
biggest artists in both Gospel and speaker.
mainstream music. His CD "The J.
All events are free and open to
Moss Project" marks the unfolding the public under the direction of
of a new era in modern Gospel mu­ Highland Pastor Rev. Dr. W.G.
Hardy Jr.
The final service of the re-dedi­
For more information, call 503-
cation is on Sunday, Dec. 3 at 11:15 287-9567 or visit the church's
a.m. when Rev. Dr. Terrance Rhone. website at highlandministries.org.
Dear Deanna!
I'm worried about my sister be­
cause she is the type of woman that
has to be in a relationship. She
recently ended a 6-year romance
and after two weeks, already is get­
ting serious about someone new. I
think she needs to clear her head
and realize she is on the rebound.
She has already told this man she
loves him and I want her to slow
down. What can I say to her in order
to spare her feelings but sti II get my
message across? -A nonym ous;
St. Louis, Mo.
Dear Anonymous:
It’s good that you’re concerned
because this is your sister and you
love her. If she’s not being hurt and
there aren't any foul signs of abuse
or cheating from this man, you
should wait and see what happens.
However, it’s too early to see his
true character and as an experi­
enced dater, your sister should see
the signs when they appear. Share
your honest feelings with her about
slowing down and let her know she
has your full support if things don't
work out.
Highland Christian Center,
7600N.E. Glisan St., invites local
residents to participate in Civic
Night starting at 5 p.m. on Satur­
day, Dec. 2 to promote the build­
ing of a better community.
Civic and faith-based leaders
will discuss issues relevant to
the community and the important
role of faith based initiatives.
Participants include Portland
Mayor loin Potter; State Sen.
Avel Gordly; Rev. Dr. T. Allen
Bethel of the Albina Ministerial
Alliance; Roy Jay of the African
American Chamber of Commerce
and organizer of Project Clean
Slate; Diane Linn, Multnomah
County chair; Jean Avison of the
United Church of Christ; Port­
land Pol ice Chief Rosie Sizer and
many others.
For more information, contact
Highland Christian Center at 503-
28 7 -9 5 6 7
v isit
him I wanted my key back and he
said if I take it from him or change
the locks, the relationship is over.
Was it a mistake to give him a key
in the first place? —Tanya: On-Line
Dear Tanya:
If his name isn’ton the lease then he
shouldn’t have a key. You made
yourself vulnerable because he
knows you w on't entertain anyone
else since he can show up at any
time. H e's not going to give you a
Real People, Real Advice key because he's not as committed
as you are. You should take your
Ail advice column known fo r
its fearless approach to reality key and if that’s the only thing that
can end the relationship, then you
based subjects!
don't need him. If he refuses, then
change your locks, make him knock
on the door for a visit and keep it
Dear Deanna!
My boyfriend and I have dated for
3-years and I gave him a key to my Dear Deanna!
apartment. Now that he can come I was jailed for the past 15 years.
in, eat, sleep and go as he pleases, I’m free now and having a hard
things have changed. He doesn't time adjusting. So many things
come over as often and when he have changed and I feel lost in a
does, it’s late at night. I've asked world that is so fast. I can ’t use a
him for a key to his place but he said com puter, the cell phones are in­
no without an explanation. I told tim idating and everything costs
so much. It's a challenge trying
to survive and make it working
minimum wage. I neverw anttogo
back to jail but drug dealing made
my life so easy. What can I do to
keep from giving in the urge to
deal drugs again? —Sam P.;
Decatur, Ga.
Dear Sam:
Pray hard and remember the life you
lost in jail. Think about the confine­
ment, prison food and neglect you
suffered. If that's not enough, think
of the people you destroy while
selling them drugs. If you’re not
doing well on your minimum wage
job, then go to the next level and get
a second job. Once you get that
going, max yourself out with col­
lege courses. You’ll be so busy
making honest money and improv­
ing yourself that you w on't think
about drug dealing.
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna
M. Write Ask Deanna! Email:
askdeanna! @ yahoo.com or 264
S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283
Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website:
a d s @ p o rtla n d o b s e rv e r.c o m
USPS 959-680 ____ ____________________________
4747 NE Martin Luther King. Jr. Blvd., Portland. OR 97211
. Pi hi is io k : Charles H. Washington
Einron.M ichael L eig h to n
P> m n Ninrinss: M ark W a sh in g to n
Cittsrnr Dmn mu: P aul N e u fe ld t
Orner. lU nanii: K a th y L in d e r
KirunoH: Sarah Blount
t h i l l h (O b s e v u c r
1 IJnrtlaub (fftb&eruer Established 1970
Civic Night
The Highland Christian Center,
formerly Highland United Church
of Christ, is re-dedicating its new
multicultural church facility with an
anointed, power packed and spirit-
filled celebration beginning Friday,
Dec. I through Sunday, Dec. 3.
Several national and local digni­
taries will participate in the events
at the church’s new location at 76(X I
The opening service starts on
Friday at 7 p.m. with guest speaker.
Bishop Charles Blake, first assis­
tant presiding bishop of the Church
of God in Christ.
On Saturday at 5 pm., a group of
public and community leaders will
participate in “Civic N ighf’discuss-
ing the importance of the faith based
community's role in helping tocre-
ate healthy communities.
Also Saturday, national record­
ing artist J. Moss will perform live in
concert. Moss is an excellent Gos­
pel vocalist who has become one of
the most powerful forces in modem
Gospel and Soul music, combining
traditional messages with modem
arrangements and hip-hop beats.
I l , r
in -C h i u
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C E T )h
rir 0 f In Loving Mem°ry °f Alice O- Guinn
• I
Jefferson Grad
Harold Leon G riffith
A funeral was held Friday in Highland United
Church of Christ in Portland for Harold Leon Griffith,
who died Nov. 19,2006 at age 40.
He was bom Feb. 18, 1966, in Portland. He
graduated from Jefferson High School and W est­
ern Culinary Institute. In 2(MM), he moved to
Bozeman, Mont., where he was a chef.
Survivors include his sons, Jonathan and
Kegan: a chi Id he helped raise. Kale Lanius; mother,
Rebecca Ross; and brother. Jimmie.
Remembrances to AIDS research at Oregon
Health & Science University Foundation. Arrange­
ments by Ross Hollywood Chapel.
Concert, Jazz
Ensemble Presents
The fall concert season will
come to a close on a fanfare
with the rousing sounds of
brass, woodwinds, and per­
cussion when the University
of Portland's concert band and
jazz ensemble performs a con­
cert Wednesday, Dec. 6 at
7:30 p.m. in Buckley Center
A uditorium ,
Willamette Blvd.
The concert is free and open
to the public. For more infor­
mation. contact the college’s
department of performing &
fine arts at 50.3-943-7228.
Services will
will be be held
held at at 11 11 a.m.
a.m. Thursday.
Nov. 30atZellerChapel of the Roses, 2107 N.E.
Broadway, for Alice Guinn who died Nov. 24,
2006 at age 69 after several years battling an
She was born in June 21,1937
in Curtis, Ark. toGladys and James
In 1955, she married Rayford
Guinn in Arkadelphia, Ark., and
the following year, moved to Port­
land. To this union, four children
were born: Kenneth Ray of Reno,
Nev„ Dennis James of Vancouver,
and Vicki Elaine and Sharon Kay, both of
Portland. She was also a mother-figure to
many others. Her sense of humor and quick-
wit attracted many people to her. She was
always willing to share a funny story, some
wisdom, and advice to uplift someone’s spirit.
She worked in nursing for many years.
tir e m e n t t they
After her
her and
and her
her husband's
husband's r e retirement,
enjoyed traveling, going on several cruises,
visiting out-of-town relatives and attending
family reunions. They were members of Greater
St. Stephen Missionary Baptist Church.
Through the discomfort of her ill­
ness, she continued to do the things
she loved, going to church, shopping,
and visiting family. She loved and
adored her five grandchildren: Hallie
Johnson Jr., Eric Eatton, Jordan Guinn,
Andrea Guinn, and Allyson Guinn
She leaves to mourn her passing,
her husband of 51 years; four children, five
grandchildren, sister Venita Griffith < Will > of
Burke, Va.; brother James Mitchell Jr. (M ary)
ol Kansas City, Mo., several uncles, an aunt,
and a host of other fami ly members and friends
who loved her. She was preceded in death by
a brother, Roger Mitchell and her parents.
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